
Welcome to the SphereWMS API v2.27.0 guide. This documentation is provided to the end client to explain how to use this api to interact with SphereWMS.


This api follows most of the standards for a REST api. That means that the calls are stateless (no session handling) and url paths are designed for easy understanding. In order to use this API, you will need to be able to connect to the api server via HTTP and use methods like GET, POST, and DELETE. You should be able to use curl (available in most programming languages) to make requests to the server, but can also use javascript ajax calls if you are writing client side applications.

Accessing the API

You will be assigned an api key and environment name from the SphereWMS support team which is needed to access the api.

The following is the url endpoint for the api:


Requests are constructed as follows:

You can pass api key in url.


You can pass api key in header part of the request.

Request Header

You can pass api key as authorization bearer in header part of the request.

Request Header
Authorization:Bearer {api_key}

All responses are returned in JSON. Like CURL, most programming languages have access to a parser that will convert JSON into usable data.

For the purpose of this document, our environment name will be [faes-api] and the key will not be added to the url examples to keep things readable. Please note that your API key only allows access to the environment and client codes which have been enabled by the SphereWMS support team.

Important Notes

  • The listing API endpoints support pagination via the limit and page parameters.
  • Fields that are of the type date or datetime can be provided in any ISO datetime format and have some understanding of time based language
    • 2019-12-01
    • 2019-12-01 12:25:00
    • today
    • yesterday


Clients are used to separate inventory and transactions in the system. Typically there will be more than one client when you are acting as a third party logistics (3PL) provider for multiple customers.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED A unique code for each client record
name string (50) REQUIRED The client name
address_1 string (50) Address line #1
address_2 string (50) Address line #2
city string (35) City
state_province string (35) State or province
zip_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
country string (3) Country Code
contact_name string (30) Contact name
contact_phone string (22) Contact phone number
contact_email string (60) Contact email address
yes_no_fields_1 integer Inactive flag (0=Active, 1=Inactive)
yes_no_fields_2 integer Pick validation flag (0=No pick validation, 1=Pick validation required)
admin_flags_11 integer Package assignment flag (0=No package assignment, 1=User entered package id, 2=Auto generated package id)

Client Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/clients


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter


Code Description
Successful operation
    "client_code": "100",
    "name": "Client 100",
    "address_1": "2850 Lake Vista Drive",
    "address_2": "Suite 100",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state_province": "TX",
    "zip_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "John Doe",
    "contact_phone": "101-010-1010",
    "contact_email": "john.doe@spherewms.com",
    "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
    "admin_flags_11": 0
    "client_code": "200",
    "name": "Client 200",
    "address_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "address_2": "Suite 200",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_province": "CA",
    "zip_code": "20200",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "Jane Doe",
    "contact_phone": "202-020-2020",
    "contact_email": "jane.doe@spherewms.com",
    "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
    "admin_flags_11": 0

Client Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/client/{client_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "name": "Client 100",
  "address_1": "2850 Lake Vista Drive",
  "address_2": "Suite 100",
  "city": "Dallas",
  "state_province": "TX",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "John Doe",
  "contact_phone": "101-010-1010",
  "contact_email": "john.doe@spherewms.com",
  "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
  "admin_flags_11": 0
Client not found

Locations (Inventory Accounts)

Locations (Inventory Accounts) are used for each warehouse location. They can also be utilized as virtual locations to isolate inventory into unallocatable locations such as quarantined, damaged, missing, etc...

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
location_id integer (3) REQUIRED This is a unique three digit numeric code that is assigned to each location
division_code integer (3)
REQUIRED This is a unique three digit numeric code that is assigned to each location
NOTE: This field name has been deprecated in favor of location_id and may be removed in a future release
location_name string (50) REQUIRED The location name
address_1 string (50) Address line #1
address_2 string (50) Address line #2
city string (35) City
state_province string (35) State or province
zip_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
country string (3) Country Code
contact_name string (20) Contact name
phone_number string (22) Contact phone number
contact_title string (20) Contact title

Location Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invaccts


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter


Code Description
Successful operation
    "client_code": "100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "division_code": 100,
    "location_name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "address_1": "100 Main St",
    "address_2": "Suite 100",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state_province": "TX",
    "zip_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "",
    "contact_title": "",
    "phone_number": ""
    "client_code": "100",
    "location_id": 101,
    "division_code": 101,
    "location_name": "Returns 100",
    "address_1": "100 Main St",
    "address_2": "Suite 100",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state_province": "TX",
    "zip_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "",
    "contact_title": "",
    "phone_number": ""

Location Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invacct/{location_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer (3) REQUIRED The location id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "division_code": 100,
  "location_name": "Finished Goods 100",
  "address_1": "100 Main St",
  "address_2": "Suite 100",
  "city": "Dallas",
  "state_province": "TX",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "",
  "contact_title": "",
  "phone_number": ""
Location not found

Location Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invacct


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The location data for the create operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "location_id": 102,
  "division_code": 102,
  "location_name": "QC Hold 100",
  "address_1": "100 Main St",
  "address_2": "Suite 100",
  "city": "Dallas",
  "state_province": "TX",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "",
  "contact_title": "",
  "phone_number": ""


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "location_id": 102,
  "division_code": 102,
  "location_name": "QC Hold 100",
  "address_1": "100 Main St",
  "address_2": "Suite 100",
  "city": "Dallas",
  "state_province": "TX",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "",
  "contact_title": "",
  "phone_number": ""

Location Update

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invacct/{location_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer (3) REQUIRED This is the unique three digit numeric code for the location to be updated
REQUIRED The location data for the update operation
  "location_name": "QC Hold 100",
  "address_1": "200 Main St",
  "address_2": "Suite 200",
  "city": "Dallas",
  "state_province": "TX",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US"


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "location_id": 102,
  "division_code": 102,
  "location_name": "QC Hold 100",
  "address_1": "200 Main St",
  "address_2": "Suite 200",
  "city": "Dallas",
  "state_province": "TX",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "",
  "contact_title": "",
  "phone_number": ""
Location not found

Location Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invacct/{location_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer (3) REQUIRED The location id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
Location not found


Products are the items being managed using SphereWMS.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
uid_no integer READ ONLY Auto generated sequence number (product_id)
dates_1 date READ ONLY The date the product was created
product_code string (30) REQUIRED A unique product code
description_1 string (40) REQUIRED The primary description of the product
description_2 string (40) A secondary description of the product
short_descr string (15) A very short description of the product
upc_code string (12) A UPC for the product
model_number string (10) A model number for the product
hts_number string (12) The HTS number for the product
commodity_code string (5) A commodity code for the product
product_line string (5) A product line for the product
product_group string (5) A product group for the product
product_type string (5) A product type for the product
purch_qty_uom string (4) The receiving unit of measure
order_qtys_15 float (5,2) The receiving unit of measure conversion factor
purch_pack_qty integer The receiving standard pack quantity
stock_qty_uom string (4) The inventory unit of measure
order_qtys_16 float (5,2) The inventory unit of measure conversion factor
sell_qty_uom string (4) The shipping unit of measure
order_qtys_17 float (5,2) The shipping unit of measure conversion factor
sell_pack_qty integer The shipping standard pack quantity
qty_on_hand integer The total quantity on hand for this product
cust_ord_qty_1 integer The total quantity on order for this product
supp_ord_qty_1 integer The total quantity on ARNs for this product
order_qtys_1 integer The minimum purchasing quantity
order_qtys_2 integer The most economical purchasing quantity
order_qtys_3 integer The reorder point quantity
order_qtys_4 integer The suggested on hand quantity
order_qtys_6 integer The minimum on hand quantity
order_qtys_7 integer The maximum on hand quantity
order_qtys_13 integer A minimum order quantity
order_qtys_14 integer A maximum order quantity
order_qtys_18 integer The number of units per inner case
order_qtys_12 integer The number of inner cases per case
order_qtys_11 integer The number of cases per pallet
measures_1 float (10,2) The unit weight
measures_2 float (10,2) The unit cube
measures_3 float (10,2) The unit length
measures_4 float (10,2) The unit width
measures_5 float (10,2) The unit height
costs_1 float (10,2) The average cost
costs_2 float (10,2) The base cost
costs_4 float (10,2) The supplier cost
prices_1 float (10,2) The average price
mfg_sugg_l_prc float (10,2) The manufacturer's suggested list price
our_list_price float (10,2) The actual list price
supplier_code string (15) The supplier code for the supplier of the product. Only used if product is always from a single supplier.
supp_part_no string (30) The supplier product code for the supplier of the product. Only used if product is always from a single supplier.
serial_no_flag integer
REQUIRED This flag indicates if the product requires serial or tag tracking
1=Not used, 2=Serial, 3=Tag, 4=Bulk-in/Serial-out
lot_no_flag integer
REQUIRED This flag indicates if the product requires lot tracking
0=No, 1=Yes
bin_loc_flag integer
REQUIRED This flag indicates if the product is stored in bin locations
0=No, 1=Yes
fifo_lifo_flag integer
REQUIRED This flag indicates if the product requires FIFO or expiration date tracking
1=Not used, 2=Date received, 3=Scan date, 4=Manual date
bom_kit_flag integer
This flag indicates if the product is an assembly/kit master or a component of an assembly/kit
1=Assembly/Kit master, 2=Component
non_stocked integer
If the bom_kit_flag indicates the product is an assembly/kit master then this flag indicates if the assembly/kit is stocked or if it is assembled when it is ordered
0=Assembly is stocked, 1=Assembly is not stocked
yes_no_fields_1 integer
REQUIRED This flag indicates if the product is active
0=Active, 1=Inactive
yes_no_fields_4 integer
This flag indicates if the product or upc must be validated when using mobile scanning devices
0=No product scan required, 1=Product scan is required
yes_no_fields_5 integer This is a generic flag
yes_no_fields_6 integer This is a generic flag
yes_no_fields_7 integer This is a generic flag
yes_no_fields_8 integer This is a generic flag
yes_no_fields_9 integer This is a generic flag
seasonal_code integer
This flag indicates if the product is seasonal
0=No, 1=Yes
pop_class string (1) The product popularity class code
non_taxable integer
This flag indicates if the product is non-taxable
0=No, 1=Yes
non_discounted integer
This flag indicates if the product is non-discounted
0=No, 1=Yes
bin_location string (15) This is a default bin location
clntserv_code1 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code2 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code3 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code4 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code5 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code6 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code7 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code8 string (15) This is a generic reference field
clntserv_code9 string (15) This is a generic reference field
currency string (3) The default currency for the product
addl_keywords string (30) Additional space separated keywords for searching
ibill_code string (30) The products initial storage billing code
abill_code string (30) The products anniversary storage billing code
notes_1 text General notes or a longer description for the product

Product Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/products


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
string (30) Filter results for the specified product code (* may be used as a wildcard)
string (5) Filter results for the specified product line
string (40) Filter results for the specified primary description (* may be used as a wildcard)
string (40) Filter results for the specified secondary description (* may be used as a wildcard)
integer Filter results for the specified yes_no_fields_1
integer Filter results for the specified yes_no_fields_4
integer Filter results for the specified yes_no_fields_5
integer Filter results for the specified yes_no_fields_6
integer Filter results for the specified yes_no_fields_7
integer Filter results for the specified yes_no_fields_8
integer Filter results for the specified yes_no_fields_9


Code Description
Successful operation
        "client_code": "100",
        "uid_no": 21,
        "dates_1": "20200330",
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD",
        "description_1": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ManDate",
        "description_2": "",
        "short_descr": "Widget-Lot-NoST",
        "upc_code": "000000000000",
        "model_number": "",
        "hts_number": "",
        "commodity_code": "",
        "product_line": "",
        "product_group": "GRPB",
        "product_type": "",
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "order_qtys_15": 0,
        "purch_pack_qty": 12,
        "purch_cost_uom": "EA",
        "stock_qty_uom": "EA",
        "order_qtys_16": 0,
        "stock_cost_uom": "EA",
        "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
        "order_qtys_17": 0,
        "sell_pack_qty": 12,
        "sell_price_uom": "EA",
        "qty_on_hand": 130,
        "cust_ord_qty_1": 2,
        "supp_ord_qty_1": 20,
        "cust_quote_qty": 0,
        "order_qtys_1": 0,
        "order_qtys_2": 0,
        "order_qtys_3": 0,
        "order_qtys_4": 250,
        "order_qtys_6": 150,
        "order_qtys_7": 300,
        "order_qtys_13": 0,
        "order_qtys_14": 0,
        "order_qtys_18": 0,
        "order_qtys_12": 0,
        "order_qtys_11": 0,
        "measures_1": 0,
        "measures_2": 0,
        "measures_3": 0,
        "measures_4": 0,
        "measures_5": 0,
        "costs_1": 2,
        "costs_2": 2,
        "costs_4": 0,
        "prices_1": 2.75,
        "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0,
        "our_list_price": 2.75,
        "supplier_code": "SUPPLIER2",
        "supp_part_no": "",
        "serial_no_flag": 1,
        "lot_no_flag": 1,
        "bin_loc_flag": 1,
        "fifo_lifo_flag": 4,
        "bom_kit_flag": 0,
        "non_stocked": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_4": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_5": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_6": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_7": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_8": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_9": 0,
        "seasonal_code": 0,
        "pop_class": "",
        "non_taxable": 0,
        "non_discounted": 0,
        "bin_location": "ABC123",
        "clntserv_code1": "",
        "clntserv_code2": "",
        "clntserv_code3": "",
        "clntserv_code4": "",
        "clntserv_code5": "",
        "clntserv_code6": "",
        "clntserv_code7": "",
        "clntserv_code8": "",
        "clntserv_code9": "",
        "currency": "USD",
        "replaced_by_no": "",
        "addl_keywords": "",
        "ibill_code": "TEST-BINT",
        "abill_code": "TEST-BINT",
        "notes_1": ""
        "client_code": "100",
        "uid_no": 18,
        "dates_1": "20200330",
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-ND",
        "description_1": "Widget-Lot-NoST-NoFIFO",
        "description_2": "",
        "short_descr": "",
        "upc_code": "",
        "model_number": "",
        "hts_number": "",
        "commodity_code": "",
        "product_line": "",
        "product_group": "",
        "product_type": "",
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "order_qtys_15": 0,
        "purch_pack_qty": 24,
        "purch_cost_uom": "EA",
        "stock_qty_uom": "EA",
        "order_qtys_16": 0,
        "stock_cost_uom": "EA",
        "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
        "order_qtys_17": 0,
        "sell_pack_qty": 24,
        "sell_price_uom": "EA",
        "qty_on_hand": 100,
        "cust_ord_qty_1": 0,
        "supp_ord_qty_1": 300,
        "cust_quote_qty": 0,
        "order_qtys_1": 0,
        "order_qtys_2": 0,
        "order_qtys_3": 0,
        "order_qtys_4": 200,
        "order_qtys_6": 100,
        "order_qtys_7": 500,
        "order_qtys_13": 0,
        "order_qtys_14": 0,
        "order_qtys_18": 0,
        "order_qtys_12": 0,
        "order_qtys_11": 0,
        "measures_1": 0,
        "measures_2": 0,
        "measures_3": 0,
        "measures_4": 0,
        "measures_5": 0,
        "costs_1": 0,
        "costs_2": 0.15,
        "costs_4": 0,
        "prices_1": 0,
        "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0,
        "our_list_price": 0.9,
        "supplier_code": "SUPPLIER2",
        "supp_part_no": "",
        "serial_no_flag": 1,
        "lot_no_flag": 1,
        "bin_loc_flag": 1,
        "fifo_lifo_flag": 1,
        "bom_kit_flag": 0,
        "non_stocked": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_4": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_5": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_6": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_7": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_8": 0,
        "yes_no_fields_9": 0,
        "seasonal_code": 0,
        "pop_class": "",
        "non_taxable": 0,
        "non_discounted": 0,
        "bin_location": "",
        "clntserv_code1": "",
        "clntserv_code2": "",
        "clntserv_code3": "",
        "clntserv_code4": "",
        "clntserv_code5": "",
        "clntserv_code6": "",
        "clntserv_code7": "",
        "clntserv_code8": "",
        "clntserv_code9": "",
        "currency": "USD",
        "replaced_by_no": "",
        "addl_keywords": "",
        "ibill_code": "TEST-BINT",
        "abill_code": "TEST-BINT",
        "notes_1": ""

Product Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{uid_no}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The uid_no (product_id) for the record

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{client_code}/{product_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (30) REQUIRED The product code for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
    "client_code": "100",
    "uid_no": 21,
    "dates_1": "20200330",
    "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD",
    "description_1": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ManDate",
    "description_2": "",
    "short_descr": "Widget-Lot-NoST",
    "upc_code": "000000000000",
    "model_number": "",
    "hts_number": "",
    "commodity_code": "",
    "product_line": "",
    "product_group": "GRPB",
    "product_type": "",
    "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_15": 0,
    "purch_pack_qty": 12,
    "purch_cost_uom": "EA",
    "stock_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_16": 0,
    "stock_cost_uom": "EA",
    "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_17": 0,
    "sell_pack_qty": 12,
    "sell_price_uom": "EA",
    "qty_on_hand": 130,
    "cust_ord_qty_1": 2,
    "supp_ord_qty_1": 20,
    "cust_quote_qty": 0,
    "order_qtys_1": 0,
    "order_qtys_2": 0,
    "order_qtys_3": 0,
    "order_qtys_4": 250,
    "order_qtys_6": 150,
    "order_qtys_7": 300,
    "order_qtys_13": 0,
    "order_qtys_14": 0,
    "order_qtys_18": 0,
    "order_qtys_12": 0,
    "order_qtys_11": 0,
    "measures_1": 0,
    "measures_2": 0,
    "measures_3": 0,
    "measures_4": 0,
    "measures_5": 0,
    "costs_1": 2,
    "costs_2": 2,
    "costs_4": 0,
    "prices_1": 2.75,
    "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0,
    "our_list_price": 2.75,
    "supplier_code": "SUPPLIER2",
    "supp_part_no": "",
    "serial_no_flag": 1,
    "lot_no_flag": 1,
    "bin_loc_flag": 1,
    "fifo_lifo_flag": 4,
    "bom_kit_flag": 0,
    "non_stocked": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_4": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_5": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_6": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_7": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_8": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_9": 0,
    "seasonal_code": 0,
    "pop_class": "",
    "non_taxable": 0,
    "non_discounted": 0,
    "bin_location": "ABC123",
    "clntserv_code1": "",
    "clntserv_code2": "",
    "clntserv_code3": "",
    "clntserv_code4": "",
    "clntserv_code5": "",
    "clntserv_code6": "",
    "clntserv_code7": "",
    "clntserv_code8": "",
    "clntserv_code9": "",
    "currency": "USD",
    "replaced_by_no": "",
    "addl_keywords": "",
    "ibill_code": "TEST-BINT",
    "abill_code": "TEST-BINT",
    "notes_1": ""
Product not found

Product Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The product data for the create operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "product_code": "TEST-PRODUCT-1",
  "description_1": "Test Product #1",
  "serial_no_flag": 1,
  "lot_no_flag": 0,
  "bin_loc_flag": 1,
  "fifo_lifo_flag": 2,
  "yes_no_fields_1": 0


Code Description
Successful operation
    "client_code": "100",
    "uid_no": 122,
    "dates_1": "20220203",
    "product_code": "TEST-PRODUCT-1",
    "description_1": "Test Product #1",
    "description_2": "",
    "short_descr": "",
    "upc_code": "",
    "model_number": "",
    "hts_number": "",
    "commodity_code": "",
    "product_line": "",
    "product_group": "",
    "product_type": "",
    "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_15": 1,
    "purch_pack_qty": 1,
    "purch_cost_uom": "EA",
    "stock_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_16": 1,
    "stock_cost_uom": "EA",
    "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_17": 1,
    "sell_pack_qty": 1,
    "sell_price_uom": "EA",
    "qty_on_hand": 0,
    "cust_ord_qty_1": 0,
    "supp_ord_qty_1": 0,
    "cust_quote_qty": 0,
    "order_qtys_1": 0,
    "order_qtys_2": 0,
    "order_qtys_3": 0,
    "order_qtys_4": 0,
    "order_qtys_6": 0,
    "order_qtys_7": 0,
    "order_qtys_13": 0,
    "order_qtys_14": 0,
    "order_qtys_18": 0,
    "order_qtys_12": 0,
    "order_qtys_11": 0,
    "measures_1": 0,
    "measures_2": 0,
    "measures_3": 0,
    "measures_4": 0,
    "measures_5": 0,
    "costs_1": 0,
    "costs_2": 0,
    "costs_4": 0,
    "prices_1": 0,
    "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0,
    "our_list_price": 0,
    "supplier_code": "",
    "supp_part_no": "",
    "serial_no_flag": 1,
    "lot_no_flag": 0,
    "bin_loc_flag": 1,
    "fifo_lifo_flag": 2,
    "bom_kit_flag": 0,
    "non_stocked": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_4": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_5": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_6": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_7": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_8": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_9": 0,
    "seasonal_code": 0,
    "pop_class": "",
    "non_taxable": 0,
    "non_discounted": 0,
    "bin_location": "",
    "clntserv_code1": "",
    "clntserv_code2": "",
    "clntserv_code3": "",
    "clntserv_code4": "",
    "clntserv_code5": "",
    "clntserv_code6": "",
    "clntserv_code7": "",
    "clntserv_code8": "",
    "clntserv_code9": "",
    "currency": "",
    "replaced_by_no": "",
    "addl_keywords": "",
    "ibill_code": "",
    "abill_code": "",
    "notes_1": ""

Product Update

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{uid_no}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The uid_no (product_id) for the record
REQUIRED The product data for the update operation
  "description_1": "Test Product #1 - Updated",
  "description_2": "(WIDGET)"

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{client_code}/{product_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (30) REQUIRED The product code for the record
REQUIRED The product data for the update operation
  "description_1": "Test Product #1 - Updated",
  "description_2": "(WIDGET)"


Code Description
Successful operation
    "client_code": "100",
    "uid_no": 122,
    "dates_1": "20220203",
    "product_code": "TEST-PRODUCT-1",
    "description_1": "Test Product #1 - Updated",
    "description_2": "(WIDGET)",
    "short_descr": "",
    "upc_code": "",
    "model_number": "",
    "hts_number": "",
    "commodity_code": "",
    "product_line": "",
    "product_group": "",
    "product_type": "",
    "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_15": 1,
    "purch_pack_qty": 1,
    "purch_cost_uom": "EA",
    "stock_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_16": 1,
    "stock_cost_uom": "EA",
    "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
    "order_qtys_17": 1,
    "sell_pack_qty": 1,
    "sell_price_uom": "EA",
    "qty_on_hand": 0,
    "cust_ord_qty_1": 0,
    "supp_ord_qty_1": 0,
    "cust_quote_qty": 0,
    "order_qtys_1": 0,
    "order_qtys_2": 0,
    "order_qtys_3": 0,
    "order_qtys_4": 0,
    "order_qtys_6": 0,
    "order_qtys_7": 0,
    "order_qtys_13": 0,
    "order_qtys_14": 0,
    "order_qtys_18": 0,
    "order_qtys_12": 0,
    "order_qtys_11": 0,
    "measures_1": 0,
    "measures_2": 0,
    "measures_3": 0,
    "measures_4": 0,
    "measures_5": 0,
    "costs_1": 0,
    "costs_2": 0,
    "costs_4": 0,
    "prices_1": 0,
    "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0,
    "our_list_price": 0,
    "supplier_code": "",
    "supp_part_no": "",
    "serial_no_flag": 1,
    "lot_no_flag": 0,
    "bin_loc_flag": 1,
    "fifo_lifo_flag": 2,
    "bom_kit_flag": 0,
    "non_stocked": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_4": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_5": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_6": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_7": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_8": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_9": 0,
    "seasonal_code": 0,
    "pop_class": "",
    "non_taxable": 0,
    "non_discounted": 0,
    "bin_location": "",
    "clntserv_code1": "",
    "clntserv_code2": "",
    "clntserv_code3": "",
    "clntserv_code4": "",
    "clntserv_code5": "",
    "clntserv_code6": "",
    "clntserv_code7": "",
    "clntserv_code8": "",
    "clntserv_code9": "",
    "currency": "",
    "replaced_by_no": "",
    "addl_keywords": "",
    "ibill_code": "",
    "abill_code": "",
    "notes_1": ""
Product not found

Product Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{uid_no}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The uid_no (product_id) for the record

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{client_code}/{product_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (30) REQUIRED The product code for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
Product not found


Kitting allows the building of kits in the inventory system. These calls are used to maintain the bill of materials (BOM) for a kit/assembly.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
assembly_product_code string (30) REQUIRED The product code for the kit/assembly
assembly_product_id integer REQUIRED The unique product id for the kit/assembly, only required if assembly_product_code is not provided
product_group string (5) A product group for the product
clntserv_code1 string (15) This is a generic reference field
components array REQUIRED An array of component product objects
components[].sequence_number integer An optional sequence number to order the components
components[].product_code string (30) REQUIRED The product code for the component
components[].product_id integer REQUIRED The unique product id for the component, only required if product_code is not provided
components[].quantity integer REQUIRED The component quantity required for the kit/assembly
components[].unit_of_measure string (4) The component product unit of measure
components[].cost float (10, 2) The component product cost

Kit Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kits


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
string (5) Filter results for the specified product group


Code Description
Successful operation
  "1": {    // <-- This is the assembly_product_id
    "client_code": "100",
    "assembly_product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1",
    "assembly_product_id": 1,
    "components": [
        "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-1",
        "product_id": 64,
        "quantity": 3,
        "sequence_number": 1,
        "unit_of_measure": "EA",
        "cost": 0
        "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-2",
        "product_id": 65,
        "quantity": 6,
        "sequence_number": 2,
        "unit_of_measure": "EA",
        "cost": 0
  "2": {    // <-- This is the assembly_product_id
    "client_code": "100",
    "assembly_product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-2",
    "assembly_product_id": 2,
    "components": [
        "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-1",
        "product_id": 64,
        "quantity": 2,
        "sequence_number": 1,
        "unit_of_measure": "EA",
        "cost": 0
        "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-2",
        "product_id": 65,
        "quantity": 2,
        "sequence_number": 2,
        "unit_of_measure": "EA",
        "cost": 0

Kit Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit/{assembly_product_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The kit/assembly product id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "assembly_product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1",
  "assembly_product_id": 1,
  "components": [
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-1",
      "product_id": 64,
      "quantity": 3,
      "sequence_number": 1,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA",
      "cost": 0
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-2",
      "product_id": 65,
      "quantity": 6,
      "sequence_number": 2,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA",
      "cost": 0
Kit/assembly not found

Kit Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The kit/assembly data for the create operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "assembly_product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1",
  "components": [
      "sequence_number": 1,
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-1",
      "quantity": 6,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA"
      "sequence_number": 2,
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-2",
      "quantity": 6,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA"


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "assembly_product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1",
  "assembly_product_id": 1,
  "components": [
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-1",
      "product_id": 64,
      "quantity": 6,
      "sequence_number": 1,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA",
      "cost": 0
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-2",
      "product_id": 65,
      "quantity": 6,
      "sequence_number": 2,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA",
      "cost": 0

Kit Update

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit/{assembly_product_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The kit/assembly product id for the record
REQUIRED The kit/assembly data for the update operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "assembly_product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1",
  "components": [
      "sequence_number": 1,
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-1",
      "quantity": 3,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA"
      "sequence_number": 2,
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-2",
      "quantity": 3,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA"


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "assembly_product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1",
  "assembly_product_id": 1,
  "components": [
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-1",
      "product_id": 64,
      "quantity": 3,
      "sequence_number": 1,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA",
      "cost": 0
      "product_code": "KIT-COMPONENT-2",
      "product_id": 65,
      "quantity": 3,
      "sequence_number": 2,
      "unit_of_measure": "EA",
      "cost": 0
Kit/assembly not found

Kit Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit/{assembly_product_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The kit/assembly product id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
Kit/assembly not found


Suppliers are the providers of items that are purchased and received.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
supplier_code integer READ ONLY Auto generated sequence number
client_st_supp string (15) REQUIRED A unique supplier code
name string (50) REQUIRED The supplier name
address_1 string (50) Address line #1
address_2 string (50) Address line #2
address_3 string (50) Address line #3
address_4 string (50) Address line #4
city string (35) City
state_province string (35) State or province
zip_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
country string (3) Country Code
contact_name string (30) Contact name
telephone_1 string (22) Contact phone number
ext_cust_ref string (50) Custom reference

Supplier Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/suppliers


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code


Code Description
Successful operation
    "client_code": "100",
    "supplier_code": "1",
    "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER1",
    "name": "SUPPLIER1",
    "address_1": "100 First St",
    "address_2": "Suite 100",
    "address_3": "",
    "address_4": "",
    "city": "Los Angeles",
    "state_province": "CA",
    "zip_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "ASPGS Support",
    "telephone_1": "101-010-1010",
    "ext_cust_ref": ""
    "client_code": "100",
    "supplier_code": "2",
    "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER2",
    "name": "SUPPLIER2",
    "address_1": "200 Second St",
    "address_2": "Suite 200",
    "address_3": "",
    "address_4": "",
    "city": "Long Beach",
    "state_province": "MN",
    "zip_code": "20200",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "ASPGS Support",
    "telephone_1": "202-020-2020",
    "ext_cust_ref": ""

Supplier Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{supplier_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The supplier_code for the record

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{client_code}/{client_st_supp}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (15) REQUIRED The supplier code for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "supplier_code": "1",
  "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER1",
  "name": "SUPPLIER1",
  "address_1": "100 First St",
  "address_2": "Suite 100",
  "address_3": "",
  "address_4": "",
  "city": "Los Angeles",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "ASPGS Support",
  "telephone_1": "101-010-1010",
  "ext_cust_ref": ""
Supplier not found

Supplier Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The supplier data for the create operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER5",
  "name": "SUPPLIER5",
  "address_1": "500 First St",
  "address_2": "Suite 500",
  "address_3": "",
  "address_4": "",
  "city": "Los Angeles",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "ASPGS Support",
  "telephone_1": "101-010-1010",
  "ext_cust_ref": ""


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "supplier_code": 10,
  "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER5",
  "name": "SUPPLIER5",
  "address_1": "500 First St",
  "address_2": "Suite 500",
  "address_3": "",
  "address_4": "",
  "city": "Los Angeles",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "ASPGS Support",
  "telephone_1": "101-010-1010",
  "ext_cust_ref": ""

Supplier Update

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{supplier_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The supplier_code for the record
REQUIRED The supplier data for the update operation
  "name": "SUPPLIER5 - Updated"

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{client_code}/{client_st_supp}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (15) REQUIRED The supplier code for the record
REQUIRED The supplier data for the update operation
  "name": "SUPPLIER5 - Updated"


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "supplier_code": "10",
  "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER5",
  "name": "SUPPLIER5 - Updated",
  "address_1": "500 First St",
  "address_2": "Suite 500",
  "address_3": "",
  "address_4": "",
  "city": "Los Angeles",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "10100",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "ASPGS Support",
  "telephone_1": "101-010-1010",
  "ext_cust_ref": ""
Supplier not found

Supplier Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{supplier_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The supplier_code for the record

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{client_code}/{client_st_supp}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (15) REQUIRED The supplier code for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
Supplier not found

Advanced Receipt Notices (ARN)

Advanced receipt notices are inbound shipments from a supplier.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
arn_reference_1 string (30) REQUIRED A unique custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_3 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_4 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_5 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_6 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_id integer READ ONLY Auto generated sequence number
arn_date date The date the ARN was created
expected_date date The date the shipment is expected to arrive
created_on datetime READ ONLY The datetime that the ARN was created in the system
status_code integer READ ONLY A code representing the current put away status
status string READ ONLY A string representing the current put away status
notes string (50) A custom notes string assigned to the ARN
ship_from object REQUIRED An object containing the ship from supplier information
ship_from.code string (15) REQUIRED The supplier code
ship_from.name string (50) REQUIRED The supplier name
ship_from.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
ship_from.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
ship_from.city string (35) City
ship_from.state_or_province string (35) State or province
ship_from.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
ship_from.country string (3) Country Code
ship_from.contact_name string (30) Contact name
ship_from.phone_number string (22) Contact phone number
location_id integer (3) REQUIRED This is the location code for the warehouse that will be receiving the items on this shipment
shipping object An object containing shipping information
shipping.carrier_code string (30) The carrier code for the carrier transporting the shipment
shipping.service_code string (30) The service level code for the shipping service being used for the shipment
shipping.tracking_number string (30) The tracking number for the shipment
shipping.total_package_count integer The total number of packages on the shipment
shipping.total_package_weight float (10,2) The total package weight for the shipment
shipping.cost float (10,2) The shipping cost for the shipment
total_amount float (10,2) The total value of the items on the shipment
items array REQUIRED An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) READ ONLY Auto generated sequential line number
items[].supplier_line integer REQUIRED This is a unique line number assigned by the supplier system if applicable
items[].external_line integer This is a line number assigned by another system if applicable
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) REQUIRED This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].product_description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].supplier_product_code string (30) This is the supplier product code for the item on this line
items[].quantity_expected integer REQUIRED This is the item quantity expected for this line
items[].quantity_putaway integer READ ONLY This is the current item quantity put away for this line
items[].purch_qty_uom string (4) This is the item unit of measure code for this line
items[].cost float (10,2) This is the item unit cost for this line
items[].promo_code string (5) This is promotional code for this line
items[].custom_dimension_1 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_2 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_3 string (15) This is a custom line level reference
items[].line_date_1 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_notes_1 text Additional notes for this line
items[].line_notes_2 text Additional notes for this line
items[].line_reference_1 string (30) This is custom reference string for this line
items[].details array READ ONLY An array of item put away details
items[].details[].to_bin string (20) READ ONLY Put away bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date READ ONLY Put away FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) READ ONLY Put away lot number
items[].details[].serial_number string (20) READ ONLY Put away serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer READ ONLY Put away quantity

ARN Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arns


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified arn_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified arn_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified ARN date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified ARN date
date Filter results equal to the specified ARN date
string Filter results equal to the specified ARN reference
string Filter results equal to the specified ARN reference
string Filter results equal to the specified ARN reference


Code Description
Successful operation
    "arn_id": 101,
    "client_code": "100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "New/Open",
    "status_code": 0,
    "arn_reference_1": "10101",
    "arn_reference_2": "",
    "arn_reference_3": "",
    "arn_reference_4": "",
    "arn_reference_5": "",
    "arn_reference_6": "",
    "arn_date": "20190726",
    "expected_date": "",
    "created_on": 20190726133022,
    "ship_from": {
      "code": "SUPPLIER1",
      "name": "SUPPLIER1",
      "street_1": "",
      "street_2": "",
      "city": "",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "",
      "country": "",
      "contact_name": "",
      "phone_number": ""
    "shipping": {
      "carrier_code": "UPS",
      "service_code": "Ground",
      "cost": 0,
      "tracking_number": "",
      "total_package_weight": 0,
      "total_package_count": 0
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 28,
        "product_code": "Widget-L-T-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-TG-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 10,
        "quantity_putaway": 0,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": []
        "line": 2,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 8,
        "product_code": "Widget-X-S-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-SN-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 3,
        "quantity_putaway": 0,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": []
    "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here",
    "total_amount": 0
    "arn_id": 102,
    "client_code": "100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "New/Open",
    "status_code": 0,
    "arn_reference_1": "10202",
    "arn_reference_2": "",
    "arn_reference_3": "",
    "arn_reference_4": "",
    "arn_reference_5": "",
    "arn_reference_6": "",
    "ownership_type": "",
    "arn_date": "20190726",
    "expected_date": "",
    "created_on": 20190726133022,
    "ship_from": {
      "code": "SUPPLIER2",
      "name": "SUPPLIER2",
      "street_1": "",
      "street_2": "",
      "city": "",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "",
      "country": "",
      "contact_name": "",
      "phone_number": ""
    "shipping": {
      "carrier_code": "UPS",
      "service_code": "Ground",
      "cost": 0,
      "tracking_number": "",
      "total_package_weight": 0,
      "total_package_count": 0
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 18,
        "product_code": "Widget-L-N-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 100,
        "quantity_putaway": 0,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": []
        "line": 2,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 23,
        "product_code": "Widget-L-S-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-SN-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 3,
        "quantity_putaway": 0,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": []
        "line": 3,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 3,
        "product_code": "Widget-X-N-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-NoST-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 100,
        "quantity_putaway": 0,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": []
    "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here",
    "total_amount": 0

ARN Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn/{arn_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The arn_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "arn_id": 101,
  "client_code": "100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "New/Open",
  "status_code": 0,
  "arn_reference_1": "10101",
  "arn_reference_2": "",
  "arn_reference_3": "",
  "arn_reference_4": "",
  "arn_reference_5": "",
  "arn_reference_6": "",
  "arn_date": "20190726",
  "expected_date": "",
  "created_on": 20190726133022,
  "ship_from": {
    "code": "SUPPLIER1",
    "name": "SUPPLIER1",
    "street_1": "",
    "street_2": "",
    "city": "",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "",
    "country": "",
    "contact_name": "",
    "phone_number": ""
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "UPS",
    "service_code": "Ground",
    "cost": 0,
    "tracking_number": "",
    "total_package_weight": 0,
    "total_package_count": 0
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "supplier_line": 0,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 28,
      "product_code": "Widget-L-T-ND",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-TG-NoFIFO",
      "quantity_expected": 10,
      "quantity_putaway": 0,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": []
      "line": 2,
      "supplier_line": 0,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 8,
      "product_code": "Widget-X-S-ND",
      "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-SN-NoFIFO",
      "quantity_expected": 3,
      "quantity_putaway": 0,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": []
  "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here",
  "total_amount": 0
ARN not found

ARN Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The ARN data for the create operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "arn_reference_1": "ARNTEST-1",
  "arn_date": "today",
  "ship_from": {
    "code": "SUPPLIER1",
    "name": "SUPPLIER1",
    "street_1": "100 First St",
    "street_2": "Suite 100",
    "city": "Los Angeles",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "Support",
    "phone_number": "101-010-1010"
  "location_id": 100,
  "items": [
      "supplier_line": 1,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "quantity_expected": 20,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 5.50,
      "details": []
      "supplier_line": 2,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "quantity_expected": 10,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 2.25
      "details": [
          "to_bin": "0028",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "2024-09-17",
          "lot_number": "LOT1",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 10


Code Description
Successful operation
  "arn_id": 120,
  "client_code": "100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "Partial Put Away",
  "status_code": 15,
  "arn_reference_1": "ARNTEST-1",
  "arn_reference_2": "",
  "arn_reference_3": "",
  "arn_reference_4": "",
  "arn_reference_5": "",
  "arn_reference_6": "",
  "arn_date": "20191202",
  "expected_date": "",
  "created_on": "20191202204833",
  "ship_from": {
    "code": "SUPPLIER1",
    "name": "SUPPLIER1",
    "street_1": "100 First St",
    "street_2": "Suite 100",
    "city": "Los Angeles",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "Support",
    "phone_number": "101-010-1010"
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "",
    "service": "",
    "service_code": "",
    "cost": 0,
    "tracking_number": "",
    "total_package_weight": 0,
    "total_package_count": 0
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "supplier_line": 1,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "quantity_expected": 20,
      "quantity_putaway": 0,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 5.5,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": []
      "line": 2,
      "supplier_line": 2,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "quantity_expected": 10,
      "quantity_putaway": 0,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 2.25,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": [
          "to_bin": "0028",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20240917",
          "lot_number": "",
          "serial_number": "SERIAL1234",
          "quantity": 1
  "notes": "",
  "total_amount": 0

ARN Update

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn/{arn_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The arn_id for the record
REQUIRED The ARN data for the update operation
  "arn_reference_2": "Updated reference#2",
  "items": [
      "supplier_line": 1,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "cost": 6.50,
      "details": [
          "to_bin": "0028",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "2024-09-17",
          "lot_number": "LOT1",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 1


Code Description
Successful operation
  "arn_id": 120,
  "client_code": "100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "New/Open",
  "status_code": 0,
  "arn_reference_1": "ARNTEST-1",
  "arn_reference_2": "Updated reference#2",
  "arn_reference_3": "",
  "arn_reference_4": "",
  "arn_reference_5": "",
  "arn_reference_6": "",
  "arn_date": "20191202",
  "expected_date": "",
  "created_on": "20191202204833",
  "ship_from": {
    "code": "SUPPLIER1",
    "name": "SUPPLIER1",
    "street_1": "100 First St",
    "street_2": "Suite 100",
    "city": "Los Angeles",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "Support",
    "phone_number": "101-010-1010"
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "",
    "service_code": "",
    "cost": 0,
    "tracking_number": "",
    "total_package_weight": 0,
    "total_package_count": 0
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "supplier_line": 1,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "quantity_expected": 20,
      "quantity_putaway": 0,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 6.5,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": []
      "line": 2,
      "supplier_line": 2,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "quantity_expected": 10,
      "quantity_putaway": 0,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 2.25,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": []
  "notes": "",
  "total_amount": 0,
ARN not found

ARN Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn/{arn_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The arn_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
ARN not found

ARN Put Away

ARN put away is the process of identifying what is being received on the ARN. This process currently supports 'manual' put away, examples are provided below.

Field Name Type Description
type string REQUIRED
The type of put away to perform
manual: The 'manual' put away type process will create put away records to the ARN based on the information provided in the items array.
items array An array of line item objects for manual put away
items[].line integer (3) This is the sequential ARN line number
items[].customer_line integer This is the unique line number assigned by the customer system if applicable
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item
items[].bin_location string (20) Item's put away bin location
items[].lot_number string (30) Item's put away lot number
items[].tag_number string (30) Item's put away tag number
items[].serial_number string (30) Item's put away serial number
items[].quantity integer Item's put away quantity

ARN Put away

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arnputaway/{arn_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The arn_id for the record
REQUIRED The arn data for the put away operation
  "type": "manual",
  "items": [
      "supplier_line": 1,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "lot_number": "LOT1234",
      "tag_number": "",
      "serial_number": "",
      "fifo_lifo_date": "",
      "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
      "quantity": 10


Code Description
Successful operation
    "arn_id": 101,
    "client_code": "100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "Partial Put Away",
    "status_code": 15,
    "arn_reference_1": "APITEST",
    "arn_reference_2": "",
    "arn_reference_3": "",
    "arn_reference_4": "",
    "arn_reference_5": "",
    "arn_reference_6": "",
    "ownership_type": "",
    "arn_date": "20240917",
    "expected_date": "",
    "created_on": "20240923171608",
    "updated_by": "dev1-web",
    "posted_on": null,
    "ship_from": {
        "code": "112",
        "name": "Supplier",
        "street_1": "",
        "street_2": "",
        "city": "",
        "state_or_province": "",
        "postal_code": "",
        "country": "",
        "contact_name": "",
        "phone_number": ""
    "shipping": {
        "carrier_code": "",
        "service": "",
        "service_code": "",
        "cost": 0,
        "tracking_number": "",
        "total_package_weight": 0,
        "total_package_count": 0,
        "hold_until": "",
        "warehouse_id": "",
        "store_id": "",
        "insurance_provider": "",
        "confirmation_type": "",
        "package_code": ""
    "items": [
            "line": 1,
            "supplier_line": 2,
            "external_line": 0,
            "location_id": 0,
            "inv_acct_id": 0,
            "product_id": 6980,
            "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
            "product_description": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
            "quantity_expected": 10,
            "quantity_putaway": 10,
            "purch_qty_uom": "EACH",
            "cost": 0,
            "promo_code": "N",
            "custom_dimension_1": "",
            "custom_dimension_2": "",
            "custom_dimension_3": "",
            "details": [
                    "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
                    "fifo_lifo_date": "20240917",
                    "lot_number": "LOT1234",
                    "serial_number": "",
                    "quantity": 10
    "notes": "",
    "total_amount": 0,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "total_tax": 0,
    "total_shipping": 0,
    "client_id": "100"
ARN not found

ARN Delete Put Away

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arnputaway/{arn_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The arn_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
    "arn_id": 101,
    "client_code": "100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "New/Open",
    "status_code": 0,
    "arn_reference_1": "APITEST",
    "arn_reference_2": "",
    "arn_reference_3": "",
    "arn_reference_4": "",
    "arn_reference_5": "",
    "arn_reference_6": "",
    "ownership_type": "",
    "arn_date": "20240917",
    "expected_date": "",
    "created_on": "20240923171608",
    "updated_by": "dev1-web",
    "posted_on": null,
    "ship_from": {
        "code": "112",
        "name": "Supplier",
        "street_1": "",
        "street_2": "",
        "city": "",
        "state_or_province": "",
        "postal_code": "",
        "country": "",
        "contact_name": "",
        "phone_number": ""
    "shipping": {
        "carrier_code": "",
        "service": "",
        "service_code": "",
        "cost": 0,
        "tracking_number": "",
        "total_package_weight": 0,
        "total_package_count": 0,
        "hold_until": "",
        "warehouse_id": "",
        "store_id": "",
        "insurance_provider": "",
        "confirmation_type": "",
        "package_code": ""
    "items": [
            "line": 1,
            "supplier_line": 2,
            "external_line": 0,
            "location_id": 0,
            "inv_acct_id": 0,
            "product_id": 6980,
            "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
            "product_description": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
            "quantity_expected": 10,
            "quantity_putaway": 0,
            "purch_qty_uom": "EACH",
            "cost": 0,
            "promo_code": "N",
            "custom_dimension_1": "",
            "custom_dimension_2": "",
            "custom_dimension_3": "",
            "details": []
    "notes": "",
    "total_amount": 0,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "total_tax": 0,
    "total_shipping": 0,
    "client_id": "100"
ARN not found

ARN/Receipt Post

ARN/Receipt posting finalizes the ARN in the system and increments inventory.

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arnreceive/{arn_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The arn_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
    "status": "Put Away Complete",
    "status_code": 20,
    "ship_from": {
        "code": "112",
        "name": "Truck 112",
        "street_1": "",
        "street_2": "",
        "city": "",
        "state_or_province": "",
        "postal_code": "",
        "country": "",
        "contact_name": "",
        "phone_number": ""
    "shipping": {
        "carrier_code": "",
        "service": "",
        "service_code": "",
        "cost": 0,
        "tracking_number": "",
        "total_package_weight": 0,
        "total_package_count": 0,
        "hold_until": "",
        "warehouse_id": "",
        "store_id": "",
        "insurance_provider": "",
        "confirmation_type": "",
        "package_code": ""
    "receipt_id": 53077,
    "arn_id": 101,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "Client 100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "arn_reference_1": "APITEST",
    "arn_reference_2": "",
    "arn_reference_3": "",
    "arn_reference_4": "",
    "arn_reference_5": "",
    "arn_reference_6": "",
    "ownership_type": "",
    "receipt_date": "20240924",
    "arn_date": "20240917",
    "expected_date": "",
    "created_on": "20240923171608",
    "updated_by": "dev1-web",
    "posted_on": "20240924205459",
    "total_amount": 0,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "total_tax": 0,
    "total_shipping": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "items": [
            "line": 1,
            "supplier_line": 2,
            "external_line": 0,
            "location_id": 0,
            "inv_acct_id": 0,
            "product_id": 6980,
            "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
            "product_description": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
            "quantity_expected": 10,
            "quantity_received": 10,
            "purch_qty_uom": "EACH",
            "cost": 0,
            "promo_code": "N",
            "custom_dimension_1": "",
            "custom_dimension_2": "",
            "custom_dimension_3": "",
            "details": [
                    "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
                    "fifo_lifo_date": "20240917",
                    "lot_number": "LOT1234",
                    "serial_number": "",
                    "quantity": 10
ARN not found


Receipts are fulfillment information for ARNs.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) The client code for the client to which this record belongs
arn_reference_1 string (30) A unique custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_3 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_4 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_5 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
arn_reference_6 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the ARN
receipt_id integer Auto generated sequence number
arn_id integer Auto generated sequence number
arn_date date The date the ARN was created
expected_date date The date the shipment is expected to arrive
receipt_date date The date the items were received
created_on datetime The datetime that the ARN was created in the system
posted_on datetime The datetime that the ARN was posted as received in the system
status_code integer A code representing the put away status
status string A string representing the put away status
notes string (50) A custom notes string assigned to the ARN
ship_from object REQUIRED An object containing the ship from supplier information
ship_from.code string (15) The supplier code
ship_from.name string (50) The supplier name
ship_from.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
ship_from.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
ship_from.city string (35) City
ship_from.state_or_province string (35) State or province
ship_from.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
ship_from.country string (3) Country Code
ship_from.contact_name string (30) Contact name
ship_from.phone_number string (22) Contact phone number
location_id integer (3) This is the location code for the warehouse that will be receiving the items on this shipment
shipping object An object containing shipping information
shipping.carrier_code string (30) The carrier code for the carrier transporting the shipment
shipping.service_code string (30) The service level code for the shipping service being used for the shipment
shipping.tracking_number string (30) The tracking number for the shipment
shipping.total_package_count integer The total number of packages on the shipment
shipping.total_package_weight float (10,2) The total package weight for the shipment
shipping.cost float (10,2) The shipping cost for the shipment
total_amount float (10,2) The total value of the items on the shipment
items array REQUIRED An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) Auto generated sequential line number
items[].supplier_line integer This is a unique line number assigned by the supplier system if applicable
items[].external_line integer This is a line number assigned by another system if applicable
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].product_description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].supplier_product_code string (30) This is the supplier product code for the item on this line
items[].quantity_expected integer This is the item quantity expected for this line
items[].quantity_received integer This is the item quantity received for this line
items[].purch_qty_uom string (4) This is the item unit of measure code for this line
items[].cost float (10,2) This is the item unit cost for this line
items[].promo_code string (5) This is promotional code for this line
items[].custom_dimension_1 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_2 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_3 string (15) This is a custom line level reference
items[].line_date_1 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_notes_1 text Additional notes for this line
items[].line_notes_2 text Additional notes for this line
items[].line_reference_1 string (30) This is custom reference string for this line
items[].details array READ ONLY An array of item put away details
items[].details[].to_bin string (20) Put away bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date Put away FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) Put away lot number
items[].details][].serial_number string (20) Put away serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer Put away quantity

Receipt Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/receipts


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified arn_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified arn_id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified receipt_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified receipt_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified ARN date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified ARN date
date Filter results equal to the specified ARN date
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified receipt date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified receipt date
date Filter results equal to the specified receipt date
string Filter results equal to the specified ARN reference
string Filter results equal to the specified ARN reference
string Filter results equal to the specified ARN reference


Code Description
Successful operation
    "receipt_id": 50001,
    "arn_id": 101,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "Put Away Complete",
    "status_code": 20,
    "arn_reference_1": "10101",
    "arn_reference_2": "",
    "arn_reference_3": "",
    "arn_reference_4": "",
    "arn_reference_5": "",
    "arn_reference_6": "",
    "ownership_type": "",
    "receipt_date": "20191207",
    "arn_date": "20190726",
    "expected_date": "",
    "created_on": 20190726133022,
    "posted_on": 20191207222657,
    "ship_from": {
      "code": "SUPPLIER1",
      "name": "SUPPLIER1",
      "street_1": "",
      "street_2": "",
      "city": "",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "",
      "country": "",
      "contact_name": "",
      "phone_number": ""
    "shipping": {
      "carrier_code": "UPS",
      "service_code": "Ground",
      "cost": 0,
      "tracking_number": "",
      "total_package_weight": 0,
      "total_package_count": 0
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 28,
        "product_code": "Widget-L-T-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-TG-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 10,
        "quantity_received": 10,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": [
            "to_bin": "BIN1-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "LOT-1",
            "serial_number": "TAG-1",
            "quantity": 10
        "line": 2,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 8,
        "product_code": "Widget-X-S-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-SN-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 3,
        "quantity_received": 3,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": [
            "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "",
            "serial_number": "SN-1",
            "quantity": 1
            "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "",
            "serial_number": "SN-2",
            "quantity": 1
            "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "",
            "serial_number": "SN-3",
            "quantity": 1
    "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here",
    "total_amount": 0
    "receipt_id": 50002,
    "arn_id": 102,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "Partial Put Away",
    "status_code": 15,
    "arn_reference_1": "10202",
    "arn_reference_2": "",
    "arn_reference_3": "",
    "arn_reference_4": "",
    "arn_reference_5": "",
    "arn_reference_6": "",
    "ownership_type": "",
    "receipt_date": "20191207",
    "arn_date": "20190726",
    "expected_date": "",
    "created_on": 20190726133022,
    "posted_on": 20191207222749,
    "ship_from": {
      "code": "SUPPLIER2",
      "name": "SUPPLIER2",
      "street_1": "",
      "street_2": "",
      "city": "",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "",
      "country": "",
      "contact_name": "",
      "phone_number": ""
    "shipping": {
      "carrier_code": "UPS",
      "service_code": "Ground",
      "cost": 0,
      "tracking_number": "",
      "total_package_weight": 0,
      "total_package_count": 0
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 18,
        "product_code": "Widget-L-N-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 100,
        "quantity_received": 100,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": [
            "to_bin": "BIN2-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "LOTABC",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 100
        "line": 2,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 23,
        "product_code": "Widget-L-S-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-SN-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 3,
        "quantity_received": 3,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": [
            "to_bin": "BIN3-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "LOTBAC",
            "serial_number": "SN-2-1",
            "quantity": 1
            "to_bin": "BIN3-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "LOTBAC",
            "serial_number": "SN-2-2",
            "quantity": 1
            "to_bin": "BIN3-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "LOTBAC",
            "serial_number": "SN-2-3",
            "quantity": 1
        "line": 3,
        "supplier_line": 0,
        "external_line": 0,
        "product_id": 3,
        "product_code": "Widget-X-N-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-NoST-NoFIFO",
        "quantity_expected": 100,
        "quantity_received": 0,
        "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
        "cost": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "details": []
    "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here",
    "total_amount": 0

Receipt Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/receipt/{receipt_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The receipt_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "receipt_id": 50001,
  "arn_id": 101,
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_id": "100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "Put Away Complete",
  "status_code": 20,
  "arn_reference_1": "10101",
  "arn_reference_2": "",
  "arn_reference_3": "",
  "arn_reference_4": "",
  "arn_reference_5": "",
  "arn_reference_6": "",
  "ownership_type": "",
  "receipt_date": "20191207",
  "arn_date": "20190726",
  "expected_date": "",
  "created_on": 20190726133022,
  "posted_on": 20191207222657,
  "ship_from": {
    "code": "SUPPLIER1",
    "name": "SUPPLIER1",
    "street_1": "",
    "street_2": "",
    "city": "",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "",
    "country": "",
    "contact_name": "",
    "phone_number": ""
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "UPS",
    "service_code": "Ground",
    "cost": 0,
    "tracking_number": "",
    "total_package_weight": 0,
    "total_package_count": 0
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "supplier_line": 0,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 28,
      "product_code": "Widget-L-T-ND",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-TG-NoFIFO",
      "quantity_expected": 10,
      "quantity_received": 10,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": [
          "to_bin": "BIN1-A",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "",
          "lot_number": "LOT-1",
          "serial_number": "TAG-1",
          "quantity": 10
      "line": 2,
      "supplier_line": 0,
      "external_line": 0,
      "product_id": 8,
      "product_code": "Widget-X-S-ND",
      "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-SN-NoFIFO",
      "quantity_expected": 3,
      "quantity_received": 3,
      "purch_qty_uom": "EA",
      "cost": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "details": [
          "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "",
          "lot_number": "",
          "serial_number": "SN-1",
          "quantity": 1
          "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "",
          "lot_number": "",
          "serial_number": "SN-2",
          "quantity": 1
          "to_bin": "BIN1-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "",
          "lot_number": "",
          "serial_number": "SN-3",
          "quantity": 1
  "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here",
  "total_amount": 0
Receipt not found


Inventory shows total inventory and is broken down by inventory account. Inventory can only be looked up via the api, it cannot be altered in any way.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) The client code for the client to which this record belongs
product_code string (30) The product code
product_id integer The unique product id
description_1 string (40) The primary description of the product
upc_code string (12) A UPC for the product
bom_kit_flag integer
This flag indicates if the product is an assembly/kit master or a component of an assembly/kit
1=Assembly/Kit master, 2=Component
non_stocked integer
If the bom_kit_flag indicates the product is an assembly/kit master then this flag indicates if the assembly/kit is stocked or if it is assembled when it is ordered
0=Assembly is stocked, 1=Assembly is not stocked
yes_no_fields_1 integer
This flag indicates if the product is active
0=Active, 1=Inactive
product_group string (5) A product group for the product
clntserv_code1 string (15) This is a generic reference field for the product
location_id integer (3) The location id where the inventory item currently resides
total_on_hand integer The total quantity on hand, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
total_expected integer The total quantity expected on open ARNs, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
total_ordered integer The total quantity ordered on open orders, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
total_allocated integer The total quantity allocated to transactions, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
total_available integer The total quantity available which is the total_on_hand less the total_allocated, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
on_purchase integer The total quantity expected on open ARNs, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
on_order integer The total quantity allocated to orders, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
on_build integer The total quantity allocated to kit orders, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
on_transfer integer The total quantity allocated to transfers, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
on_adjustment integer The total quantity allocated to adjustments, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response
total_virtual_assemblies integer The total quantity of kit to order assemblies that can be created based on the available components that are on hand, this is repeated for every grouped level in the response. This field will only return a value if the virtual assemblies feature is activated for your account
invaccts array An array of inventory grouped by inventory accounts
details array An array of detailed inventory data
details[].lot_number string (30) The lot number assigned to the inventory item
details[].serial_tag_number string (30) The serial/tag number assigned to the inventory item
details[].bin_location string (20) The bin location where the inventory item currently resides
details[].fifo_lifo date The FIFO/LIFO date assigned to the inventory item

Inventory Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/inventory


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified inventory account
integer Filter results for the specified product id (product_id)
string (5) Filter results for the specified product group
string Filter results to exclude inventory within this comma separated list of bin locations
n/a Filter results to only return products that have inventory items on hand


Code Description
Successful operation
  "100": {    // <-- Client code
    "19": {   // <-- Product unique identifier (product_id)
      "total_on_hand": 110,
      "total_allocated": 0,
      "total_available": 110,
      "on_purchase": 120,
      "on_order": 0,
      "on_build": 0,
      "on_transfer": 0,
      "on_adjustment": 0,
      "total_virtual_assemblies": 0,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "description_1": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "upc_code": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "non_stocked": 0,
      "invaccts": {
        "100": {
          "total_on_hand": 110,
          "total_allocated": 0,
          "total_available": 110,
          "on_purchase": 120,
          "on_order": 0,
          "on_build": 0,
          "on_transfer": 0,
          "on_adjustment": 0,
          "total_virtual_assemblies": 0
  "200": {    // <-- Client code
    "49": {   // <-- Product unique identifier (product_id)
      "total_on_hand": 210,
      "total_allocated": 0,
      "total_available": 210,
      "on_purchase": 16,
      "on_order": 0,
      "on_build": 0,
      "on_transfer": 0,
      "on_adjustment": 0,
      "total_virtual_assemblies": 0,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "description_1": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "upc_code": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "non_stocked": 0,
      "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
      "invaccts": {
        "200": {
          "total_on_hand": 210,
          "total_allocated": 0,
          "total_available": 210,
          "on_purchase": 16,
          "on_order": 0,
          "on_build": 0,
          "on_transfer": 0,
          "on_adjustment": 0,
          "total_virtual_assemblies": 0,

Inventory Detail Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/inventory_detail


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified inventory account
integer Filter results for the specified product code
string (5) Filter results for the specified product group
string Filter results to exclude inventory within this comma separated list of bin locations
n/a Filter results to only return products that have inventory items on hand


Code Description
Successful operation
  "100": {    // <-- Client code
    "WIDGET-L-N-DR": {    // <-- Product code
      "total_on_hand": 110,
      "total_allocated": 0,
      "total_available": 110,
      "on_purchase": 120,
      "on_order": 0,
      "on_build": 0,
      "on_transfer": 0,
      "on_adjustment": 0,
      "total_virtual_assemblies": 0,
      "product_uid_no": 19,
      "description_1": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "upc_code": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "non_stocked": 0,
      "invaccts": {
        "100": {
          "total_on_hand": 110,
          "total_allocated": 0,
          "total_available": 110,
          "on_purchase": 120,
          "on_order": 0,
          "on_build": 0,
          "on_transfer": 0,
          "on_adjustment": 0,
          "total_virtual_assemblies": 0,
          "details": [
              "total_on_hand": 110,
              "total_allocated": 0,
              "total_available": 110,
              "on_order": 0,
              "on_build": 0,
              "on_transfer": 0,
              "on_adjustment": 0,
              "lot_number": "100",
              "serial_tag_number": "",
              "bin_location": "BIN1-B",
              "fifo_lifo": 20110111
  "200": {    // <-- Client code
    "WIDGET-L-N-DR": {    // <-- Product code
      "total_on_hand": 210,
      "total_allocated": 0,
      "total_available": 210,
      "on_purchase": 16,
      "on_order": 0,
      "on_build": 0,
      "on_transfer": 0,
      "on_adjustment": 0,
      "total_virtual_assemblies": 0,
      "product_uid_no": 49,
      "description_1": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "upc_code": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "non_stocked": 0,
      "invaccts": {
        "200": {
          "total_on_hand": 210,
          "total_allocated": 0,
          "total_available": 210,
          "on_purchase": 16,
          "on_order": 0,
          "on_build": 0,
          "on_transfer": 0,
          "on_adjustment": 0,
          "total_virtual_assemblies": 0,
          "details": [
              "total_on_hand": 210,
              "total_allocated": 0,
              "total_available": 210,
              "on_order": 0,
              "on_build": 0,
              "on_transfer": 0,
              "on_adjustment": 0,
              "lot_number": "200",
              "serial_tag_number": "",
              "bin_location": "BIN3-B",
              "fifo_lifo": 20110202

Transfers (pending)

Inventory transfers that are either pending or in process.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) The client code for the client to which this record belongs
transfer_reference_1 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the transfer
transfer_reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the transfer
transfer_id integer Auto generated sequence number
transfer_date date The date the transfer was created
created_on datetime The datetime that the transfer was created in the system
transfer_from object An object containing the from location information
transfer_from.id integer (3) The transfer from location id (inventory account)
transfer_from.name string (50) The from location name
transfer_from.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
transfer_from.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
transfer_from.city string (35) City
transfer_from.state_or_province string (35) State or province
transfer_from.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
transfer_from.country string (3) Country Code
transfer_to object An object containing the to location information
transfer_to.id integer (3) The transfer to location id (inventory account)
transfer_to.name string (50) The to location name
transfer_to.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
transfer_to.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
transfer_to.city string (35) City
transfer_to.state_or_province string (35) State or province
transfer_to.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
transfer_to.country string (3) Country Code
items array An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) Auto generated sequential line number
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].product_description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].quantity integer This is the item quantity being transferred for this line
items[].details array An array of item details
items[].details[].from_bin string (20) The item from bin location
items[].details[].to_bin string (20) The item to bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date The item FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) The item lot number
items[].details][].serial_number string (20) The item serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer The item quantity

Transfer Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transfers


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified from location id
integer (3) Filter results for the specified to location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified transfer_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified transfer_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified transfer date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified transfer date
date Filter results equal to the specified transfer date


Code Description
Successful operation
    "transfer_id": 501,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "transfer_reference_1": "TEST",
    "transfer_reference_2": "TEST",
    "created_on": "20190805000000",
    "updated_by": "ben-uni22",
    "transfer_date": "20190805",
    "transfer_from": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "transfer_to": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "100 Main St",
      "street_2": "Suite 100",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Dallas",
      "state_or_province": "TX",
      "postal_code": "10100",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 21,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ManDate",
        "quantity": 1,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN1-D",
            "to_bin": "BIN2-D",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "20111111",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 1
    "notes": ""
    "transfer_id": 503,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "transfer_reference_1": "TEST2",
    "transfer_reference_2": "TEST2",
    "created_on": "20191207000000",
    "updated_by": "ben-uni22",
    "transfer_date": "20191207",
    "transfer_from": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "transfer_to": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 19,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
        "quantity": 5,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN1-B",
            "to_bin": "BIN2-B",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 5
    "notes": ""

Transfer Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transfer/{transfer_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The transfer_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "transfer_id": 501,
  "client_code": "100",
  "transfer_reference_1": "TEST",
  "transfer_reference_2": "TEST",
  "created_on": "20190805000000",
  "updated_by": "ben-uni22",
  "transfer_date": "20190805",
  "transfer_from": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US"
  "transfer_to": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "100 Main St",
    "street_2": "Suite 100",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state_or_province": "TX",
    "postal_code": "10100",
    "country": "US"
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "product_id": 21,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ManDate",
      "quantity": 1,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-D",
          "to_bin": "BIN2-D",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20111111",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 1
  "notes": "",
  "client_id": "100"
Transfer not found

Transfer History

Inventory transfers that have been completed and posted.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) The client code for the client to which this record belongs
transfer_reference_1 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the transfer
transfer_reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the transfer
transfer_id integer Auto generated sequence number
transfer_date date The date the transfer was created
created_on datetime The datetime that the transfer was created in the system
posted_on datetime The datetime that the transfer was posted in the system
transfer_from object An object containing the from location information
transfer_from.id integer (3) The transfer from location id (inventory account)
transfer_from.name string (50) The from location name
transfer_from.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
transfer_from.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
transfer_from.city string (35) City
transfer_from.state_or_province string (35) State or province
transfer_from.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
transfer_from.country string (3) Country Code
transfer_to object An object containing the to location information
transfer_to.id integer (3) The transfer to location id (inventory account)
transfer_to.name string (50) The to location name
transfer_to.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
transfer_to.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
transfer_to.city string (35) City
transfer_to.state_or_province string (35) State or province
transfer_to.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
transfer_to.country string (3) Country Code
items array An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) Auto generated sequential line number
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].product_description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].quantity integer This is the item quantity being transferred for this line
items[].details array An array of item details
items[].details[].from_bin string (20) The item from bin location
items[].details[].to_bin string (20) The item to bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date The item FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) The item lot number
items[].details][].serial_number string (20) The item serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer The item quantity

Transfer History Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transferhistorys


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified from location id
integer (3) Filter results for the specified to location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified transfer_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified transfer_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified transfer date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified transfer date
date Filter results equal to the specified transfer date


Code Description
Successful operation
    "transfer_id": 501,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "transfer_reference_1": "TEST",
    "transfer_reference_2": "TEST",
    "created_on": "20190805000000",
    "posted_on": "20191207224801",
    "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -",
    "transfer_date": "20190805",
    "transfer_from": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "transfer_to": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "100 Main St",
      "street_2": "Suite 100",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Dallas",
      "state_or_province": "TX",
      "postal_code": "10100",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 21,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ManDate",
        "quantity": 1,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN1-D",
            "to_bin": "BIN2-D",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "20111111",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 1
    "notes": ""
    "transfer_id": 503,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "transfer_reference_1": "TEST2",
    "transfer_reference_2": "TEST2",
    "created_on": "20191207000000",
    "posted_on": "20191207224806",
    "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -",
    "transfer_date": "20191207",
    "transfer_from": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "transfer_to": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 19,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
        "quantity": 5,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN1-B",
            "to_bin": "BIN2-B",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 5
    "notes": ""

Transfer History Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transferhistory/{transfer_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The transfer_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "transfer_id": 501,
  "client_code": "100",
  "transfer_reference_1": "TEST",
  "transfer_reference_2": "TEST",
  "created_on": "20190805000000",
  "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -",
  "posted_on": "20191207224801",
  "transfer_date": "20190805",
  "transfer_from": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US"
  "transfer_to": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "100 Main St",
    "street_2": "Suite 100",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state_or_province": "TX",
    "postal_code": "10100",
    "country": "US"
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "product_id": 21,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ManDate",
      "quantity": 1,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-D",
          "to_bin": "BIN2-D",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20111111",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 1
  "notes": "",
  "client_id": "100"
Transfer not found

Adjustments (pending)

Inventory adjustments that are either pending or in process.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) The client code for the client to which this record belongs
requested_by string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the adjustment
assigned_to string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the adjustment
adjustment_id integer Auto generated sequence number
adjustment_date date The date the adjustment was created
created_on datetime The datetime that the adjustment was created in the system
adjustment_from object An object containing the from location information
adjustment_from.id integer (3) The from location id (inventory account)
adjustment_from.name string (50) The from location name
adjustment_from.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
adjustment_from.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
adjustment_from.city string (35) City
adjustment_from.state_or_province string (35) State or province
adjustment_from.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
adjustment_from.country string (3) Country Code
items array An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) Auto generated sequential line number
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].product_description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].quantity integer This is the item quantity being adjusted for this line
items[].unit_price float (10,2) The unit price for the item on this line
items[].details array An array of item details
items[].details[].from_bin string (20) The item from bin location
items[].details[].to_bin string (20) The item to bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date The item FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) The item lot number
items[].details][].serial_number string (20) The item serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer The item quantity

Adjustment Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustments


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified from location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified adjustment_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified adjustment_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified adjustment date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified adjustment date
date Filter results equal to the specified adjustment date


Code Description
Successful operation
    "adjustment_id": 601,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "requested_by": "TEST1",
    "assigned_to": "TEST2",
    "reason_code": 0,
    "created_on": "20190726000000",
    "updated_by": "ben-uni22",
    "adjustment_date": "20190726",
    "adjustment_location": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "100 Main St",
      "street_2": "Suite 100",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Dallas",
      "state_or_province": "TX",
      "postal_code": "10100",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 18,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-NoFIFO",
        "quantity": 5,
        "unit_price": 2,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN2-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "LOTABC",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 5
    "adjustment_id": 602,
    "client_code": "200",
    "client_id": "200",
    "requested_by": "",
    "assigned_to": "",
    "reason_code": 0,
    "created_on": "20190726000000",
    "updated_by": "ben-uni22",
    "adjustment_date": "20190726",
    "adjustment_location": {
      "id": 200,
      "name": "Finish Goods 200",
      "street_1": "200 Main St.",
      "street_2": "Suite 200",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "20200",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 49,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
        "quantity": 2,
        "unit_price": 2,
        "details": []

Adjustment Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustment/{adjustment_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The adjustment_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "adjustment_id": 601,
  "client_code": "100",
  "requested_by": "TEST1",
  "assigned_to": "TEST2",
  "reason_code": 0,
  "created_on": "20190726000000",
  "updated_by": "ben-uni22",
  "adjustment_date": "20190726",
  "adjustment_location": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "100 Main St",
    "street_2": "Suite 100",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state_or_province": "TX",
    "postal_code": "10100",
    "country": "US"
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "product_id": 18,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-ND",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-NoFIFO",
      "quantity": 5,
      "unit_price": 2,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN2-A",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "",
          "lot_number": "LOTABC",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 5
  "client_id": "100"
Adjustment not found

Adjustment History

Inventory adjustments that have been completed and posted.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) The client code for the client to which this record belongs
requested_by string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the adjustment
assigned_to string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the adjustment
adjustment_id integer Auto generated sequence number
adjustment_date date The date the adjustment was created
created_on datetime The datetime that the adjustment was created in the system
posted_on datetime The datetime that the adjustment was posted in the system
adjustment_from object An object containing the from location information
adjustment_from.id integer (3) The adjustment from location id (inventory account)
adjustment_from.name string (50) The from location name
adjustment_from.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
adjustment_from.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
adjustment_from.city string (35) City
adjustment_from.state_or_province string (35) State or province
adjustment_from.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
adjustment_from.country string (3) Country Code
items array An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) Auto generated sequential line number
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].product_description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].quantity integer This is the item quantity being adjusted for this line
items[].unit_price float (10,2) The unit price for the item on this line
items[].details array An array of item details
items[].details[].from_bin string (20) The item from bin location
items[].details[].to_bin string (20) The item to bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date The item FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) The item lot number
items[].details][].serial_number string (20) The item serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer The item quantity

Adjustment History Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustmenthistorys


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified from location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified adjustment_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified adjustment_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified adjustment date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified adjustment date
date Filter results equal to the specified adjustment date


Code Description
Successful operation
    "adjustment_id": 601,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "requested_by": "TEST1",
    "assigned_to": "TEST2",
    "reason_code": 0,
    "created_on": "20190726000000",
    "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -",
    "posted_on": "20191207225245",
    "adjustment_date": "20190726",
    "adjustment_location": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "100 Main St",
      "street_2": "Suite 100",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Dallas",
      "state_or_province": "TX",
      "postal_code": "10100",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 18,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-ND",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-NoFIFO",
        "quantity": 5,
        "unit_price": 2,
        "adjustment_line_location": {
          "id": 100,
          "name": "Finished Goods 100",
          "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
          "street_2": "Suite A",
          "city": "Chatsworth",
          "state_or_province": "CA",
          "postal_code": "91311",
          "country": "US"
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN2-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "lot_number": "LOTABC",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 5
    "adjustment_id": 603,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "requested_by": "JOHN DOE",
    "assigned_to": "JANE DOE",
    "reason_code": 99,
    "created_on": "20191207000000",
    "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -",
    "posted_on": "20191207225247",
    "adjustment_date": "20191207",
    "adjustment_location": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "product_id": 19,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
        "quantity": -2,
        "unit_price": 2,
        "adjustment_line_location": {
          "id": 100,
          "name": "Finished Goods 100",
          "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
          "street_2": "Suite A",
          "city": "Chatsworth",
          "state_or_province": "CA",
          "postal_code": "91311",
          "country": "US"
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN2-B",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": -2

Adjustment History Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustmenthistory/{adjustment_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The adjustment_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "adjustment_id": 603,
  "client_code": "100",
  "requested_by": "JOHN DOE",
  "assigned_to": "JANE DOE",
  "reason_code": 99,
  "created_on": "20191207000000",
  "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -",
  "posted_on": "20191207225247",
  "adjustment_date": "20191207",
  "adjustment_location": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US"
  "adjustment_line_location": null,
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "quantity": -2,
      "unit_price": 2,
      "adjustment_line_location": {
        "id": 0,
        "name": null,
        "street_1": null,
        "street_2": null,
        "city": null,
        "state_or_province": null,
        "postal_code": null,
        "country": null
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN2-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": -2
  "client_id": "100"
Adjustment not found


Customers are the bill to and ship to destination information for sales orders.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
customer_code integer READ ONLY Auto generated sequence number
client_st_cust string (15) REQUIRED A unique ship to customer code
client_bt_cust string (15) REQUIRED A unique bill to customer code.
name string (50) REQUIRED The customer name
address_1 string (50) Address line #1
address_2 string (50) Address line #2
address_3 string (50) Address line #3
address_4 string (50) Address line #4
city string (35) City
state_province string (35) State or province
zip_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
country string (3) Country Code
contact_name string (30) Contact name
telephone_1 string (22) Contact phone number
e_mail_address string (60) Contact email address
yes_no_fields_1 integer
This flag indicates if the customer is active
0=Active, 1=Inactive
yes_no_fields_2 integer
This is a generic flag
yes_no_fields_3 integer
This is a generic flag
yes_no_fields_4 integer
This is a generic flag
custom_str_1 string (30) A custom reference string

Customer Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customers


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code


Code Description
Successful operation
    "client_code": "200",
    "customer_code": "1",
    "bill_to_cust": "1",
    "client_st_cust": "CUSTOMER 100",
    "client_bt_cust": "CUSTOMER 100",
    "name": "Customer 100",
    "dates_1": "20190726",
    "address_1": "100 First St",
    "address_2": "Suite 100",
    "address_3": "",
    "address_4": "",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_province": "CA",
    "zip_code": "10100",
    "country": "US",
    "contact_name": "ASPGS Support",
    "telephone_1": "101-010-1010",
    "e_mail_address": "noclog@aspgs.com",
    "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_3": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_4": 0
    "client_code": "100",
    "customer_code": "10",
    "bill_to_cust": "",
    "client_st_cust": "TEST CUST D",
    "client_bt_cust": "TEST CUST D",
    "name": "Test Customer D",
    "dates_1": "20190726",
    "address_1": "",
    "address_2": "",
    "address_3": "",
    "address_4": "",
    "city": "",
    "state_province": "",
    "zip_code": "",
    "country": "",
    "contact_name": "",
    "telephone_1": "",
    "e_mail_address": "",
    "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_3": 0,
    "yes_no_fields_4": 0

Customer Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{customer_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The customer_code for the record

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{client_code}/{client_st_cust}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (15) REQUIRED The customer code for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "customer_code": "15",
  "bill_to_cust": "",
  "client_st_cust": "ABC-123",
  "client_bt_cust": "ABC-123",
  "name": "Customer ABC, 123 - UPDATE",
  "dates_1": "20191208",
  "address_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
  "address_2": "Suite CBA",
  "address_3": "",
  "address_4": "",
  "city": "AB City",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "55555",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "A. B. Customer",
  "telephone_1": "",
  "e_mail_address": "",
  "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_3": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_4": 0
Customer not found

Customer Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The customer data for the create operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_st_cust": "ABC-123",
  "client_bt_cust": "ABC-123",
  "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
  "address_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
  "city": "AB City",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "55555",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "A. B. Customer"


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "customer_code": "15",
  "bill_to_cust": "",
  "client_st_cust": "ABC-123",
  "client_bt_cust": "ABC-123",
  "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
  "dates_1": "20191208",
  "address_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
  "address_2": "",
  "address_3": "",
  "address_4": "",
  "city": "AB City",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "55555",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "A. B. Customer",
  "telephone_1": "",
  "e_mail_address": "",
  "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_3": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_4": 0

Customer Update

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{customer_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The customer_code for the record
REQUIRED The customer data for the update operation
  "name": "Customer ABC, 123 - UPDATE",
  "address_2": "Suite CBA"

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{client_code}/{client_st_cust}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (15) REQUIRED The customer code for the record
REQUIRED The customer data for the update operation
  "name": "Customer ABC, 123 - UPDATE",
  "address_2": "Suite CBA"


Code Description
Successful operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "customer_code": "15",
  "bill_to_cust": "",
  "client_st_cust": "ABC-123",
  "client_bt_cust": "ABC-123",
  "name": "Customer ABC, 123 - UPDATE",
  "dates_1": "20191208",
  "address_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
  "address_2": "Suite CBA",
  "address_3": "",
  "address_4": "",
  "city": "AB City",
  "state_province": "CA",
  "zip_code": "55555",
  "country": "US",
  "contact_name": "A. B. Customer",
  "telephone_1": "",
  "e_mail_address": "",
  "yes_no_fields_1": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_2": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_3": 0,
  "yes_no_fields_4": 0
Customer not found

Customer Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{customer_code}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The customer_code for the record

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{client_code}/{client_st_cust}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the record
string (15) REQUIRED The customer code for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
Customer not found


Orders that are placed by customers to purchase items.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
order_reference_1 string (30) REQUIRED A unique custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_3 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_4 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_5 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_6 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_id integer READ ONLY Auto generated sequence number
source_id integer A unique value that can be assigned to identify the source system that created the order
order_date date The date the order was created
request_date date The date the shipment is requested to arrive
created_on datetime READ ONLY The datetime that the order was created in the system
updated_on datetime READ ONLY The datetime that the order was updated last time in the system
pick_ticket_printed integer READ ONLY A flag indicating whether or not the order pick ticket has been printed
pick_ticket_printed_on datetime READ ONLY The datetime that the order pick ticket was last printed
order_lock_flag integer READ ONLY This flag is used to indicate an order is locked when it is in progress
order_status string READ ONLY This field represents the current order status
status_code integer READ ONLY A code representing the current allocation status
status string READ ONLY A string representing the current allocation status
notes string (50) A custom notes string assigned to the order
shipping_notes text Shipping notes assigned to the order
picking_notes text Picking notes assigned to the order
other_notes_1 text Other notes assigned to the order
other_notes_2 text Other notes assigned to the order
other_notes_3 text Other notes assigned to the order
location_id integer (3) REQUIRED This is the location code for the warehouse that will be shipping the items on this order
ship_to object REQUIRED An object containing the ship to customer information
ship_to.id integer READ ONLY The customer unique identifier (customer_code)
ship_to.code string (15) REQUIRED The customer code
ship_to.name string (50) REQUIRED The customer name
ship_to.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
ship_to.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
ship_to.street_3 string (50) Address line #3
ship_to.street_4 string (50) Address line #4
ship_to.city string (35) City
ship_to.state_or_province string (35) State or province
ship_to.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
ship_to.country string (3) Country Code
ship_to.is_residential integer Residential Flag (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
ship_to.contact_name string (30) Contact name
ship_to.customer_phone string (22) Contact phone number
ship_to.customer_email string (60) Contact email address
bill_to object An object containing the bill to customer information
bill_to.id integer READ ONLY The customer unique identifier (customer_code)
bill_to.code string (15) REQUIRED The customer code
bill_to.name string (50) REQUIRED The customer name
bill_to.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
bill_to.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
bill_to.street_3 string (50) Address line #3
bill_to.street_4 string (50) Address line #4
bill_to.city string (35) City
bill_to.state_or_province string (35) State or province
bill_to.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
bill_to.country string (3) Country Code
shipping object An object containing shipping information
shipping.carrier_code string (30) The carrier code for the carrier transporting the shipment
shipping.carrier_description string (50) The carrier description for the carrier transporting the shipment
shipping.service_code string (30) The service level code for the shipping service being used for the shipment
shipping.payment_type string (2) The carrier payment type being used (PP=Prepaid, CC=Collect, TP=Third Party)
shipping.trans_method string (2) The transportation method code for the shipment
shipping.incoterms string (5) The Incoterms code for the shipment
shipping.incoterm_city string (30) The incoterm city for the shipment
shipping.total_package_count integer The total package count for the shipment
shipping.total_package_weight float (10, 2) The total package weight for the shipment
shipping.pickup_date date The pickup date for the shipment
shipping.pickup_time time (hhmmss) The pickup time for the shipment
shipping.pickup_party string (30) The pickup party for the shipment
shipping.confirmation_type string (30) The shipment delivery confirmation type
shipping.signature_type integer
The shipment delivery signature type
FedEx: 0 = None, 1 = Indirect (residential only), 2 = Direct sign, 3 = Adult sign
UPS: 0 = None, 1 = Delivery confirm, 2 = Signature Req, 3 = Adult sign
shipping.tracking_number string (30) The tracking number for the shipment
shipping.cost float (10,2) The shipping cost for the shipment
shipping.delivery_date date The shipment delivery date
shipping.reference_1 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_3 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_4 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_5 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_1 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_2 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_3 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_4 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_5 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.third_party_code string (15) The third party code
shipping.third_party_account_number string (25) The third party carrier account number
shipping.third_party_name string (50) The customer name
shipping.third_party_street_1 string (50) Address line #1
shipping.third_party_street_2 string (50) Address line #2
shipping.third_party_street_3 string (50) Address line #3
shipping.third_party_street_4 string (50) Address line #4
shipping.third_party_city string (35) City
shipping.third_party_state_or_province string (35) State or province
shipping.third_party_postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
shipping.third_party_country string (3) Country Code
shipping.third_party_contact_name string (30) Contact name
shipping.third_party_contact_phone string (22) Contact phone number
shipping.third_party_contact_email string (60) Contact email address
total_amount float (10,2) The total value of the items
total_discount float (10,2) The total discount value of the items
total_tax float (10,2) The total taxed value of the items
total_misc_charge_1 float (10,2) The total miscellaneous charge #1
total_misc_charge_2 float (10,2) The total miscellaneous charge #2
items array REQUIRED An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) READ ONLY Auto generated sequential line number
items[].customer_line integer REQUIRED This is a unique line number assigned by the customer system if applicable
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) REQUIRED This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].upc_code string (12) READ ONLY The UPC for the product
items[].description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].description_2 string (40) This is the extended product description for the item on this line
items[].customer_product_code string (30) This is the customer product code for the item on this line
items[].alias_product_code string (30) This is an alias product code for the item on this line
items[].country_of_origin string (2) This is origin country code for the item on this line
items[].quantity_ordered integer REQUIRED This is the item quantity ordered for this line
items[].quantity_allocated integer READ ONLY This is the current item quantity allocated for this line
items[].sell_qty_uom string (4) This is the item unit of measure code for this line
items[].price float (10,2) This is the item unit price for this line
items[].promo_code string (5) This is a promotional code for this line
items[].product_group string (5) This is a product group code for this line
items[].custom_dimension_1 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_2 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_3 string (15) This is a custom line level reference
items[].line_reference_1 string (30) This is custom reference string for this line
items[].line_reference_2 string (20) This is custom reference string for this line
items[].numeric_reference_1 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_2 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_3 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_4 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_5 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].line_date_1 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_2 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_3 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_4 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_5 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_notes text Additional notes for this line
items[].unit_weight float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the weight for the item
items[].weight_uom string (4) READ ONLY This is the weight unit of measure for the item
items[].unit_volume float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the volume for the item
items[].volume_uom string (4) READ ONLY This is the volume unit of measure for the item
items[].hts_number string (12) READ ONLY This is the HTS number for the item
items[].commodity_code string (5) READ ONLY This is the commodity code for the item
items[].list_price float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the list price for the item
items[].suggested_list_price float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the sugggested list price for the item
items[].length float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the length for the item
items[].width float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the width for the item
items[].height float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the height for the item
items[].no_units_per_case integer READ ONLY The number of units per inner case
items[].no_cases_per_outer_case integer READ ONLY The number of inner cases per case
items[].details array READ ONLY An array of item allocation details
items[].details[].from_bin string (20) READ ONLY Item bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date READ ONLY Item FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) READ ONLY Item lot number
items[].details[].serial_number string (20) READ ONLY Item serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer READ ONLY Item allocated quantity
packages array READ ONLY An array of package objects related to the order
packages[].package_id string (20) READ ONLY A unique package identifier string
packages[].tracking_number string (20) READ ONLY The carrier tracking number assigned to the package
packages[].tracking_url string (20) READ ONLY The carrier tracking URL assigned to the package
packages[].items array READ ONLY An array of item objects that are contained within the package
packages[].items[].product_id integer READ ONLY This is the unique product id for the item
packages[].items[].product_code string (30) READ ONLY This is the product code for the item
packages[].items[].upc_code string (12) READ ONLY The UPC for the product
packages[].items[].product_description string (30) READ ONLY This is the product description for the item
packages[].items[].unit_weight float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the weight for the item
packages[].items[].weight_uom string (4) READ ONLY This is the weight unit of measure for the item
packages[].items[].unit_volume float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the volume for the item
packages[].items[].volume_uom string (4) READ ONLY This is the volume unit of measure for the item
packages[].items[].country_of_origin string (2) READ ONLY This is the country of origin code for the item
packages[].items[].hts_number string (12) READ ONLY This is the HTS number for the item
packages[].items[].commodity_code string (5) READ ONLY This is the commodity code for the item
packages[].items[].list_price float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the list price for the item
packages[].items[].suggested_list_price float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the sugggested list price for the item
packages[].items[].length float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the length for the item
packages[].items[].width float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the width for the item
packages[].items[].height float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the height for the item
packages[].items[].no_units_per_case integer READ ONLY The number of units per inner case
packages[].items[].no_cases_per_outer_case integer READ ONLY The number of inner cases per case
packages[].items[].fifo_lifo_date date READ ONLY Item FIFO/LIFO date
packages[].items[].lot_number string (30) READ ONLY Item lot number
packages[].items[].serial_number string (20) READ ONLY Item serial number
packages[].items[].quantity integer READ ONLY Item quantity
bol object READ ONLY An object containing the bill of lading information (only present if linked to a bol)
bol.reference string (30) READ ONLY The BOL reference# / BOL#
bol.ship_to.code string (15) READ ONLY The customer code
bol.ship_to.name string (50) READ ONLY The customer name
bol.ship_to.street_1 string (50) READ ONLY Address line #1
bol.ship_to.street_2 string (50) READ ONLY Address line #2
bol.ship_to.city string (35) READ ONLY City
bol.ship_to.state_or_province string (35) READ ONLY State or province
bol.ship_to.postal_code string (15) READ ONLY Zip/Postal code
bol.ship_to.country string (3) READ ONLY Country Code
bol.carrier_code string (30) READ ONLY The carrier code for the carrier transporting the shipment
bol.service_code string (30) READ ONLY The service level code for the shipping service being used for the shipment
bol.payment_type string (2) READ ONLY The carrier payment type being used (PP=Prepaid, CC=Collect, TP=Third Party)
bol.tracking_number string (30) READ ONLY The carrier tracking number for the shipment
bol.will_ship_date date READ ONLY The will ship date
bol.ready_by string (30) READ ONLY The ready by reference
bol.due_date date READ ONLY The due date
bol.description string (30) READ ONLY The description
bol.total_pallet_count integer READ ONLY The total pallet count for the shipment
bol.total_package_count integer READ ONLY The total package count for the shipment
bol.total_weight float (10, 2) READ ONLY The total weight for the shipment
bol.notes string (100) READ ONLY A custom notes string assigned to the bol shipment
bol.pallets array READ ONLY A list of pallet details assigned to the bol shipment
bol.pallets[].length float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet length
bol.pallets[].width float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet width
bol.pallets[].height float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet height
bol.pallets[].weight float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet weight
bol.pallets[].package_count integer READ ONLY The pallet package count
bol.pallets[].description string (20) READ ONLY The pallet description

Order Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orders


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified order_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified order_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified order date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified order date
date Filter results equal to the specified order date
string Filter results equal to the specified order reference
string Filter results equal to the specified order reference
string Filter results equal to the specified order reference
string Filter results equal to the specified ship to customer code
string Filter results equal to the specified bill to customer code


Code Description
Successful operation
    "order_id": 1016,
    "backorder_id": 0,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "client_name": "Client 100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "Unallocated",
    "status_code": 0,
    "source_id": 0,
    "order_reference_1": "TESTO-2",
    "order_reference_2": "2ND-REF",
    "order_reference_3": "3RD-REF",
    "order_reference_4": "4TH-REF",
    "order_reference_5": "",
    "order_reference_6": "",
    "created_on": "20190726151856",
    "order_date": "20190726",
    "request_date": "",
    "hold_flag": 0,
    "delivery_date": "",
    "total_amount": 0,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "total_tax": 0,
    "total_shipping": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "ship_from": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "ship_to": {
      "id": "7",
      "code": "TEST CUST A",
      "contact_name": "C. Name",
      "name": "Test Customer A",
      "street_1": "1520 W Canal Court",
      "street_2": "Suite 200",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "Littleton",
      "state_or_province": "CO",
      "postal_code": "80120",
      "country": "US",
      "is_residential": 0,
      "customer_phone": "777-777-7777",
      "customer_email": ""
    "bill_to": {
      "id": "7",
      "code": "TEST CUST A",
      "name": "Test Customer A",
      "street_1": "",
      "street_2": "",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "",
      "country": ""
    "shipping": {
      "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
      "carrier_description": "FedEx",
      "service": "",
      "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND",
      "payment_type": "PP",
      "trans_method": "",
      "incoterms": "",
      "incoterm_city": "",
      "pickup_date": "",
      "pickup_time": "",
      "pickup_party": "",
      "delivery_date": "",
      "cost": 0,
      "tracking_number": "",
      "total_package_weight": 0,
      "total_package_count": 0,
      "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
      "is_insured": 0,
      "is_machinable": 0,
      "is_inside_delivery": 0,
      "is_liftgate_required": 0,
      "has_alcohol": 0,
      "hold_until": "",
      "warehouse_id": "",
      "store_id": "",
      "payment_terms": "",
      "insurance_provider": "",
      "confirmation_type": "",
      "package_code": "",
      "reference_1": "",
      "reference_2": "",
      "reference_3": "",
      "reference_4": "",
      "reference_5": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "numeric_reference_2": 0,
      "numeric_reference_3": 0,
      "numeric_reference_4": 0,
      "numeric_reference_5": 0,
      "third_party_code": "",
      "third_party_account_number": "",
      "third_party_name": "",
      "third_party_street_1": "",
      "third_party_street_2": "",
      "third_party_street_3": "",
      "third_party_street_4": "",
      "third_party_city": "",
      "third_party_state_or_province": "",
      "third_party_postal_code": "",
      "third_party_country": "",
      "third_party_contact_name": "",
      "third_party_contact_phone": "",
      "third_party_contact_email": "TESTO-2"
    "shipping_notes": "",
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Order Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order/{order_id}


Name Type Description
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Code Description
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Order not found

Order Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The order data for the create operation
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Code Description
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Order Update

Note: If an order has an allocated status of complete or partial then the location_id field can not be changed. In addition no line item fields can be changed for a line where the quantity_allocated is greater than zero.

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the record
REQUIRED The order data for the update operation
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Code Description
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    "total_package_count": 0,
    "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
    "is_insured": 0,
    "is_machinable": 0,
    "is_inside_delivery": 0,
    "is_liftgate_required": 0,
    "has_alcohol": 0,
    "hold_until": "",
    "warehouse_id": "",
    "store_id": "",
    "payment_terms": "",
    "insurance_provider": "",
    "confirmation_type": "",
    "signature_type": 0,
    "package_code": "",
    "reference_1": "",
    "reference_2": "",
    "reference_3": "",
    "reference_4": "",
    "reference_5": "",
    "numeric_reference_1": 0,
    "numeric_reference_2": 0,
    "numeric_reference_3": 0,
    "numeric_reference_4": 0,
    "numeric_reference_5": 0,
    "third_party_code": "",
    "third_party_account_number": "",
    "third_party_name": "",
    "third_party_street_1": "",
    "third_party_street_2": "",
    "third_party_street_3": "",
    "third_party_street_4": "",
    "third_party_city": "",
    "third_party_state_or_province": "",
    "third_party_postal_code": "",
    "third_party_country": "",
    "third_party_contact_name": "",
    "third_party_contact_phone": "",
    "third_party_contact_email": ""
  "shipping_notes": "",
  "picking_notes": "",
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "customer_line": 1,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "upc_code": "001122334467",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 2,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 10,
      "quantity_allocated": 0,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 2.25,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": []
      "line": 2,
      "customer_line": 2,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "upc_code": "001122334468",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 2,
      "quantity_allocated": 0,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 15.75,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": []
  "client_id": "100",
  "packages": []
Order not found

Order Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
Order not found

Order Allocation

Order allocation is the process of reserving on hand inventory to an order. This process currently supports either 'auto' allocation or 'manual' allocation, examples are provided below.

Field Name Type Description
type string REQUIRED
The type of allocation to perform
auto: The 'auto' allocation type process will attempt to allocate any available inventory to the order, sorted based on FIFO.
manual: The 'manual' allocation type process will attempt to allocate specific inventory to the order based on the information provided in the items array.
items array An array of line item objects for manual allocation
items[].line integer (3) The auto generated sequential line number
items[].customer_line integer This is the unique line number assigned by the customer system if applicable
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item
items[].bin_location string (20) Item bin location, if provided then allocation will attempt to pull from this bin location
items[].lot_number string (30) Item lot number, if provided then allocation will attempt to pull only this lot number
items[].tag_number string (30) Item tag number, if provided then allocation will attempt to pull only this tag number
items[].serial_number string (30) Item serial number, if provided then allocation will attempt to pull only this serial number
items[].quantity integer Item quantity to be allocated

Order Allocate

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderalloc/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the record
REQUIRED The order data for the allocation operation
  "type": "auto"
  "type": "manual",
  "lines": [
      "customer_line": 1,
      "bin_location": "BIN1-B",
      "quantity": 10


Code Description
Successful operation
  "order_id": 1039,
  "backorder_id": 0,
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_name": "Client 100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "Complete",
  "status_code": 1,
  "source_id": 0,
  "order_reference_1": "ORDER-1",
  "order_reference_2": "PO-1",
  "order_reference_3": "REF-3",
  "order_reference_4": "",
  "order_reference_5": "",
  "order_reference_6": "",
  "created_on": "20191208005255",
  "order_date": "20191208",
  "request_date": "20191220",
  "hold_flag": 0,
  "total_amount": 0,
  "total_discount": 0,
  "total_tax": 0,
  "total_shipping": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "ship_from": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "555-555-5555"
  "ship_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "contact_name": "",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US",
    "customer_phone": "",
    "customer_email": "",
    "pkg_assign": 0
  "bill_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US"
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
    "carrier_description": "",
    "service": "",
    "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND",
    "payment_type": "PP",
    "incoterms": "",
    "incoterm_city": "",
    "pickup_date": "",
    "pickup_time": "",
    "pickup_party": "",
    "delivery_date": "",
    "cost": 0,
    "tracking_number": "",
    "total_package_weight": 0,
    "total_package_count": 0,
    "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
    "is_insured": 0,
    "is_machinable": 0,
    "is_inside_delivery": 0,
    "is_liftgate_required": 0,
    "has_alcohol": 0,
    "hold_until": "",
    "warehouse_id": "",
    "store_id": "",
    "payment_terms": "",
    "insurance_provider": "",
    "confirmation_type": "",
    "signature_type": 0,
    "package_code": "",
    "reference_1": "",
    "reference_2": "",
    "reference_3": "",
    "reference_4": "",
    "third_party_code": "",
    "third_party_account_number": "",
    "third_party_name": "",
    "third_party_street_1": "",
    "third_party_street_2": "",
    "third_party_street_3": "",
    "third_party_street_4": "",
    "third_party_city": "",
    "third_party_state_or_province": "",
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    "third_party_country": "",
    "third_party_contact_name": "",
    "third_party_contact_phone": "",
    "third_party_contact_email": ""
  "shipping_notes": "",
  "picking_notes": "",
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "customer_line": 1,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 2,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 10,
      "quantity_allocated": 10,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 2.25,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 10,
          "qty_picked_validated": 0,
          "qty_packed": 0
      "line": 2,
      "customer_line": 2,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 2,
      "quantity_allocated": 2,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 15.75,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-C",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20111011",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 2,
          "qty_picked_validated": 0,
          "qty_packed": 0
  "client_id": "100",
  "client_pkg_assign": 0,
  "package_assign_complete": 0,
  "packages": []
Order not found

Order Deallocate

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderalloc/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "order_id": 1039,
  "backorder_id": 0,
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_name": "Client 100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "Unallocated",
  "status_code": 0,
  "source_id": 0,
  "order_reference_1": "ORDER-1",
  "order_reference_2": "PO-1",
  "order_reference_3": "REF-3",
  "order_reference_4": "",
  "order_reference_5": "",
  "order_reference_6": "",
  "created_on": "20191208005255",
  "order_date": "20191208",
  "request_date": "20191220",
  "hold_flag": 0,
  "total_amount": 0,
  "total_discount": 0,
  "total_tax": 0,
  "total_shipping": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "ship_from": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "555-555-5555"
  "ship_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "contact_name": "",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US",
    "customer_phone": "",
    "customer_email": "",
    "pkg_assign": 0
  "bill_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US"
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
    "carrier_description": "",
    "service": "",
    "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND",
    "payment_type": "PP",
    "incoterms": "",
    "incoterm_city": "",
    "pickup_date": "",
    "pickup_time": "",
    "pickup_party": "",
    "delivery_date": "",
    "cost": 0,
    "tracking_number": "",
    "total_package_weight": 0,
    "total_package_count": 0,
    "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
    "is_insured": 0,
    "is_machinable": 0,
    "is_inside_delivery": 0,
    "is_liftgate_required": 0,
    "has_alcohol": 0,
    "hold_until": "",
    "warehouse_id": "",
    "store_id": "",
    "payment_terms": "",
    "insurance_provider": "",
    "confirmation_type": "",
    "signature_type": 0,
    "package_code": "",
    "reference_1": "",
    "reference_2": "",
    "reference_3": "",
    "reference_4": "",
    "third_party_code": "",
    "third_party_account_number": "",
    "third_party_name": "",
    "third_party_street_1": "",
    "third_party_street_2": "",
    "third_party_street_3": "",
    "third_party_street_4": "",
    "third_party_city": "",
    "third_party_state_or_province": "",
    "third_party_postal_code": "",
    "third_party_country": "",
    "third_party_contact_name": "",
    "third_party_contact_phone": "",
    "third_party_contact_email": ""
  "shipping_notes": "",
  "picking_notes": "",
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "customer_line": 1,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 2,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 10,
      "quantity_allocated": 10,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 2.25,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": []
      "line": 2,
      "customer_line": 2,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 2,
      "quantity_allocated": 2,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 15.75,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": []
  "client_id": "100",
  "client_pkg_assign": 0,
  "package_assign_complete": 0,
  "packages": []
Order not found

Order Pick

Order pick is the process of picking the allocated inventory on an order. This process currently supports 'manual' picking, examples are provided below.

Field Name Type Description
type string REQUIRED
The type of allocation to perform
manual: The 'manual' allocation type process will attempt to pick specific allocations on the order based on the information provided in the items array.
items array An array of line item objects for manual picking
items[].line integer (3) The auto generated sequential line number
items[].customer_line integer This is the unique line number assigned by the customer system if applicable
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item
items[].bin_location string (20) Item bin location for the allocated detail being picked
items[].lot_number string (30) Item lot number for the allocated detail being picked
items[].tag_number string (30) Item tag number for the allocated detail being picked
items[].serial_number string (30) Item serial number for the allocated detail being picked
items[].quantity integer Item quantity for the allocated detail being picked

Order Pick

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderpick/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the record
REQUIRED The order data for the allocation operation
    "type": "manual",
    "items": [
            "line": 25,
            "product_code": "WIDGET-N-S-ND",
            "lot_number": "",
            "tag_number": "",
            "serial_number": "3957-2306031145525760003",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "",
            "to_bin": "04 D 07A",
            "quantity": 1


Code Description
Successful operation
    "order_id": 11791,
    "backorder_id": 4,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_name": "Client 100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "order_lock_flag": 0,
    "order_status": "Open",
    "status": "Partial",
    "status_code": 2,
    "source_id": 0,
    "order_reference_1": "RP-11958",
    "order_reference_2": "replenishment",
    "order_reference_3": "",
    "order_reference_4": "",
    "order_reference_5": "",
    "order_reference_6": "",
    "created_on": "20230317001856",
    "updated_on": "20230317001856",
    "pick_ticket_printed": 0,
    "pick_ticket_printed_on": "",
    "updated_by": "api1-automation",
    "packaged_on": "",
    "order_date": "20230317",
    "request_date": "20230317",
    "hold_flag": 0,
    "total_amount": 0,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "total_tax": 0,
    "total_shipping": 23.19,
    "total_misc_charge_1": 0,
    "total_misc_charge_2": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "ship_from": {
        "id": 100,
        "name": "AKC",
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        "street_2": "",
        "city": "Miramar",
        "state_or_province": "FL",
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        "country": "US",
        "phone": ""
    "ship_to": {
        "id": "114",
        "code": "331675",
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        "name": "Truck - 509",
        "street_1": "30 Sadisco Rd",
        "street_2": "",
        "street_3": "",
        "street_4": "",
        "city": "Clayton",
        "state_or_province": "NC",
        "postal_code": "27520",
        "country": "US",
        "is_residential": 0,
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        "street_3": "",
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        "city": "Clayton",
        "state_or_province": "NC",
        "postal_code": "27520",
        "country": "US"
    "shipping": {
        "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
        "carrier_description": "Federal Express",
        "service": "",
        "service_code": "STANDARD_OVERNIGHT",
        "payment_type": "PP",
        "trans_method": "",
        "incoterms": "",
        "incoterm_city": "",
        "pickup_date": "",
        "pickup_time": "",
        "pickup_party": "",
        "delivery_date": "",
        "cost": 23.19,
        "tracking_number": "",
        "total_package_weight": 4.2,
        "total_package_count": 1,
        "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
        "is_insured": 0,
        "is_machinable": 0,
        "is_inside_delivery": 0,
        "is_liftgate_required": 0,
        "has_alcohol": 0,
        "hold_until": "",
        "warehouse_id": "",
        "store_id": "",
        "payment_terms": "",
        "insurance_provider": "",
        "confirmation_type": "",
        "signature_type": 0,
        "package_code": "",
        "reference_1": "",
        "reference_2": "",
        "reference_3": "",
        "reference_4": "",
        "reference_5": "",
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        "numeric_reference_3": 0,
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        "numeric_reference_5": 0,
        "third_party_code": "",
        "third_party_account_number": "",
        "third_party_name": "",
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        "third_party_street_2": "",
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    "picking_notes": "",
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                    "fifo_lifo_date": "",
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                    "qty_picked_validated": 1,
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            "description": "Honda Smart Key 4 Button",
            "description_2": "#TIK-HON-109 - Memory 1 / AKC4807",
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            "alias_product_code": "4807",
            "country_of_origin": "53.42",
            "bom_kit_flag": 0,
            "bom_kit_line": 0,
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            "product_group": "",
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            "details": []
    "client_id": "100",
    "client_pkg_assign": 0,
    "package_assign_complete": 0,
    "packages": [
            "package_id": "",
            "tracking_number": "398170281635",
            "tracking_url": "https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=398170281635&language=en&cntry_code=us",
            "pkg_length": 0,
            "pkg_width": 0,
            "pkg_height": 0,
            "pkg_weight": 4.2,
            "declared_value": 0
Order not found

Order Unpick

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderpick/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
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    "backorder_id": 4,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_name": "Client 100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "order_lock_flag": 0,
    "order_status": "Open",
    "status": "Partial",
    "status_code": 2,
    "source_id": 0,
    "order_reference_1": "RP-11958",
    "order_reference_2": "replenishment",
    "order_reference_3": "",
    "order_reference_4": "",
    "order_reference_5": "",
    "order_reference_6": "",
    "created_on": "20230317001856",
    "updated_on": "20230317001856",
    "pick_ticket_printed": 0,
    "pick_ticket_printed_on": "",
    "updated_by": "api1-automation",
    "packaged_on": "",
    "order_date": "20230317",
    "request_date": "20230317",
    "hold_flag": 0,
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    "total_misc_charge_1": 0,
    "total_misc_charge_2": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "ship_from": {
        "id": 100,
        "name": "AKC",
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        "street_2": "",
        "city": "Miramar",
        "state_or_province": "FL",
        "postal_code": "33025",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": ""
    "ship_to": {
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        "street_2": "",
        "street_3": "",
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        "customer_phone": "(305) 635-6000",
        "customer_email": "",
        "pkg_assign": 0
    "bill_to": {
        "id": "114",
        "code": "331675",
        "name": "Truck - 509",
        "street_1": "30 Sadisco Rd",
        "street_2": "",
        "street_3": "",
        "street_4": "",
        "city": "Clayton",
        "state_or_province": "NC",
        "postal_code": "27520",
        "country": "US"
    "shipping": {
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        "carrier_description": "Federal Express",
        "service": "",
        "service_code": "STANDARD_OVERNIGHT",
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        "trans_method": "",
        "incoterms": "",
        "incoterm_city": "",
        "pickup_date": "",
        "pickup_time": "",
        "pickup_party": "",
        "delivery_date": "",
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        "total_package_count": 1,
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        "warehouse_id": "",
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        "third_party_street_3": "",
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    "other_notes_2": "",
    "other_notes_3": "",
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            "product_group": "",
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            "details": []
    "client_id": "100",
    "client_pkg_assign": 0,
    "package_assign_complete": 0,
    "packages": [
            "package_id": "",
            "tracking_number": "398170281635",
            "tracking_url": "https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=398170281635&language=en&cntry_code=us",
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Order not found

Order Packaging

Management of packages that are assigned to an order for shipping.

Field Name Type Description
uid_no integer READ ONLY The auto generated sequential identifier for the record
client_code string (10) REQUIRED The client code for the client to which this record belongs
reference_no integer REQUIRED Auto generated order_id sequence number
ship_date date The date the package was shipped
account_no string (30) The carrier account number being used for the shipment
servicedescr string (60) The service level description for the shipping service being used for the shipment
bol_pro_no string (30) The master tracking number for the shipment
tracking_no string (30) The tracking number for the shipment
tracking_url string (150) The tracking URL for the shipment
shippingcharge float (10,2) The shipping cost for the entire shipment
total_cost float (10,2) The total shipping cost for the package
pkg_weight float (10, 2) This is the weight for the package
pkg_length float (10, 2) This is the length for the package
pkg_width float (10, 2) This is the width for the package
pkg_height float (10, 2) This is the height for the package

Order Package Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/packages


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code


Code Description
Successful operation
    "reference_no": 1038,
    "tracking_no": "042329115493355",
    "tracking_url": "",
    "svc_lvl_web_lk": "",
    "servicedescr": "FedEx Ground",
    "shippingcharge": 12,
    "postb_date": "",
    "postb_time": 0,
    "login_id": "",
    "pkg_length": 0,
    "pkg_width": 0,
    "pkg_height": 0,
    "pkg_weight": 2,
    "declared_val": 0,
    "total_weight": 0,
    "total_cost": 12,
    "account_no": "",
    "track_file_id": "",
    "total_cartons": 0,
    "custom_str_h1": "",
    "custom_str_h2": "",
    "custom_str_h3": "",
    "srvc_chrg_link": "",
    "bol_pro_no": "042329115493355",
    "ship_date": "20191208",
    "cshipjob_uid": 4,
    "client_code": "100",
    "insert_count": 0,
    "uid_no": 2
    "reference_no": 1039,
    "tracking_no": "042329115493344",
    "tracking_url": "",
    "svc_lvl_web_lk": "",
    "servicedescr": "FedEx Ground",
    "shippingcharge": 12,
    "postb_date": "",
    "postb_time": 0,
    "login_id": "",
    "pkg_length": 0,
    "pkg_width": 0,
    "pkg_height": 0,
    "pkg_weight": 2,
    "declared_val": 0,
    "total_weight": 0,
    "total_cost": 12,
    "account_no": "",
    "track_file_id": "",
    "total_cartons": 0,
    "custom_str_h1": "",
    "custom_str_h2": "",
    "custom_str_h3": "",
    "srvc_chrg_link": "",
    "bol_pro_no": "042329115493344",
    "ship_date": "20191208",
    "cshipjob_uid": 3,
    "client_code": "100",
    "insert_count": 0,
    "uid_no": 1

Order Package Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/package/{uid_no}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The uid_no for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "reference_no": 1039,
  "tracking_no": "042329115493344",
  "tracking_url": "",
  "svc_lvl_web_lk": "",
  "servicedescr": "FedEx Ground",
  "shippingcharge": 12,
  "postb_date": "",
  "postb_time": 0,
  "login_id": "",
  "pkg_length": 0,
  "pkg_width": 0,
  "pkg_height": 0,
  "pkg_weight": 2,
  "declared_val": 0,
  "total_weight": 0,
  "total_cost": 12,
  "account_no": "",
  "track_file_id": "",
  "total_cartons": 0,
  "custom_str_h1": "",
  "custom_str_h2": "",
  "custom_str_h3": "",
  "srvc_chrg_link": "",
  "bol_pro_no": "042329115493344",
  "ship_date": "20191208",
  "cshipjob_uid": 3,
  "client_code": "100",
  "insert_count": 0,
  "uid_no": 1
Package not found

Order Package Create

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/package


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
REQUIRED The package data for the create operation
  "client_code": "100",
  "reference_no": 1039,
  "ship_date": "20191208",
  "servicedescr": "FedEx Ground",
  "bol_pro_no": "042329115493344",
  "tracking_no": "042329115493344",
  "shippingcharge": 12.00,
  "total_cost": 12.00,
  "pkg_weight": 2


Code Description
Successful operation
  "reference_no": 1039,
  "tracking_no": "042329115493344",
  "tracking_url": "",
  "svc_lvl_web_lk": "",
  "servicedescr": "FedEx Ground",
  "shippingcharge": 12,
  "postb_date": "",
  "postb_time": 0,
  "login_id": "",
  "pkg_length": 0,
  "pkg_width": 0,
  "pkg_height": 0,
  "pkg_weight": 2,
  "declared_val": 0,
  "total_weight": 0,
  "total_cost": 12,
  "account_no": "",
  "track_file_id": "",
  "total_cartons": 0,
  "custom_str_h1": "",
  "custom_str_h2": "",
  "custom_str_h3": "",
  "srvc_chrg_link": "",
  "bol_pro_no": "042329115493344",
  "ship_date": "20191208",
  "cshipjob_uid": 3,
  "client_code": "100",
  "insert_count": 0,
  "uid_no": 1

Order Package Update

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/package/{uid_no}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The uid_no for the record
REQUIRED The package data for the update operation
  "shippingcharge": 14.00,
  "total_cost": 14.00


Code Description
Successful operation
  "reference_no": 1039,
  "tracking_no": "042329115493344",
  "tracking_url": "",
  "svc_lvl_web_lk": "",
  "servicedescr": "FedEx Ground",
  "shippingcharge": 14,
  "postb_date": "",
  "postb_time": 0,
  "login_id": "",
  "pkg_length": 0,
  "pkg_width": 0,
  "pkg_height": 0,
  "pkg_weight": 2,
  "declared_val": 0,
  "total_weight": 0,
  "total_cost": 14,
  "account_no": "",
  "track_file_id": "",
  "total_cartons": 0,
  "custom_str_h1": "",
  "custom_str_h2": "",
  "custom_str_h3": "",
  "srvc_chrg_link": "",
  "bol_pro_no": "042329115493344",
  "ship_date": "20191208",
  "cshipjob_uid": 3,
  "client_code": "100",
  "insert_count": 0,
  "uid_no": 1
Package not found

Order Package Delete

DELETE https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/package/{uid_no}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The uid_no for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
Package not found

Order Package Confirmation

This call will update the pending order based on the package records which should have been previously created. This step will update the pending order with the master tracking#, total shipment cost, and total shipment weight.

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/packageship/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the related package records reference_no


Code Description
Successful operation
  "order_id": 1039,
  "backorder_id": 0,
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_name": "Client 100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "Complete",
  "status_code": 1,
  "source_id": 0,
  "order_reference_1": "ORDER-1",
  "order_reference_2": "PO-1",
  "order_reference_3": "REF-3",
  "order_reference_4": "",
  "order_reference_5": "",
  "order_reference_6": "",
  "created_on": "20191208005255",
  "order_date": "20191208",
  "request_date": "20191220",
  "hold_flag": 0,
  "total_amount": 0,
  "total_discount": 0,
  "total_tax": 0,
  "total_shipping": 12,
  "notes": "",
  "ship_from": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "555-555-5555"
  "ship_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "contact_name": "",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US",
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    "customer_email": "",
    "pkg_assign": 0
  "bill_to": {
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    "street_2": "",
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  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
    "carrier_description": "",
    "service": "",
    "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND",
    "payment_type": "PP",
    "incoterms": "",
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    "pickup_party": "",
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    "cost": 12,
    "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
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    "total_package_count": 1,
    "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
    "is_insured": 0,
    "is_machinable": 0,
    "is_inside_delivery": 0,
    "is_liftgate_required": 0,
    "has_alcohol": 0,
    "hold_until": "",
    "warehouse_id": "",
    "store_id": "",
    "payment_terms": "",
    "insurance_provider": "",
    "confirmation_type": "",
    "signature_type": 0,
    "package_code": "",
    "reference_1": "",
    "reference_2": "",
    "reference_3": "",
    "reference_4": "",
    "third_party_code": "",
    "third_party_account_number": "",
    "third_party_name": "",
    "third_party_street_1": "",
    "third_party_street_2": "",
    "third_party_street_3": "",
    "third_party_street_4": "",
    "third_party_city": "",
    "third_party_state_or_province": "",
    "third_party_postal_code": "",
    "third_party_country": "",
    "third_party_contact_name": "",
    "third_party_contact_phone": "",
    "third_party_contact_email": ""
  "shipping_notes": "",
  "picking_notes": "",
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "customer_line": 1,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 2,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 10,
      "quantity_allocated": 10,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 2.25,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 10,
          "qty_picked_validated": 0,
          "qty_packed": 0
      "line": 2,
      "customer_line": 2,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 2,
      "quantity_allocated": 2,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 15.75,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-C",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20111011",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 2,
          "qty_picked_validated": 0,
          "qty_packed": 0
  "client_id": "100",
  "client_pkg_assign": 0,
  "package_assign_complete": 0,
  "packages": [
      "package_id": "",
      "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
      "tracking_url": "",
      "pkg_length": 0,
      "pkg_width": 0,
      "pkg_height": 0,
      "pkg_weight": 2,
      "declared_value": 0

Order/Shipment Post

Order/shipment posting finalizes the shipment in the system and decrements inventory.

POST https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/ordership/{order_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The order_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "shipment_id": 100003,
  "order_id": 1039,
  "backorder_id": 0,
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_name": "Client 100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "Complete",
  "status_code": 1,
  "order_reference_1": "ORDER-1",
  "order_reference_2": "PO-1",
  "order_reference_3": "REF-3",
  "order_reference_4": "",
  "order_reference_5": "",
  "order_reference_6": "",
  "created_on": "20191208005255",
  "posted_on": "20191208012154",
  "order_date": "20191208",
  "request_date": "20191220",
  "shipment_date": "20191208",
  "hold_flag": 0,
  "ship_from": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US"
  "ship_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "contact_name": "",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US",
    "customer_phone": "",
    "customer_email": ""
  "bill_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US"
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
    "carrier_description": "",
    "service": "",
    "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND",
    "payment_type": "PP",
    "incoterms": "",
    "incoterm_city": "",
    "pickup_date": "",
    "pickup_time": "",
    "pickup_party": "",
    "delivery_date": "",
    "cost": 12,
    "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
    "total_package_weight": 2,
    "total_package_count": 1,
    "total_package_volume": 0,
    "total_pallets": 0,
    "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
    "is_insured": 0,
    "is_machinable": 0,
    "is_inside_delivery": 0,
    "is_liftgate_required": 0,
    "has_alcohol": 0,
    "hold_until": "",
    "warehouse_id": "",
    "store_id": "",
    "payment_terms": "",
    "insurance_provider": "",
    "confirmation_type": "",
    "signature_type": 0,
    "package_code": "",
    "reference_1": "",
    "reference_2": "",
    "reference_3": "",
    "reference_4": "",
    "third_party_code": "",
    "third_party_account_number": "",
    "third_party_name": "",
    "third_party_street_1": "",
    "third_party_street_2": "",
    "third_party_street_3": "",
    "third_party_street_4": "",
    "third_party_city": "",
    "third_party_state_or_province": "",
    "third_party_postal_code": "",
    "third_party_country": "",
    "third_party_contact_name": "",
    "third_party_contact_phone": "",
    "third_party_contact_email": "ORDER-1                                                PP"
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "customer_line": 1,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 2,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 10,
      "quantity_shipped": 10,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 2.25,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 10
      "line": 2,
      "customer_line": 2,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 2,
      "quantity_shipped": 2,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 15.75,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-C",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20111011",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 2
  "notes": "",
  "total_amount": 0,
  "total_discount": 0,
  "total_tax": 0,
  "total_shipping": 12,
  "client_id": "100",
  "shipping_notes": "",
  "picking_notes": "",
  "packages": [
      "package_id": "",
      "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
      "tracking_url": "",
      "pkg_length": 0,
      "pkg_width": 0,
      "pkg_height": 0,
      "pkg_weight": 2,
      "declared_value": 0
Order not found


Shipments are fullfilment information for sales orders.

Field Name Type Description
client_code string (10) The client code for the client to which this record belongs
order_reference_1 string (30) A unique custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_3 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_4 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_5 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_reference_6 string (30) A custom reference string assigned to the order
order_id integer Auto generated sequence number
shipment_id integer Auto generated sequence number
source_id integer A unique value that can be assigned to identify the source system that created the order
order_date date The date the order was created
request_date date The date the shipment is requested to arrive
shipment_date date The date the order was shipped
created_on datetime The datetime that the order was created in the system
updated_on datetime The datetime that the order was updated last time in the system
pick_ticket_printed integer READ ONLY A flag indicating whether or not the order pick ticket has been printed
pick_ticket_printed_on datetime READ ONLY The datetime that the order pick ticket was last printed
posted_on datetime The datetime that the shipment was posted in the system
order_lock_flag integer READ ONLY This flag is used to indicate an order is locked when it is in progress
order_status string READ ONLY This field represents the current order status
status_code integer A code representing the allocation status
status string A string representing the allocation status
notes string (50) A custom notes string assigned to the order
shipping_notes text Shipping notes assigned to the order
picking_notes text Picking notes assigned to the order
other_notes_1 text Other notes assigned to the order
other_notes_2 text Other notes assigned to the order
other_notes_3 text Other notes assigned to the order
location_id integer (3) This is the location code for the warehouse that shipped the items on this order
ship_to object An object containing the ship to customer information
ship_to.id integer The customer unique identifier (customer_code)
ship_to.code string (15) The customer code
ship_to.name string (50) The customer name
ship_to.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
ship_to.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
ship_to.street_3 string (50) Address line #3
ship_to.street_4 string (50) Address line #4
ship_to.city string (35) City
ship_to.state_or_province string (35) State or province
ship_to.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
ship_to.country string (3) Country Code
ship_to.is_residential integer Residential Flag (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
ship_to.contact_name string (30) Contact name
ship_to.customer_phone string (22) Contact phone number
ship_to.customer_email string (60) Contact email address
bill_to object An object containing the bill to customer information
bill_to.id integer The customer unique identifier (customer_code)
bill_to.code string (15) The customer code
bill_to.name string (50) The customer name
bill_to.street_1 string (50) Address line #1
bill_to.street_2 string (50) Address line #2
bill_to.street_3 string (50) Address line #3
bill_to.street_4 string (50) Address line #4
bill_to.city string (35) City
bill_to.state_or_province string (35) State or province
bill_to.postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
bill_to.country string (3) Country Code
shipping object An object containing shipping information
shipping.carrier_code string (30) The carrier code for the carrier transporting the shipment
shipping.carrier_description string (50) The carrier description for the carrier transporting the shipment
shipping.service_code string (30) The service level code for the shipping service being used for the shipment
shipping.payment_type string (2) The carrier payment type being used (PP=Prepaid, CC=Collect, TP=Third Party)
shipping.trans_method string (2) The transportation method code for the shipment
shipping.incoterms string (5) The Incoterms code for the shipment
shipping.incoterm_city string (30) The incoterm city for the shipment
shipping.total_package_count integer The total package count for the shipment
shipping.total_package_weight float (10, 2) The total package weight for the shipment
shipping.pickup_date date The pickup date for the shipment
shipping.pickup_time time (hhmmss) The pickup time for the shipment
shipping.pickup_party string (30) The pickup party for the shipment
shipping.confirmation_type string (30) The shipment delivery confirmation type
shipping.signature_type integer
The shipment delivery signature type
FedEx: 0 = None, 1 = Indirect (residential only), 2 = Direct sign, 3 = Adult sign
UPS: 0 = None, 1 = Delivery confirm, 2 = Signature Req, 3 = Adult sign
shipping.tracking_number string (30) The tracking number for the shipment
shipping.cost float (10,2) The shipping cost for the shipment
shipping.delivery_date date The shipment delivery date
shipping.reference_1 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_2 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_3 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_4 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.reference_5 string (30) A custom reference string related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_1 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_2 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_3 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_4 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.numeric_reference_5 integer A custom numeric reference related to the shipment
shipping.third_party_code string (15) The third party code
shipping.third_party_account_number string (25) The third party carrier account number
shipping.third_party_name string (50) The customer name
shipping.third_party_street_1 string (50) Address line #1
shipping.third_party_street_2 string (50) Address line #2
shipping.third_party_street_3 string (50) Address line #3
shipping.third_party_street_4 string (50) Address line #4
shipping.third_party_city string (35) City
shipping.third_party_state_or_province string (35) State or province
shipping.third_party_postal_code string (15) Zip/Postal code
shipping.third_party_country string (3) Country Code
shipping.third_party_contact_name string (30) Contact name
shipping.third_party_contact_phone string (22) Contact phone number
shipping.third_party_contact_email string (60) Contact email address
total_amount float (10,2) The total value of the items on the shipment
total_discount float (10,2) The total discount value of the items
total_tax float (10,2) The total taxed value of the items
total_misc_charge_1 float (10,2) The total miscellaneous charge #1
total_misc_charge_2 float (10,2) The total miscellaneous charge #2
items array An array of line item objects
items[].line integer (3) Auto generated sequential line number
items[].customer_line integer This is a unique line number assigned by the customer system if applicable
items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item on this line
items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item on this line
items[].upc_code string (12) READ ONLY The UPC for the product
items[].description string (40) This is the product description for the item on this line
items[].description_2 string (40) This is the extended product description for the item on this line
items[].customer_product_code string (30) This is the customer product code for the item on this line
items[].alias_product_code string (30) This is an alias product code for the item on this line
items[].country_of_origin string (2) This is origin country code for the item on this line
items[].quantity_ordered integer This is the item quantity ordered for this line
items[].quantity_shipped integer This is the item quantity that was shipped for this line
items[].sell_qty_uom string (4) This is the item unit of measure code for this line
items[].price float (10,2) This is the item unit price for this line
items[].promo_code string (5) This is a promotional code for this line
items[].product_group string (5) This is a product group code for this line
items[].custom_dimension_1 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_2 string (20) This is a custom line level reference
items[].custom_dimension_3 string (15) This is a custom line level reference
items[].line_reference_1 string (30) This is custom reference string for this line
items[].line_reference_2 string (20) This is custom reference string for this line
items[].numeric_reference_1 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_2 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_3 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_4 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].numeric_reference_5 float (10, 2) This is custom numeric reference for this line
items[].line_date_1 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_2 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_3 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_4 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_date_5 date This is a custom date for this line
items[].line_notes text Additional notes for this line
items[].unit_weight float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the weight for the item
items[].weight_uom string (4) READ ONLY This is the weight unit of measure for the item
items[].unit_volume float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the volume for the item
items[].volume_uom string (4) READ ONLY This is the volume unit of measure for the item
items[].hts_number string (12) READ ONLY This is the HTS number for the item
items[].commodity_code string (5) READ ONLY This is the commodity code for the item
items[].list_price float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the list price for the item
items[].suggested_list_price float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the sugggested list price for the item
items[].length float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the length for the item
items[].width float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the width for the item
items[].height float (10, 2) READ ONLY This is the height for the item
items[].no_units_per_case integer READ ONLY The number of units per inner case
items[].no_cases_per_outer_case integer READ ONLY The number of inner cases per case
items[].details array An array of item allocation details
items[].details[].from_bin string (20) Item bin location
items[].details[].fifo_lifo_date date Item FIFO/LIFO date
items[].details[].lot_number string (30) Item lot number
items[].details[].serial_number string (20) Item serial number
items[].details[].quantity integer Item allocated quantity
packages array An array of package objects related to the order
packages[].package_id string (20) A unique package identifier string
packages[].tracking_number string (20) The carrier tracking number assigned to the package
packages[].tracking_url string (20) The carrier tracking URL assigned to the package
packages[].items array An array of item objects that are contained within the package
packages[].items[].product_id integer This is the unique product id for the item
packages[].items[].product_code string (30) This is the product code for the item
packages[].items[].upc_code string (12) READ ONLY The UPC for the product
packages[].items[].product_description string (30) This is the product description for the item
packages[].items[].unit_weight float (10, 2) This is the weight for the item
packages[].items[].weight_uom string (4) This is the weight unit of measure for the item
packages[].items[].unit_volume float (10, 2) This is the volume for the item
packages[].items[].volume_uom string (4) This is the volume unit of measure for the item
packages[].items[].country_of_origin string (2) This is the country of origin code for the item
packages[].items[].hts_number string (12) This is the HTS number for the item
packages[].items[].commodity_code string (5) This is the commodity code for the item
packages[].items[].list_price float (10, 2) This is the list price for the item
packages[].items[].suggested_list_price float (10, 2) This is the sugggested list price for the item
packages[].items[].length float (10, 2) This is the length for the item
packages[].items[].width float (10, 2) This is the width for the item
packages[].items[].height float (10, 2) This is the height for the item
packages[].items[].no_units_per_case integer READ ONLY The number of units per inner case
packages[].items[].no_cases_per_outer_case integer READ ONLY The number of inner cases per case
packages[].items[].fifo_lifo_date date Item FIFO/LIFO date
packages[].items[].lot_number string (30) Item lot number
packages[].items[].serial_number string (20) Item serial number
packages[].items[].quantity integer Item quantity
bol object READ ONLY An object containing the bill of lading information (only present if linked to a bol)
bol.reference string (30) READ ONLY The BOL reference# / BOL#
bol.ship_to.code string (15) READ ONLY The customer code
bol.ship_to.name string (50) READ ONLY The customer name
bol.ship_to.street_1 string (50) READ ONLY Address line #1
bol.ship_to.street_2 string (50) READ ONLY Address line #2
bol.ship_to.city string (35) READ ONLY City
bol.ship_to.state_or_province string (35) READ ONLY State or province
bol.ship_to.postal_code string (15) READ ONLY Zip/Postal code
bol.ship_to.country string (3) READ ONLY Country Code
bol.carrier_code string (30) READ ONLY The carrier code for the carrier transporting the shipment
bol.service_code string (30) READ ONLY The service level code for the shipping service being used for the shipment
bol.payment_type string (2) READ ONLY The carrier payment type being used (PP=Prepaid, CC=Collect, TP=Third Party)
bol.tracking_number string (30) READ ONLY The carrier tracking number for the shipment
bol.will_ship_date date READ ONLY The will ship date
bol.ready_by string (30) READ ONLY The ready by reference
bol.due_date date READ ONLY The due date
bol.description string (30) READ ONLY The description
bol.total_pallet_count integer READ ONLY The total pallet count for the shipment
bol.total_package_count integer READ ONLY The total package count for the shipment
bol.total_weight float (10, 2) READ ONLY The total weight for the shipment
bol.notes string (100) READ ONLY A custom notes string assigned to the bol shipment
bol.pallets array READ ONLY A list of pallet details assigned to the bol shipment
bol.pallets[].length float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet length
bol.pallets[].width float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet width
bol.pallets[].height float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet height
bol.pallets[].weight float (10, 2) READ ONLY The pallet weight
bol.pallets[].package_count integer READ ONLY The pallet package count
bol.pallets[].description string (20) READ ONLY The pallet description

Shipment Listing

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/shipments


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer Limit the number of records returned
integer Page of results to fetch when used in conjunction with the limit parameter
string (10) Filter results for the specified client code
integer (3) Filter results for the specified location id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified order_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified order_id
integer Filter results greater than or equal to the specified shipment_id
integer Filter results less than or equal to the specified shipment_id
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified created_on datetime
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified order date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified order date
date Filter results equal to the specified order date
date Filter results greater than or equal to the specified shipment date
date Filter results less than or equal to the specified shipment date
date Filter results equal to the specified shipment date
datetime Filter results greater than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
datetime Filter results less than or equal to the specified posted_on datetime
string Filter results equal to the specified order reference
string Filter results equal to the specified order reference
string Filter results equal to the specified order reference
string Filter results equal to the specified ship to customer code
string Filter results equal to the specified bill to customer code
n/a Only return shipment_id's in the response


Code Description
Successful operation
    "shipment_id": 100002,
    "order_id": 1023,
    "backorder_id": 0,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "client_name": "Client 100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "Complete",
    "status_code": 1,
    "order_reference_1": "TESTO-9",
    "order_reference_2": "",
    "order_reference_3": "",
    "order_reference_4": "",
    "order_reference_5": "",
    "order_reference_6": "",
    "created_on": "20190726161834",
    "posted_on": "20190726162833",
    "order_date": "20190725",
    "request_date": "",
    "shipment_date": "20190726",
    "hold_flag": 0,
    "total_amount": 0,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "total_tax": 0,
    "total_shipping": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "ship_from": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "ship_to": {
      "id": "13",
      "code": "TEST CUST NEW",
      "contact_name": "",
      "name": "Test Ship to #1",
      "street_1": "",
      "street_2": "",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "",
      "country": "",
      "is_residential": 0,
      "customer_phone": "",
      "customer_email": ""
    "bill_to": {
      "id": "13",
      "code": "TEST CUST NEW",
      "name": "Test Ship to #1",
      "street_1": "",
      "street_2": "",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "",
      "country": ""
    "shipping": {
      "carrier_code": "",
      "carrier_description": "",
      "service": "",
      "service_code": "",
      "payment_type": "",
      "trans_method": "",
      "incoterms": "",
      "incoterm_city": "",
      "pickup_date": "",
      "pickup_time": "",
      "pickup_party": "",
      "delivery_date": "",
      "cost": 0,
      "tracking_number": "",
      "total_package_weight": 0,
      "total_package_count": 0,
      "total_package_volume": 0,
      "total_pallets": 0,
      "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
      "is_insured": 0,
      "is_machinable": 0,
      "is_inside_delivery": 0,
      "is_liftgate_required": 0,
      "has_alcohol": 0,
      "hold_until": "",
      "warehouse_id": "",
      "store_id": "",
      "payment_terms": "",
      "insurance_provider": "",
      "confirmation_type": "",
      "package_code": "",
      "reference_1": "",
      "reference_2": "",
      "reference_3": "",
      "reference_4": "",
      "reference_5": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "numeric_reference_2": 0,
      "numeric_reference_3": 0,
      "numeric_reference_4": 0,
      "numeric_reference_5": 0,
      "third_party_code": "",
      "third_party_account_number": "",
      "third_party_name": "",
      "third_party_street_1": "",
      "third_party_street_2": "",
      "third_party_street_3": "",
      "third_party_street_4": "",
      "third_party_city": "",
      "third_party_state_or_province": "",
      "third_party_postal_code": "",
      "third_party_country": "",
      "third_party_contact_name": "",
      "third_party_contact_phone": "",
      "third_party_contact_email": "TESTO-9"
    "shipping_notes": "",
    "picking_notes": "",
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "customer_line": 1,
        "product_id": 22,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-O",
        "upc_code": "001122334466",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-Other",
        "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-Other",
        "description_2": "",
        "customer_product_code": "",
        "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-O",
        "country_of_origin": "",
        "bom_kit_flag": 0,
        "bom_kit_line": 0,
        "quantity_ordered": 5,
        "quantity_shipped": 5,
        "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
        "price": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "product_group": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "line_reference_1": "HELLO",
        "line_reference_2": "",
        "numeric_reference_1": 0,
        "line_notes": "",
        "hts_number": "",
        "commodity_code": "",
        "list_price": 0.95,
        "suggested_list_price": 0,
        "unit_weight": 0,
        "weight_uom": "LB",
        "unit_volume": 0,
        "volume_uom": "CF",
        "length": 0,
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN1-A",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "19691231",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 5
    "packages": []
    "shipment_id": 100003,
    "order_id": 1039,
    "backorder_id": 0,
    "client_code": "100",
    "client_id": "100",
    "client_name": "Client 100",
    "location_id": 100,
    "status": "Complete",
    "status_code": 1,
    "order_reference_1": "ORDER-1",
    "order_reference_2": "PO-1",
    "order_reference_3": "REF-3",
    "order_reference_4": "",
    "order_reference_5": "",
    "order_reference_6": "",
    "created_on": "20191208005255",
    "posted_on": "20191208012154",
    "order_date": "20191208",
    "request_date": "20191220",
    "shipment_date": "20191208",
    "hold_flag": 0,
    "total_amount": 0,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "total_tax": 0,
    "total_shipping": 12,
    "notes": "",
    "ship_from": {
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Finished Goods 100",
      "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
      "street_2": "Suite A",
      "city": "Chatsworth",
      "state_or_province": "CA",
      "postal_code": "91311",
      "country": "US"
    "ship_to": {
      "id": "15",
      "code": "ABC-123",
      "contact_name": "",
      "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
      "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
      "street_2": "",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "AB City",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "55555",
      "country": "US",
      "is_residential": 0,
      "customer_phone": "",
      "customer_email": ""
    "bill_to": {
      "id": "15",
      "code": "ABC-123",
      "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
      "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
      "street_2": "",
      "street_3": "",
      "street_4": "",
      "city": "AB City",
      "state_or_province": "",
      "postal_code": "55555",
      "country": "US"
    "shipping": {
      "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
      "carrier_description": "",
      "service": "",
      "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND",
      "payment_type": "PP",
      "trans_method": "",
      "incoterms": "",
      "incoterm_city": "",
      "pickup_date": "",
      "pickup_time": "",
      "pickup_party": "",
      "delivery_date": "",
      "cost": 12,
      "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
      "total_package_weight": 2,
      "total_package_count": 1,
      "total_package_volume": 0,
      "total_pallets": 0,
      "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
      "is_insured": 0,
      "is_machinable": 0,
      "is_inside_delivery": 0,
      "is_liftgate_required": 0,
      "has_alcohol": 0,
      "hold_until": "",
      "warehouse_id": "",
      "store_id": "",
      "payment_terms": "",
      "insurance_provider": "",
      "confirmation_type": "",
      "package_code": "",
      "reference_1": "",
      "reference_2": "",
      "reference_3": "",
      "reference_4": "",
      "reference_5": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "numeric_reference_2": 0,
      "numeric_reference_3": 0,
      "numeric_reference_4": 0,
      "numeric_reference_5": 0,
      "third_party_code": "",
      "third_party_account_number": "",
      "third_party_name": "",
      "third_party_street_1": "",
      "third_party_street_2": "",
      "third_party_street_3": "",
      "third_party_street_4": "",
      "third_party_city": "",
      "third_party_state_or_province": "",
      "third_party_postal_code": "",
      "third_party_country": "",
      "third_party_contact_name": "",
      "third_party_contact_phone": "",
      "third_party_contact_email": "ORDER-1                                                PP"
    "shipping_notes": "",
    "picking_notes": "",
    "items": [
        "line": 1,
        "customer_line": 1,
        "product_id": 19,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
        "upc_code": "001122334467",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
        "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
        "description_2": "",
        "customer_product_code": "",
        "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
        "country_of_origin": "",
        "bom_kit_flag": 2,
        "bom_kit_line": 0,
        "quantity_ordered": 10,
        "quantity_shipped": 10,
        "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
        "price": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "product_group": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "line_reference_1": "",
        "line_reference_2": "",
        "numeric_reference_1": 0,
        "line_notes": "",
        "hts_number": "",
        "commodity_code": "",
        "list_price": 2.25,
        "suggested_list_price": 0,
        "unit_weight": 0,
        "weight_uom": "LB",
        "unit_volume": 0,
        "volume_uom": "CF",
        "length": 0,
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN1-B",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 10
        "line": 2,
        "customer_line": 2,
        "product_id": 20,
        "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
        "upc_code": "001122334468",
        "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
        "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
        "description_2": "",
        "customer_product_code": "",
        "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
        "country_of_origin": "",
        "bom_kit_flag": 0,
        "bom_kit_line": 0,
        "quantity_ordered": 2,
        "quantity_shipped": 2,
        "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
        "price": 0,
        "promo_code": "",
        "product_group": "",
        "custom_dimension_1": "",
        "custom_dimension_2": "",
        "custom_dimension_3": "",
        "line_reference_1": "",
        "line_reference_2": "",
        "numeric_reference_1": 0,
        "line_notes": "",
        "hts_number": "",
        "commodity_code": "",
        "list_price": 15.75,
        "suggested_list_price": 0,
        "unit_weight": 0,
        "weight_uom": "LB",
        "unit_volume": 0,
        "volume_uom": "CF",
        "length": 0,
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "details": [
            "from_bin": "BIN1-C",
            "fifo_lifo_date": "20111011",
            "lot_number": "100",
            "serial_number": "",
            "quantity": 2
    "packages": [
        "package_id": "",
        "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
        "tracking_url": "",
        "pkg_length": 0,
        "pkg_width": 0,
        "pkg_height": 0,
        "pkg_weight": 2,
        "declared_value": 0

Shipment Lookup

GET https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/shipment/{shipment_id}


Name Type Description
string REQUIRED The API access key
integer REQUIRED The shipment_id for the record


Code Description
Successful operation
  "shipment_id": 100003,
  "order_id": 1039,
  "backorder_id": 0,
  "client_code": "100",
  "client_id": "100",
  "client_name": "Client 100",
  "location_id": 100,
  "status": "Complete",
  "status_code": 1,
  "order_reference_1": "ORDER-1",
  "order_reference_2": "PO-1",
  "order_reference_3": "REF-3",
  "order_reference_4": "",
  "order_reference_5": "",
  "order_reference_6": "",
  "created_on": "20191208005255",
  "posted_on": "20191208012154",
  "order_date": "20191208",
  "request_date": "20191220",
  "shipment_date": "20191208",
  "hold_flag": 0,
  "total_amount": 0,
  "total_discount": 0,
  "total_tax": 0,
  "total_shipping": 12,
  "notes": "",
  "ship_from": {
    "id": 100,
    "name": "Finished Goods 100",
    "street_1": "21625 Prairie Street",
    "street_2": "Suite A",
    "city": "Chatsworth",
    "state_or_province": "CA",
    "postal_code": "91311",
    "country": "US"
  "ship_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "contact_name": "",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US",
    "is_residential": 0,
    "customer_phone": "",
    "customer_email": ""
  "bill_to": {
    "id": "15",
    "code": "ABC-123",
    "name": "Customer ABC, 123",
    "street_1": "1234 Alpha Street",
    "street_2": "",
    "street_3": "",
    "street_4": "",
    "city": "AB City",
    "state_or_province": "",
    "postal_code": "55555",
    "country": "US"
  "shipping": {
    "carrier_code": "FEDEX",
    "carrier_description": "",
    "service": "",
    "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND",
    "payment_type": "PP",
    "trans_method": "",
    "incoterms": "",
    "incoterm_city": "",
    "pickup_date": "",
    "pickup_time": "",
    "pickup_party": "",
    "delivery_date": "",
    "cost": 12,
    "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
    "total_package_weight": 2,
    "total_package_count": 1,
    "total_package_volume": 0,
    "total_pallets": 0,
    "is_saturday_delivery": 0,
    "is_insured": 0,
    "is_machinable": 0,
    "is_inside_delivery": 0,
    "is_liftgate_required": 0,
    "has_alcohol": 0,
    "hold_until": "",
    "warehouse_id": "",
    "store_id": "",
    "payment_terms": "",
    "insurance_provider": "",
    "confirmation_type": "",
    "package_code": "",
    "reference_1": "",
    "reference_2": "",
    "reference_3": "",
    "reference_4": "",
    "reference_5": "",
    "numeric_reference_1": 0,
    "numeric_reference_2": 0,
    "numeric_reference_3": 0,
    "numeric_reference_4": 0,
    "numeric_reference_5": 0,
    "third_party_code": "",
    "third_party_account_number": "",
    "third_party_name": "",
    "third_party_street_1": "",
    "third_party_street_2": "",
    "third_party_street_3": "",
    "third_party_street_4": "",
    "third_party_city": "",
    "third_party_state_or_province": "",
    "third_party_postal_code": "",
    "third_party_country": "",
    "third_party_contact_name": "",
    "third_party_contact_phone": "",
    "third_party_contact_email": "ORDER-1                                                PP"
  "shipping_notes": "",
  "picking_notes": "",
  "items": [
      "line": 1,
      "customer_line": 1,
      "product_id": 19,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "upc_code": "001122334467",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 2,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 10,
      "quantity_shipped": 10,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 2.25,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-B",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20110111",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 10
      "line": 2,
      "customer_line": 2,
      "product_id": 20,
      "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "upc_code": "001122334468",
      "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ScanDate",
      "description_2": "",
      "customer_product_code": "",
      "alias_product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-SD",
      "country_of_origin": "",
      "bom_kit_flag": 0,
      "bom_kit_line": 0,
      "quantity_ordered": 2,
      "quantity_shipped": 2,
      "sell_qty_uom": "EA",
      "price": 0,
      "promo_code": "",
      "product_group": "",
      "custom_dimension_1": "",
      "custom_dimension_2": "",
      "custom_dimension_3": "",
      "line_reference_1": "",
      "line_reference_2": "",
      "numeric_reference_1": 0,
      "line_notes": "",
      "hts_number": "",
      "commodity_code": "",
      "list_price": 15.75,
      "suggested_list_price": 0,
      "unit_weight": 0,
      "weight_uom": "LB",
      "unit_volume": 0,
      "volume_uom": "CF",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "details": [
          "from_bin": "BIN1-C",
          "fifo_lifo_date": "20111011",
          "lot_number": "100",
          "serial_number": "",
          "quantity": 2
  "packages": [
      "package_id": "",
      "tracking_number": "042329115493344",
      "tracking_url": "",
      "pkg_length": 0,
      "pkg_width": 0,
      "pkg_height": 0,
      "pkg_weight": 2,
      "declared_value": 0
Shipment not found

Release Notes

v2.26.0 Release Notes (2023-11-22)

  • Added
    • Add fields shipping.trans_method, items[].no_units_per_case, and items[].no_cases_per_outer_case to the order and shipment calls.

v2.25.0 Release Notes (2023-04-15)

  • Added
    • Add fields items[].line_date_1, items[].line_date_2, items[].line_date_3, items[].line_date_4, and items[].line_date_5 to the order and shipment calls.

v2.24.0 Release Notes (2023-02-19)

  • Added
    • Add ship_to.is_residential field to the order and shipment calls.

v2.23.0 Release Notes (2023-02-07)

  • Added
    • Add total_misc_charge_1 and total_misc_charge_2 field to the order and shipment calls.

v2.22.0 Release Notes (2022-05-31)

  • Added
    • Add yes_no_fields_1 field to the response for inventory and inventory_detail calls. This field will enable to filter out active or inactive products (Active=0 , Inactive =1 ).

v2.21.0 Release Notes (2022-02-04)

  • Added
    • Add the following fields to the product api: model_number, currency, costs_2, costs_4, addl_keywords, supp_part_no, order_qtys_1, order_qtys_2, order_qtys_3, seasonal_code, pop_class, order_qtys_18, order_qtys_12, order_qtys_11, ibill_code, abill_code, non_taxable, non_discounted.

v2.20.0 Release Notes (2021-10-01)

  • Added
    • Add updated_on field to order/shipment response.
    • Add order_lock_flag field to order/shipment response.
    • Add bin_location field to product response.

v2.19.0 Release Notes (2021-06-17)

  • Added
    • Add total_virtual_assemblies field to the response for inventory and inventory_detail calls. This new field will only be populated on accounts that have virtual assemblies enabled.

v2.18.0 Release Notes (2021-05-28)

  • Changed
    • Add items[].upc_code and packages[].items[].upc_code to response for order and shipment calls.

v2.17.1 Release Notes (2021-03-10)

  • Changed
    • Documentation updated to correct references to pagination which were incorrectly stated as zero based for the page parameter. A page parameter that is not provided (equal to zero) or provided and set to 1 would result in the first page of data being returned. A page parameter of 2 or greater would result in subsequent pages of data being returned.

v2.17.0 Release Notes (2021-02-09)

  • Added
    • Add three new notes header fields to order/shipment calls. other_notes_1, other_notes_2, and other_notes_3.
  • Changed
    • Update inventory & inventory_detail listing response to always include all invaccts in the response, even if no quantity currently on hand.

v2.16.0 Release Notes (2021-01-19)

  • Added
    • Add product_group filter for inventory & kit listings.
    • Add product_group to inventory & kit responses.
    • Add clntserv_code1 to inventory & kit responses.

v2.15.0 Release Notes (2020-12-18)

  • Added
    • Return the bom_kit_flag and bom_kit_line in shipment->packages->items response
    • Add additional generic reference fields to the order and shipment api: items[].numeric_reference_2, items[].numeric_reference_3, items[].numeric_reference_4, items[].numeric_reference_5
  • Fixed
    • Fix handling of customer codes that contain a comma character

v2.14.0 Release Notes (2020-10-15)

  • Added
    • Return the product fields bom_kit_flag and non_stocked in the inventory and inventory_detail responses

v2.13.0 Release Notes (2020-08-12)

  • Added
    • Add bol information to order/shipment responses if an order/shipment is linked to a bol
    • Add supplier_code to products api response
    • Fix documentation of order packaging fields shippingcharge & total_cost. The definitions were reversed. shippingcharge is the total shipment cost for all packages. total_cost is the total shipping cost for the individual package

v2.12.0 Release Notes (2020-03-10)

  • Changed
    • Add additional generic reference fields to the order and shipment api: shipping[reference_5], shipping[numeric_reference_1], shipping[numeric_reference_2], shipping[numeric_reference_3], shipping[numeric_reference_4], shipping[numeric_reference_5]

v2.11.0 Release Notes (2020-03-02)

  • Changed
    • Add product_group and product_type to product api
  • Fixed
    • Fixed bug in order update to allow updates without specifying location_id

v2.10.0 Release Notes (2020-02-12)

  • Changed
    • Set internal order line count field when orders are created or updated
    • Add customer yes_no_fields_{1-4}

v2.9.0 Release Notes (2020-01-30)

  • Changed
    • Add pick_ticket_printed flag and pick_ticket_printed_on timestamp to order and shipment api response

v2.8.0 Release Notes (2020-01-17)

  • Changed
    • Changed order update to allow updates to allocated orders as detailed in the updated documentation
    • Add custom reference field(s) "custom_str_X" to customer api
    • Add a text field "notes_1" to the product api

v2.7.0 Release Notes (2019-12-12)

  • Changed
    • Added total_expected and total_ordered fields to the inventory listing responses
    • Added min/max/suggested quantity fields to the product api calls

v2.6.0 Release Notes (2019-12-08)

  • Changed
    • Documentation updated to JSON format along with more detailed field descriptions
    • Note: Click here for old documentation
    • Updated error responses to more consistent JSON format and updated HTTP response codes

v2.5.7 Release Notes (2019-10-30)

  • Bugs
    • Fixed bug for kits listing call failing when too many results are returned.

v2.5.6 Release Notes (2019-10-11)

  • Changed
    • Added bom_kit_line to order and shipping call response.
    • Removed the call "order/{order_id}/post-shipment" and replaced it with "packageship/{order_id}".
  • Bugs
    • Fixed bugs in order and shipment calls to make sure kit to order lines are returned correctly.

v2.5.5 Release Notes (2019-09-20)

  • Changed
    • Added signature_type to shipping call response.

v2.5.4 Release Notes (2019-09-09)

  • Changed
    • Added upc_code to inventory call response when using customer_code filter.

v2.5.3 Release Notes (2019-08-14)

  • Bugs
    • Fixed parsing of json formatted request body.

v2.5.2 Release Notes (2019-08-13)

  • Bugs
    • Fixed a bug for the product create routine where new products were not be created.

v2.5.1 Release Notes (2019-08-09)

  • Bugs
    • Fixed a bug where the client_code filter was not working correctly for the customers api call.

v2.5.0 Release Notes (2019-08-09)

  • Features/Changes
    • Removed the ability to create/update/delete clients.
    • Enhancements to client level access restrictions for each valid api key.
    • Started transition of filters and fields called 'client', 'client_id', 'client_prefix' to normalize as 'client_code'. The old filters and fields will be left in place for now for backwards compatibility but are considered deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
    • Add validation of 'client_code' to all api calls that use this filter or field to ensure the client entry is accessible and exists.
    • New order creations will be rejected as a duplicate if a shipment is found with the same client_code + order_rererence_1 value witin the last 90 days.
  • Bugs
    • Removed auto creation of product entries during order create/update.

v2.4.0 Release Notes (2019-01-17)

  • Features
    • Added bill_to information to order and shipment calls.
    • Added filters to orders listing call: ship_to_code, bill_to_code.
    • Added filters to shipments listing call: ship_to_code, bill_to_code, order_reference_1, order_reference_2, order_reference_3, wavepick_id.

v2.3.0 Release Notes (2018-04-06)

  • Features
    • Added new line level fields to order and shipment calls: location_id, inv_acct_id, promo_code, customer_product_code, alias_product_code, country_of_origin, and numeric_reference_1.
    • Added new line level fields to arn and receipt calls: location_id, inv_acct_id, and promo_code.
    • Added new line level fields to purchase order calls: location_id, inv_acct_id, and promo_code.
    • Added new fields to product calls: hts_number and clntserv_code7 (Manufacturer).
    • Updated adjustments response to change "adjustment_from" to "adjustment_location" to clarify that quantity can be removed from or added to the location.
    • Updated kit orders to return component allocation details.
    • Updated kit order create to allow for specific serial numbers to be provided in the request for allocation to the kit order.
    • Updated kit order create to allow for specific inv_acct_id to be provided for each line item in the request for allocation to the kit order.
    • Added backorder_id to order and shipment response.
  • Bugs
    • Fixed adjustment & transfer calls handling of created_on & posted_on timestamps.
  • Documentation
    • Updated documentation for product create call for flag field values.

v2.2.0 Release Notes (2018-02-20)

  • Features
    • Added incoterms and incoterm_city to order api calls.

v2.1.0 Release Notes (2018-02-16)

  • Features
    • Added new text fields to order create/update: shipping_notes, picking_notes, and line_notes.
    • System generated date/time values will now use the timezone specified for the environment being accessed.
    • Added third party shipping fields to the order calls.
    • Updated the order create to check for a duplicate order already existing based on the combined key of client_code + order_reference_1. Reject order create if a duplicate order exists.
    • Added purchase order calls.
    • Added kit order calls.
    • Added order line_reference_1 field.
  • Bugs
    • Fixed fatal error condition when last parameter does not contain a value.

v2.0.3 Release Notes

  • Features
    • Added ability to specify client code while looking up products

v2.0.2 Release Notes

  • Features
  • Bugs
  • Documentation

v2.0.1 Release Notes

  • Features
    • Added ability for custom fields to work with some api calls (currently undocumented)
  • Bugs
    • Fixed an issue with pagination (limits and pages)
    • Fixed clients module
    • Added exception to handle shipments on different module versions
    • Fixed an issue with inventory showing null objects when using the client code filter
  • Documentation
    • Updated field definitions
    • Fixed documentation pertaining to page functionality
    • Updated client documentation
    • Completed documentation on receipts
    • Completed documentation on shipments