Welcome to SphereWMS API v2 guide. This documentation designed to provide the end client with general knowledge of how to use this api to connect to the SphereWMS.
This api follows most of the standards for a REST api. That means that the calls are stateless (no session handling) and url paths are designed for easy understanding. In order to use this API, you will need to be able to connect to the api server via HTTP and use input methods like GET POST and DELETE. You should be able to use curl (available in most programming languages) to make requests to the server, but can also use javascript ajax calls if you are writing client side applications.
You will be assigned an api key and environment name from the SphereWMS support team which is needed to access the api, including this documentation.
The following is the url endpoint for the api:
Requests are constructed as follows:
Example - [https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/suppliers?key=[[key]]]
All response are currently returned in JSON. Like CURL, most programming languages have access to a parser that will convert JSON into usable data
For the purpose of this document, our environment name will be [faes-api] and the key will not be added to the url examples to keep things readable. Please note that your API key only allows access to your environments.
Inventory adjustments that are either pending or confirmed and posted.
Available Filters [GET]
Pending adjustments request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustments/?{filters...} [GET]
[ { "adjustment_id": 604, "client_code": "100", "requested_by": "REQUESTED BY", "assigned_to": "ASSIGNED TO", "reason_code": 99, "created_on": "20170606101154", "updated_by": "ben-uni17", "adjustment_date": "20170606", "adjustment_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": -2 } ] }, { "adjustment_id": 605, "client_code": "100", "requested_by": "REQUESTED BY", "assigned_to": "ASSIGNED TO", "reason_code": 99, "created_on": "20170606101210", "updated_by": "ben-uni17", "adjustment_date": "20170606", "adjustment_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": -1 } ] } ]
Confirmed and posted adjustments request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustmenthistorys/?{filters...} [GET]
[ { "adjustment_id": 603, "client_code": "100", "requested_by": "REQUESTOR", "assigned_to": "ASSIGNEE", "reason_code": 99, "created_on": "20170606094152", "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -", "posted_on": "20170606095543", "adjustment_date": "20170606", "adjustment_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": -1 } ] } ]
Pending adjustment request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustment/{adjustment_id} [GET]
{ "adjustment_id": 605, "client_code": "100", "requested_by": "REQUESTED BY", "assigned_to": "ASSIGNED TO", "reason_code": 99, "created_on": "20170606101210", "updated_by": "ben-uni17", "adjustment_date": "20170606", "adjustment_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": -1 } ] }
Confirmed and posted adjustment request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/adjustmenthistory/{adjustment_id} [GET]
{ "adjustment_id": 603, "client_code": "100", "requested_by": "REQUESTOR", "assigned_to": "ASSIGNEE", "reason_code": 99, "created_on": "20170606094152", "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -", "posted_on": "20170606095543", "adjustment_date": "20170606", "adjustment_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": -1 } ] }
ARNs stand for Advanced Receipt Notice and structured a lot like a Purchase Order
Available Filters [GET]
Available Parameters [GET]
NOTE - Dates can be provided in any ISO datetime format and have some understanding of time based language
Get all arns for the month of November 2015
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arns/?from_arn_date=2015-11-01&to_arn_date=2015-11-31 [GET]
Get all arns from yesterday
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arns/?arn_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all arns for client 100 for yesterday
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arns/?client_code=100&arn_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all arns for client 100 at inventory account 777
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arns/?client_code=100&location_id=777 [GET]
[ { "arn_id": 109, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "New/Open", "status_code": 0, "arn_reference_1": "30303", "arn_reference_2": "", "arn_reference_3": "", "arn_reference_4": "", "arn_reference_5": "", "arn_reference_6": "", "ownership_type": "", "arn_date": "20170303", "expected_date": "", "created_on": 20170303075349, "updated_by": "nathan-unibas17", "ship_from": { "code": "SUPPLIER3", "name": "SUPPLIER3", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "UPS", "service": "", "service_code": "Ground", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "hold_until": null, "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 0, "external_line": 0, "product_id": 17, "product_code": "Widget-X-T-O", "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-TG-Other", "quantity_expected": 10, "quantity_putaway": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "", "cost": 0, "promo_code": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "details": [ ] } ], "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0 }, { "arn_id": 111, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 200, "status": "New/Open", "status_code": 0, "arn_reference_1": "40303", "arn_reference_2": "", "arn_reference_3": "", "arn_reference_4": "", "arn_reference_5": "", "arn_reference_6": "", "ownership_type": "", "arn_date": "20170303", "expected_date": "", "created_on": 20170303075350, "updated_by": "nathan-unibas17", "ship_from": { "code": "SUPPLIER3", "name": "SUPPLIER3", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "UPS", "service": "", "service_code": "Ground", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "hold_until": null, "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 0, "external_line": 0, "product_id": 21, "product_code": "Widget-L-N-MD", "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-ManDate", "quantity_expected": 20, "quantity_putaway": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "", "cost": 0, "promo_code": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "details": [ ] } ], "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0 } ]
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn/{arn_id} [GET]
{ "arn_id": 109, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "New/Open", "status_code": 0, "arn_reference_1": "30303", "arn_reference_2": "", "arn_reference_3": "", "arn_reference_4": "", "arn_reference_5": "", "arn_reference_6": "", "ownership_type": "", "arn_date": "20170303", "expected_date": "", "created_on": "20170303075349", "updated_by": "nathan-unibas17", "posted_on": null, "ship_from": { "code": "SUPPLIER3", "name": "SUPPLIER3", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "UPS", "service": "", "service_code": "Ground", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 0, "external_line": 0, "product_id": 17, "product_code": "Widget-X-T-O", "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-TG-Other", "quantity_expected": 10, "quantity_putaway": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "", "cost": 0, "promo_code": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "details": [ ] } ], "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0 }
ARN creation varies a little from the other apis. It uses a multidimensional post that some programming languages do not support out of the box. If you find yourself doing this manually, use the raw post methodology with the following keys. Suppliers and products not already in the system are automatically created.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn [POST]
Post Fields:
client_code (STR 10) location_id (INT 3) arn_reference_1 (STR 30) arn_reference_2 (STR 30) arn_reference_3 (STR 30) arn_reference_4 (STR 30) arn_reference_5 (STR 30) arn_reference_6 (STR 30) ownership_type (STR 15) arn_date (INT 8) expected_date (INT 8) created_on (INT 8) notes (STR 50) total_amount (FLOAT 10,2) total_discount (FLOAT 10,2) total_tax (FLOAT 10,2) total_shipping (FLOAT 10,2) ship_from[code] (STR 15) ship_from[name] (STR 50) ship_from[street_1] (STR 50) ship_from[street_2] (STR 50) ship_from[city] (STR 35) ship_from[state_or_province] (STR 35) ship_from[postal_code] (STR 15) ship_from[country] (STR 3) ship_from[] (STR 30) ship_from[phone_number] (STR 22) shipping[carrier_code] (STR 30) shipping[service] (STR 30) shipping[service_code] (STR 30) shipping[cost] (FLOAT 10,2) shipping[tracking_number] (STR 30) shipping[total_package_weight] (FLOAT 10.2) shipping[total_package_count] (INT 10) shipping[hold_until] (INT 8) shipping[warehouse_id] (STR 30) shipping[store_id] (STR 30) shipping[insurance_provider] (STR 30) shipping[confirmation_type] (STR 30) shipping[package_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][supplier_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][external_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][location_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][inv_acct_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][product_description] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][quantity_expected] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][purch_qty_uom] (STR 4) items[{iteration}][cost] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][promo_code] (STR 5) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_1] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_2] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_3] (STR 15) items[{iteration}][fifo_lifo_flag] (INT 1) items[{iteration}][serial_no_flag] (INT 1) items[{iteration}][lot_no_flag] (INT 1) items[{iteration}][bin_loc_flag] (INT 1)
Response (includes new arn_id)
{ "arn_id": 109, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "New/Open", "status_code": 0, "arn_reference_1": "30303", "arn_reference_2": "", "arn_reference_3": "", "arn_reference_4": "", "arn_reference_5": "", "arn_reference_6": "", "ownership_type": "", "arn_date": "20170303", "created_on": "20170303075349", "updated_by": "nathan-unibas17", "posted_on": null, "ship_from": { "code": "SUPPLIER3", "name": "SUPPLIER3", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "UPS", "service": "", "service_code": "Ground", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 0, "product_id": 17, "product_code": "Widget-X-T-O", "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-TG-Other", "quantity_expected": 10, "quantity_putaway": 0, "cost": 0, "promo_code": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", } ], "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0 }
ARN edit varies a little from the other apis. It uses a multidimensional post that some programming languages do not support out of the box. If you find yourself doing this manually, use the raw post methodology with the following keys. Suppliers and products not already in the system are automatically created.
An ARN edit performs an update and NOT a replace of data. If a post field is not provided then the ARN field will retain it's current value.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn/{arn_id} [POST]
Post Fields:
client_code (STR 10) location_id (INT 3) arn_reference_1 (STR 30) arn_reference_2 (STR 30) arn_reference_3 (STR 30) arn_reference_4 (STR 30) arn_reference_5 (STR 30) arn_reference_6 (STR 30) ownership_type (STR 15) arn_date (INT 8) expected_date (INT 8) created_on (INT 8) notes (STR 50) total_amount (FLOAT 10,2) total_discount (FLOAT 10,2) total_tax (FLOAT 10,2) total_shipping (FLOAT 10,2) ship_from[code] (STR 15) ship_from[name] (STR 50) ship_from[street_1] (STR 50) ship_from[street_2] (STR 50) ship_from[city] (STR 35) ship_from[state_or_province] (STR 35) ship_from[postal_code] (STR 15) ship_from[country] (STR 3) ship_from[contact_name] (STR 30) ship_from[phone_number] (STR 22) shipping[carrier_code] (STR 30) shipping[service] (STR 30) shipping[service_code] (STR 30) shipping[cost] (FLOAT 10,2) shipping[tracking_number] (STR 30) shipping[total_package_weight] (FLOAT 10.2) shipping[total_package_count] (INT 10) shipping[hold_until] (INT 8) shipping[warehouse_id] (STR 30) shipping[store_id] (STR 30) shipping[insurance_provider] (STR 30) shipping[confirmation_type] (STR 30) shipping[package_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][supplier_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][external_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][location_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][inv_acct_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][product_description] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][quantity_expected] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][purch_qty_uom] (STR 4) items[{iteration}][cost] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][promo_code] (STR 5) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_1] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_2] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_3] (STR 15) items[{iteration}][fifo_lifo_flag] (INT 1) items[{iteration}][serial_no_flag] (INT 1) items[{iteration}][lot_no_flag] (INT 1) items[{iteration}][bin_loc_flag] (INT 1)
{ "arn_id": 109, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "New/Open", "status_code": 0, "arn_reference_1": "30303", "arn_reference_2": "", "arn_reference_3": "", "arn_reference_4": "", "arn_reference_5": "", "arn_reference_6": "", "ownership_type": "", "arn_date": "20170303", "created_on": "20170303075349", "updated_by": "nathan-unibas17", "posted_on": null, "ship_from": { "code": "SUPPLIER3", "name": "SUPPLIER3", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "UPS", "service": "", "service_code": "Ground", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 0, "product_id": 17, "product_code": "Widget-X-T-O", "product_description": "Widget-NoLot-TG-Other", "quantity_expected": 10, "quantity_putaway": 0, "cost": 0, "promo_code": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", } ], "notes": "Special Handling Instructions go here", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0 }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/arn/{arn_id} [DELETE]
Clients are non traversable environment instance and are typically used in 3PL situations
List All Clients:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/clients [GET]
List first 100 Clients
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/clients?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 clients at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/clients?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/client/{client_code} [GET]
List Response:
[ { "client_code": "999", "bill_to_cust": "999", "name": "Test Client Company ABC", "address_1": "55326 Alphabet Street", "address_2": "Suite B-2", "city": "Sesame", "state_province": "NY", "zip_code": "99999", "country": "US", "contact_name": "Big Bird", "contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "contact_email": "", "web_site_addr": "" }, ... ]
Individual Response
{ "client_code": "999", "bill_to_cust": "999", "name": "Test Client Company ABC", "address_1": "55326 Alphabet Street", "address_2": "Suite B-2", "city": "Sesame", "state_province": "NY", "zip_code": "99999", "country": "US", "contact_name": "Big Bird", "contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "contact_email": "", "web_site_addr": "" }
Customers are used in the ship to destination information in most situations
List All Customers:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customers [GET]
List first 100 Suppliers
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customers?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 suppliers at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customers?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customers/{customer_code} [GET]
List Response:
[ { "client_code": "100", "customer_code": "2", "bill_to_cust": "", "client_st_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "client_bt_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "name": "Customer 200", "address_1": "200 Second St", "address_2": "Suite 200", "city": "Plano", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "20200", "country": "US", "contact_name": "SphereWMS Support", "telephone_1": "202-020-2020", "e_mail_address": "support@spherewms.com" }, ... ]
Individual Response
{ "client_code": "100", "customer_code": "2", "bill_to_cust": "", "client_st_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "client_bt_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "name": "Customer 200", "address_1": "200 Second St", "address_2": "Suite 200", "city": "Plano", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "20200", "country": "US", "contact_name": "SphereWMS Support", "telephone_1": "202-020-2020", "e_mail_address": "support@spherewms.com" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer [POST]
Post Values:
client_code (STR 10) customer_code (required) (STR 10) bill_to_cust (STR 10) client_st_cust (required) (STR 15) client_bt_cust (same as client_st_cust) (STR 15) name (STR 50) address_1 (STR 50) address_2 (STR 50) city (STR 35) state_province (STR 35) zip_code (STR 15) country (STR 3) contact_name (STR 30) telephone_1 (STR 22) e_mail_address (STR 60)
{ "client_code": "100", "customer_code": "2", "bill_to_cust": "", "client_st_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "client_bt_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "name": "Customer 200", "address_1": "200 Second St", "address_2": "Suite 200", "city": "Plano", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "20200", "country": "US", "contact_name": "SphereWMS Support", "telephone_1": "202-020-2020", "e_mail_address": "support@spherewms.com" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{customer_code} [POST]
Post Values:
client_code customer_code bill_to_cust client_st_cust client_bt_cust name address_1 address_2 city state_province zip_code country contact_name telephone_1 e_mail_address
{ "client_code": "100", "customer_code": "2", "bill_to_cust": "", "client_st_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "client_bt_cust": "CUSTOMER 200", "name": "Customer 200", "address_1": "200 Second St", "address_2": "Suite 200", "city": "Plano", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "20200", "country": "US", "contact_name": "SphereWMS Support", "telephone_1": "202-020-2020", "e_mail_address": "support@spherewms.com" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/customer/{customer_code} [DELETE]
Inventory shows total inventory and is broken down by inventory account. Inventory can only be looked up via the api, it cannot be altered in any way
Available Filters [GET]
Available Parameters [GET]
List all Inventory
List first 100 by Products
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/inventory?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 products at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/inventory?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
List by Client
List by Location
List by Product
List - Response
{ "100": { <-- Client "63": { <-- Product UID "total_on_hand": 998, "total_allocated": 3, "total_available": 995, "on_purchase": 1200, "on_order": 3, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0, "product_code": "978-0345379061", "invaccts": { "100": { "total_on_hand": 998, "total_allocated": 3, "total_available": 995, "on_purchase": 1000, "on_order": 3, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0 }, "13": { "total_available": 0, "total_allocated": 0, "on_purchase": 200, "on_order": 0, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0 } } }, ... }, ... }
Inventory_detail shows total inventory and is broken down by inventory account. It will also include the detail level like bin locations, lots, serial numbers. It cannot be altered in any way
Available Filters [GET]
Available Parameters [GET]
List all Inventory Details
List first 100 by Products
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/inventory_detail?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 products at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/inventory_detail?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
List by Client
List by Location
List by Product
List - Response
{ "HOW": { "39734": { "total_on_hand": 7150, "total_allocated": 10, "total_available": 7140, "on_purchase": 0, "on_order": 10, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0, "product_uid_no": 54, "invaccts": { "100": { "total_on_hand": 7000, "total_allocated": 10, "total_available": 6990, "on_purchase": 0, "on_order": 10, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0, "details": [ { "total_on_hand": 2000, "total_allocated": 10, "total_available": 1990, "on_order": 10, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0, "lot_number": "45877", "serial_tag_number": "", "bin_location": "1-001-01-002", "fifo_lifo": 20180711 }, { "total_on_hand": 5000, "total_allocated": 0, "total_available": 5000, "on_order": 0, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0, "lot_number": "4644444", "serial_tag_number": "", "bin_location": "1-002-15-005", "fifo_lifo": 0 } ] }, "105": { "total_on_hand": 150, "total_allocated": 0, "total_available": 150, "on_purchase": 0, "on_order": 0, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0, "details": [ { "total_on_hand": 150, "total_allocated": 0, "total_available": 150, "on_order": 0, "on_build": 0, "on_transfer": 0, "on_adjustment": 0, "lot_number": "X", "serial_tag_number": "", "bin_location": "001-021-001-002", "fifo_lifo": 0 } ] }, ... }, ... }, ... }, ... }
Kitting allows the building of kits in the inventory system
List All Locations:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kits [GET]
List first 100 Locations
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kits?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 locations at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kits?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit/{assembly_product_id} [GET]
List Response:
{ "64": { <-- Product ID "client_code": "200", "assembly_product_code": "12025", "assembly_product_id": 64, "components": [ { "product_code": "12035", "product_id": 63, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 10 }, { "product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1", "product_id": 1, "quantity": 1, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 50 }, { "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD", "product_id": 51, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 0 }, . . . ] }, . . . }
Individual Response
{ "client_code": "200", "assembly_product_code": "12025", "assembly_product_id": 64, "components": [ { "product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1", "product_id": 1, "quantity": 1, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 50 }, { "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD", "product_id": 51, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 0 }, { "product_code": "12035", "product_id": 63, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 10 } ] }
Client Code and Product Code or Product Id can be used to identify products. Assembly product must have a product type of 1 [bom_kit_flag]. Component products can be any product type including other assemblies.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit [POST]
Post Values:
client_code (required - see note above) assembly_product_code (required - see note above) assembly_product_id (required - see note above) components[iteration][product_code] (required - see note above) components[iteration][product_id] (required - see note above) components[iteration][quantity] (required) components[iteration][sequence_number] components[iteration][unit_of_measure] components[iteration][cost]
{ "client_code": "200", "assembly_product_code": "12025", "assembly_product_id": 64, "components": [ { "product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1", "product_id": 1, "quantity": 1, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 50 }, { "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD", "product_id": 51, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 0 }, { "product_code": "12035", "product_id": 63, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 10 } ] }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit/{assembly_product_id} [POST]
Post Values:
client_code (required - see note above) assembly_product_code (required - see note above) assembly_product_id (required - see note above) components[iteration][product_code] (required - see note above) components[iteration][product_id] (required - see note above) components[iteration][quantity] (required) components[iteration][sequence_number] components[iteration][unit_of_measure] components[iteration][cost]
{ "client_code": "200", "assembly_product_code": "12025", "assembly_product_id": 64, "components": [ { "product_code": "KIT-ASSEMBLY-1", "product_id": 1, "quantity": 1, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 50 }, { "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-MD", "product_id": 51, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 0 }, { "product_code": "12035", "product_id": 63, "quantity": 5, "sequence_number": 0, "unit_of_measure": "", "cost": 10 } ] }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kit/{assembly_product_id} [DELETE]
Available Filters [GET]
Available Parameters [GET]
NOTE - Dates can be provided in any ISO datetime format and have some understanding of time based language
Pending Kit Orders:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kitorders/?{filters...} [GET]
[ { "kitorder_id": 106, "status": "Unallocated", "status_code": 0, "created_on": "20180123162526", "client_code": "TEST", "from_location_id": 999, "to_location_id": 999, "kitorder_date": "20180123", "kit_product_code": "TESTKIT-1", "kit_product_id": 64, "kit_product_description": "Test Kit #1", "kit_quantity": 200, "kit_lot_number": "", "kit_bin_location": "", "items": [ { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-1", "product_id": 65, "product_description": "Test Component #1", "component_quantity": 1000, "quantity_per_kit": 5, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 1000 } ] }, { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-2", "product_id": 66, "product_description": "Test Component #2", "component_quantity": 400, "quantity_per_kit": 2, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 400 } ] } ] }, { "kitorder_id": 107, "status": "Allocation Complete", "status_code": 20, "created_on": "20180125101819", "client_code": "TEST", "from_location_id": 999, "to_location_id": 999, "kitorder_date": "20180125", "kit_product_code": "TESTKIT-1", "kit_product_id": 64, "kit_product_description": "Test Kit #1", "kit_quantity": 2, "kit_lot_number": "", "kit_bin_location": "", "items": [ { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-1", "product_id": 65, "product_description": "Test Component #1", "component_quantity": 10, "quantity_per_kit": 5, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 10 } ] }, { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-2", "product_id": 66, "product_description": "Test Component #2", "component_quantity": 4, "quantity_per_kit": 2, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 4 } ] } ] } ]
Confirmed and posted Kit Orders:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kitorder_historys/?{filters...} [GET]
[ { "kitorder_id": 104, "status": "Allocation Complete", "status_code": 20, "created_on": "20180123162312", "posted_on": "20180123152405", "client_code": "TEST", "from_location_id": 999, "to_location_id": 999, "kitorder_date": "20180123", "kit_product_code": "TESTKIT-1", "kit_product_id": 64, "kit_product_description": "Test Kit #1", "kit_quantity": 2, "kit_lot_number": "LOTABC", "kit_bin_location": "TEST", "items": [ { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-1", "product_id": 65, "product_description": "Test Component #1", "component_quantity": 2, "quantity_per_kit": 1, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 2 } ] }, { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-2", "product_id": 66, "product_description": "Test Component #2", "component_quantity": 4, "quantity_per_kit": 2 "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 4 } ] } ] } ]
Pending Kit Order:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kitorder/{kitorder_id} [GET]
{ "kitorder_id": 107, "status": "Allocation Complete", "status_code": 20, "created_on": "20180125101819", "client_code": "TEST", "from_location_id": 999, "to_location_id": 999, "kitorder_date": "20180125", "kit_product_code": "TESTKIT-1", "kit_product_id": 64, "kit_product_description": "Test Kit #1", "kit_quantity": 2, "kit_lot_number": "", "kit_bin_location": "", "items": [ { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-1", "product_id": 65, "product_description": "Test Component #1", "component_quantity": 10, "quantity_per_kit": 5, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 10 } ] }, { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-2", "product_id": 66, "product_description": "Test Component #2", "component_quantity": 4, "quantity_per_kit": 2, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 4 } ] } ] }
Confirmed and posted Kit Order:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kitorder_history/{kitorder_id} [GET]
{ "kitorder_id": 104, "status": "Allocation Complete", "status_code": 20, "created_on": "20180123162312", "posted_on": "20180123152405", "client_code": "TEST", "from_location_id": 999, "to_location_id": 999, "kitorder_date": "20180123", "kit_product_code": "TESTKIT-1", "kit_product_id": 64, "kit_product_description": "Test Kit #1", "kit_quantity": 2, "kit_lot_number": "LOTABC", "kit_bin_location": "TEST", "items": [ { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-1", "product_id": 65, "product_description": "Test Component #1", "component_quantity": 2, "quantity_per_kit": 1, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 2 } ] }, { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-2", "product_id": 66, "product_description": "Test Component #2", "component_quantity": 4, "quantity_per_kit": 2, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 4 } ] } ] }
Kit order creation varies a little from the other apis. It uses a multidimensional post that some programming languages do not support out of the box. If you find yourself doing this manually, use the raw post methodology with the following keys.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/kitorder [POST]
Post Fields:
client_code (STR 10) from_location_id (INT 3) to_location_id (INT 3) kitorder_date (INT 8) kit_product_code (STR 30) kit_product_id (INT 8) kit_product_description (STR 60) kit_quantity (FLOAT 10,2) kit_lot_number (STR 30) kit_bin_location (STR 20) items[{iteration}][inv_acct_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_description] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][quantity_per_kit] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][details][{iteration}][serial_number] (STR 30) <-- Provide a specific serial number to allocate from inventory (if serial controlled) ** Note: If no specific serial number provided then normal kit order allocation will be performed to select inventory.
Response (includes new kitorder_id)
{ "kitorder_id": 107, "status": "Allocation Complete", "status_code": 20, "created_on": "20180125101819", "client_code": "TEST", "from_location_id": 999, "to_location_id": 999, "kitorder_date": "20180125", "kit_product_code": "TESTKIT-1", "kit_product_id": 64, "kit_product_description": "Test Kit #1", "kit_quantity": 2, "kit_lot_number": "", "kit_bin_location": "", "items": [ { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-1", "product_id": 65, "product_description": "Test Component #1", "component_quantity": 10, "quantity_per_kit": 5, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 10 } ] }, { "product_code": "TESTCOMPONENT-2", "product_id": 66, "product_description": "Test Component #2", "component_quantity": 4, "quantity_per_kit": 2, "details": [ { "from_location_id": 999, "from_bin": "TEST", "fifo_lifo_date": "20180101", "lot_number": "", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 4 } ] } ] }
Inventory Accounts are used to seperate inventory levels
List All Inventory Accounts:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invaccts [GET]
List first 100 Inventory Accounts
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invaccts?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 invaccts at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invaccts?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invaccts/{division_code} [GET]
List Response:
[ { "client_code": "100", "division_code": 100, "location_name": "Finished Goods 100", "address_1": "100 Main St", "address_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "10100", "country": "US", "contact_name": "", "contact_title": "", "phone_number": "" }, ... ]
Individual Response
{ "client_code": "100", "division_code": 100, "location_name": "Finished Goods 100", "address_1": "100 Main St", "address_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "10100", "country": "US", "contact_name": "", "contact_title": "", "phone_number": "" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invacct [POST]
Post Values:
client_code (required) (STR 10) division_code (INT 3) location_name (STR 50) address_1 (STR 50) address_2 (STR 50) city (STR 35) state_province (STR 35) zip_code (STR 15) country (STR 3) contact_name (STR 20) contact_title (STR 20) phone_number (STR 22)
Response: (includes new division_code)
{ "client_code": "100", "division_code": 100, "location_name": "Finished Goods 100", "address_1": "100 Main St", "address_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "10100", "country": "US", "contact_name": "", "contact_title": "", "phone_number": "" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invacct/{division_code} [POST]
Post Values:
client_code division_code location_name address_1 address_2 city state_province zip_code country contact_name, contact_title phone_number
{ "client_code": "100", "division_code": 100, "location_name": "Finished Goods 100", "address_1": "100 Main St", "address_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_province": "TX", "zip_code": "10100", "country": "US", "contact_name": "", "contact_title": "", "phone_number": "" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/invacct/{division_code} [DELETE]
Available Filters [GET]
NOTE - Dates can be provided in any ISO datetime format and have some understanding of time based language
Get all orders for the month of November 2015
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orders/?from_order_date=2015-11-01&to_order_date=2015-11-31 [GET]
Get all orders from yesterday
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orders/?order_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all orders for client 100 for yesterday
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orders/?client_code=100&order_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all orders for client 100 at inventory account 777
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orders/?client_code=100&location_id=777 [GET]
Get all orders that have been packaged today and are ready for routing/shipping:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orders/?from_packaged_on=today [GET]
Get all orders that belong to wavepick
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orders/?wavepick_id={wavepick_id} [GET]
[ { "order_id": 2176, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Complete", "status_code": 1, "source_id": 0, "order_reference_1": "", "order_reference_2": "", "order_reference_3": "", "order_reference_4": "", "order_reference_5": "", "order_reference_6": "", "created_on": "", "updated_by": "nathan", "packaged_on": "", "order_date": "20170926", "request_date": "20170926", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "contact_name": "Bob Smith" "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "customer_phone": "", "customer_email": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "", "carrier_description": "", "service_code": "", "payment_type": "", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "delivery_date": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "is_inside_delivery": 0, "is_liftgate_required": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "signature_type": 0, "package_code": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", 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https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order/{order_id} [GET]
{ "order_id": 2176, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Complete", "status_code": 1, "source_id": 0, "order_reference_1": "", "order_reference_2": "", "order_reference_3": "", "order_reference_4": "", "order_reference_5": "", "order_reference_6": "", "created_on": "", "updated_by": "nathan", "packaged_on": "", "order_date": "20170926", "request_date": "20170926", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "contact_name": "Bob Smith", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "customer_phone": "", "customer_email": "" }, "bill_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "", "carrier_description": "", "service_code": "", "payment_type": "", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "delivery_date": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "is_inside_delivery": 0, "is_liftgate_required": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "signature_type": 0, "package_code": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", "third_party_postal_code": "55555", "third_party_country": "US", "third_party_contact_name": "TP Contact", "third_party_contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "third_party_contact_email": "TPContact@thirdparty.com" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 63, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER", "product_description": "Lotnumber", "description": "Lotnumber", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "unit_weight": 1.25, "weight_uom": "LB", "unit_volume": 0, "volume_uom": "CF", "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [ { "from_bin": "BIN1-B", "fifo_lifo_date": "20161205", "lot_number": "Lot2", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 1 } ] }, { "line": 2, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 66, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER1", "product_description": "Lotnumber1", "description": "Lotnumber1", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "country_of_origin": "", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "unit_weight": 1.25, "weight_uom": "LB", "unit_volume": 0, "volume_uom": "CF", "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [ { "from_bin": "BIN3-B", "fifo_lifo_date": "20161205", "lot_number": "Lot2", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 1 } ] } ], "packages": [ { "package_id": "00112345678000000315", "tracking_number": "", "tracking_url": "", "items": [ { "product_id": 63, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER", "product_description": "Lotnumber", "unit_weight": 0, "weight_uom": "LB", "unit_volume": 0, "volume_uom": "CF", "country_of_origin": "", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "fifo_lifo_date": 20161205, "lot_number": "Lot2", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 1, "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 } ] }, { "package_id": "00112345678000000322", "tracking_number": "", "tracking_url": "", "items": [ { "product_id": 66, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER1", "product_description": "Lotnumber1", "unit_weight": 0, "weight_uom": "LB", "unit_volume": 0, "volume_uom": "CF", "country_of_origin": "", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "fifo_lifo_date": 20161205, "lot_number": "Lot2", "serial_number": "", "quantity": 1, "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 } ] } ] } ] }
Order creation varies a little from the other apis. It uses a multidimensional post that some programming languages do not support out of the box. If you find yourself doing this manually, use the raw post methodology with the following keys. Customers and products not already in the system are automatically created.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order [POST]
Post Fields:
client_code (STR 10) location_id (INT 3) order_reference_1 (STR 30) order_reference_2 (STR 30) order_reference_3 (STR 30) order_reference_4 (STR 30) order_reference_5 (STR 30) order_reference_6 (STR 30) order_date (INT 8) request_date (INT 8) created_on (INT 8) hold_flag (INT 1) <-- 0=No, 1=Yes notes (STR 50) shipping_notes (TEXT) picking_notes (TEXT) source_id (INT 8) total_amount (FLOAT 10,2) total_discount (FLOAT 10,2) total_tax (FLOAT 10,2) total_shipping (FLOAT 10,2) ship_to[id] (INT 8) ship_to[code] (STR 15) ship_to[contact_name] (STR 50) ship_to[name] (STR 50) ship_to[street_1] (STR 50) ship_to[street_2] (STR 50) ship_to[city] (STR 35) ship_to[state_or_province] (STR 35) ship_to[postal_code] (STR 15) ship_to[country] (STR 3) ship_to[customer_phone] (STR 22) ship_to[customer_email] (STR 60) bill_to[id] (INT 8) bill_to[code] (STR 15) bill_to[contact_name] (STR 50) bill_to[name] (STR 50) bill_to[street_1] (STR 50) bill_to[street_2] (STR 50) bill_to[city] (STR 35) bill_to[state_or_province] (STR 35) bill_to[postal_code] (STR 15) bill_to[country] (STR 3) bill_to[customer_phone] (STR 22) bill_to[customer_email] (STR 60) shipping[carrier_code] (STR 30) shipping[carrier_description] (STR 30) shipping[payment_type] (STR 30) shipping[incoterms] (STR 5) shipping[incoterm_city] (STR 30) shipping[service_code] (STR 10) shipping[delivery_date] (INT 8) shipping[cost] (FLOAT 10,2) shipping[tracking_number] (STR 30) shipping[pickup_date] (INT 8) shipping[pickup_time] (INT 6) shipping[pickup_party] (STR 30) shipping[total_package_weight] (FLOAT 10,2) shipping[total_package_count] (INT 10) shipping[is_inside_delivery] (BOOL) shipping[is_liftgate_required] (BOOL) shipping[hold_until] (INT 8) shipping[warehouse_id] (STR 30) shipping[store_id] (STR 30) shipping[insurance_provider] (STR 30) shipping[confirmation_type] (STR 30) shipping[signature_type] (INT 1) <-- FEDEX 0 = No, 1 = Indirect (residential only), 2 = Direct Sign, 3 = Adult / UPS 0 = No, 1 = Delivery Confirm, 2 = Signature Req, 3 = Adult Sign shipping[package_code] (STR 30) shipping[payment_terms] (STR 30) shipping[reference_1] (STR 30) shipping[reference_2] (STR 30) shipping[reference_3] (STR 30) shipping[reference_4] (STR 30) shipping[third_party_code] (STR 15) shipping[third_party_account_number] (STR 25) shipping[third_party_name] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_1] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_2] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_3] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_4] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_city] (STR 35) shipping[third_party_state_or_province] (STR 35) shipping[third_party_postal_code] (STR 15) shipping[third_party_country] (STR 3) shipping[third_party_contact_name] (STR 30) shipping[third_party_contact_phone] (STR 22) shipping[third_party_contact_email] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][customer_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][location_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][inv_acct_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][description] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][description_2] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][customer_product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][alias_product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][country_of_origin] (STR 2) items[{iteration}][quantity_ordered] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][sell_qty_uom] (STR 4) items[{iteration}][price] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][promo_code] (STR 5) items[{iteration}][product_group] (STR 5) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_1] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_2] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_3] (STR 15) items[{iteration}][line_reference_1] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][line_reference_2] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][numeric_reference_1] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][line_notes] (TEXT)
Response (includes new order_id)
{ "order_id": 2176, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Unallocated", "status_code": 1, "order_reference_1": "", "order_reference_2": "", "order_reference_3": "", "order_reference_4": "", "order_reference_5": "", "order_reference_6": "", "created_on": "", "updated_by": "nathan", "packaged_on": "", "order_date": "20170926", "request_date": "20170926", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "source_id": 0, "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "contact_name": "ASPGS Support", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "customer_phone": "", "customer_email": "" }, "bill_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "FDEG", "carrier_description": "FDEG", "service": "", "service_code": "GROUND", "payment_type": "PP", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "delivery_date": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "is_inside_delivery": 0, "is_liftgate_required": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "", "payment_terms": "", "reference_1": "", "reference_2": "", "reference_3": "", "reference_4": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", "third_party_postal_code": "55555", "third_party_country": "US", "third_party_contact_name": "TP Contact", "third_party_contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "third_party_contact_email": "TPContact@thirdparty.com" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 63, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER", "product_description": "Lotnumber", "description": "Lotnumber", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "unit_weight": 1.25, "weight_uom": "LB", "unit_volume": 0, "volume_uom": "CF", "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] }, { "line": 2, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 66, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER1", "product_description": "Lotnumber1", "description": "Lotnumber1", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "unit_weight": 1.25, "weight_uom": "LB", "unit_volume": 0, "volume_uom": "CF", "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] } ], "packages": [] }
Order edit varies a little from the other apis. It uses a multidimensional post that some programming languages do not support out of the box. If you find yourself doing this manually, use the raw post methodology with the following keys.
An order edit performs an update and NOT a replace of data. If a post field is not provided then the order field will retain it's current value.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order/{order_id} [POST]
Post Fields:
client_code (STR 10) location_id (INT 3) order_reference_1 (STR 30) order_reference_2 (STR 30) order_reference_3 (STR 30) order_reference_4 (STR 30) order_reference_5 (STR 30) order_reference_6 (STR 30) order_date (INT 8) request_date (INT 8) created_on (INT 8) hold_flag (INT 1) <-- 0=No, 1=Yes notes (STR 50) shipping_notes (TEXT) picking_notes (TEXT) source_id (INT 8), total_amount (FLOAT 10,2) total_discount (FLOAT 10,2) total_tax (FLOAT 10,2) total_shipping (FLOAT 10,2) ship_to[id] (INT 8) ship_to[code] (STR 15) ship_to[contact_name] (STR 15) ship_to[name] (STR 50) ship_to[street_1] (STR 50) ship_to[street_2] (STR 50) ship_to[city] (STR 35) ship_to[state_or_province] (STR 35) ship_to[postal_code] (STR 15) ship_to[country] (STR 3) ship_to[customer_phone] (STR 22) ship_to[customer_email] (STR 60) bill_to[id] (INT 8) bill_to[code] (STR 15) bill_to[contact_name] (STR 50) bill_to[name] (STR 50) bill_to[street_1] (STR 50) bill_to[street_2] (STR 50) bill_to[city] (STR 35) bill_to[state_or_province] (STR 35) bill_to[postal_code] (STR 15) bill_to[country] (STR 3) bill_to[customer_phone] (STR 22) bill_to[customer_email] (STR 60) shipping[carrier_code] (STR 30) shipping[carrier_description] (STR 30) shipping[payment_type] (STR 30) shipping[incoterms] (STR 5) shipping[incoterm_city] (STR 30) shipping[service_code] (STR 10) shipping[pickup_date] (INT 8) shipping[pickup_time] (INT 6) shipping[pickup_party] (STR 30) shipping[delivery_date] (INT 8) shipping[cost] (FLOAT 10,2) shipping[tracking_number] (STR 30) shipping[total_package_weight] (FLOAT 10,2) shipping[total_package_count] (INT 10) shipping[is_saturday_delivery] (BOOL) shipping[is_insured] (BOOL) shipping[is_machinable] (BOOL) shipping[is_inside_delivery] (BOOL) shipping[is_liftgate_required] (BOOL) shipping[has_alcohol] (BOOL) shipping[hold_until] (INT 8) shipping[warehouse_id] (STR 30) shipping[store_id] (STR 30) shipping[insurance_provider] (STR 30) shipping[confirmation_type] (STR 30) shipping[package_code] (STR 30) shipping[payment_terms] (STR 30) shipping[reference_1] (STR 30) shipping[reference_2] (STR 30) shipping[reference_3] (STR 30) shipping[reference_4] (STR 30) shipping[third_party_code] (STR 15) shipping[third_party_account_number] (STR 25) shipping[third_party_name] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_1] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_2] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_3] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_street_4] (STR 50) shipping[third_party_city] (STR 35) shipping[third_party_state_or_province] (STR 35) shipping[third_party_postal_code] (STR 15) shipping[third_party_country] (STR 3) shipping[third_party_contact_name] (STR 30) shipping[third_party_contact_phone] (STR 22) shipping[third_party_contact_email] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][customer_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][location_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][inv_acct_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][description] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][description_2] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][customer_product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][alias_product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][country_of_origin] (STR 2) items[{iteration}][quantity_ordered] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][sell_qty_uom] (STR 4) items[{iteration}][price] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][promo_code] (STR 5) items[{iteration}][product_group] (STR 5) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_1] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_2] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][custom_dimension_3] (STR 15) items[{iteration}][line_reference_1] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][line_reference_2] (STR 20) items[{iteration}][numeric_reference_1] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][line_notes] (TEXT)
{ "order_id": 2176, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Unallocated", "status_code": 1, "order_reference_1": "", "order_reference_2": "", "order_reference_3": "", "order_reference_4": "", "order_reference_5": "", "order_reference_6": "", "created_on": "", "updated_by": "nathan", "packaged_on": "", "order_date": "20170926", "request_date": "20170926", "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "customer_phone": "", "customer_email": "" }, "bill_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "", "carrier_description": "", "service": "", "service_code": "", "payment_type": "", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "is_inside_delivery": 0, "is_liftgate_required": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "", "payment_terms": "", "reference_1": "", "reference_2": "", "reference_3": "", "reference_4": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", "third_party_postal_code": "55555", "third_party_country": "US", "third_party_contact_name": "TP Contact", "third_party_contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "third_party_contact_email": "TPContact@thirdparty.com" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 63, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER", "product_description": "Lotnumber", "description": "Lotnumber", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "unit_weight": 1.25, "weight_uom": "LB", "unit_volume": 0, "volume_uom": "CF", "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] }, { "line": 2, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 66, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER1", "product_description": "Lotnumber1", "description": "Lotnumber1", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] } ], "notes": "", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "source_id": 0, "packages": [] }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/order/{order_id} [DELETE]
Order allocation is the process of reserving on hand inventory to an order. This process currently supports either 'auto' allocation or 'manual' allocation, examples are provided below.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderalloc/{order_id} [POST]
Post Fields:
type (STR 10) Note: Any one or all of line, customer_line, product_id, or product_code may be provided in order to identify which order line is being allocated. items[{iteration}][line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][customer_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) Note: The following fields when provided will determine which inventory is selected and allocated. items[{iteration}][bin_location] (STR 20) <-- Provide a specific bin location from which to pull inventory items[{iteration}][lot_number] (STR 30) <-- Provide a specific lot number to allocate from inventory (if lot controlled) items[{iteration}][tag_number] (STR 30) <-- Provide a specific tag number to allocate from inventory (if tag controlled) items[{iteration}][serial_number] (STR 30) <-- Provide a specific serial number to allocate from inventory (if serial controlled) or Provide serial scan out (BISO) serial number (if bulk-in-serial-out controlled) items[{iteration}][quantity] (FLOAT 10,2) <-- Provide the quantity to be allocated
The 'auto' allocation type process will attempt to allocate any available inventory to the order, sorted based on FIFO.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderalloc/1029 [POST] type=auto Note: items[{iteration}] values are not used for 'auto' allocation.
{ "order_id": 2176, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Unallocated", "status_code": 1, "order_reference_1": "", "order_reference_2": "", "order_reference_3": "", "order_reference_4": "", "order_reference_5": "", "order_reference_6": "", "created_on": "", "updated_by": "nathan", "packaged_on": "", "order_date": "20170926", "request_date": "20170926", "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "customer_phone": "", "customer_email": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "", "carrier_description": "", "service": "", "service_code": "", "payment_type": "", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", "third_party_postal_code": "55555", "third_party_country": "US", "third_party_contact_name": "TP Contact", "third_party_contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "third_party_contact_email": "TPContact@thirdparty.com" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 63, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER", "product_description": "Lotnumber", "description": "Lotnumber", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] }, { "line": 2, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 66, "product_code": "LOTNUMBER1", "product_description": "Lotnumber1", "description": "Lotnumber1", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "bom_kit_flag": 0, "quantity_ordered": 1, "quantity_allocated": 1, "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] } ], "notes": "", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "source_id": 0, "packages": [] }
The 'manual' allocation type process will attempt to allocate specific inventory to the order based on the information provided in the items[{iteration}] fields.
Request (Allocate two bulk-in-serial-out items and provide the serial numbers to be stored in history)
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderalloc/1031 [POST] type=manual items[0][product_code]=widget-biso items[0][quantity]=1 items[0][serial_number]=BISO-SN1 items[1][line]=1 items[1][quantity]=1 items[1][serial_number]=BISO-SN2
{ "order_id": 1031, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Complete", "status_code": 1, "order_reference_1": "", "order_reference_2": "", "order_reference_3": "", "created_on": "", "updated_by": "ben-uni17", "posted_on": null, "order_date": "20170601", "request_date": "20170601", "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_to": { "id": "4", "code": "CUSTOMER 400", "name": "Customer 400", "street_1": "400 Fourth St", "street_2": "Suite 400", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "40400", "country": "US", "customer_phone": "(404) 040-4040", "customer_email": "support@aspgs.com" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "", "service": "", "service_code": "", "payment_type": "", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", "third_party_postal_code": "55555", "third_party_country": "US", "third_party_contact_name": "TP Contact", "third_party_contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "third_party_contact_email": "TPContact@thirdparty.com" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "customer_line": 0, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "description": "Widget-BISO", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "quantity_ordered": 2, "quantity_allocated": 2, "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] } ], "notes": "", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "packaged_on": "", "packages": [] }
Request (Allocate two widget-l-n-dr products to the order)
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderalloc/1029 [POST] type=manual items[0][product_code]=widget-l-n-dr items[0][quantity]=2
{ "order_id": 1029, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Partial", "status_code": 2, "order_reference_1": "REF1-1", "order_reference_2": "REF1-2", "order_reference_3": "REF1-3", "created_on": "20170531102224", "updated_by": "api1-automation", "posted_on": null, "order_date": "20170531", "request_date": "", "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "CUSTOMER 800", "name": "Customer 800", "street_1": "800 Customer Street", "street_2": "Suite ABC", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "City Town", "state_or_province": "CA", "postal_code": "91311", "country": "US", "customer_phone": "555-555-5555", "customer_email": "customer800@citytown.org" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "FEDEX", "service": "", "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND", "payment_type": "PP", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", "third_party_postal_code": "55555", "third_party_country": "US", "third_party_contact_name": "TP Contact", "third_party_contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "third_party_contact_email": "TPContact@thirdparty.com" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "customer_line": 1, "product_id": 63, "product_code": "C800-PROD1", "product_description": "C800 Product #1", "description": "C800 Product #1", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "quantity_ordered": 10, "quantity_allocated": 0, "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] }, { "line": 2, "customer_line": 2, "product_id": 19, "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR", "product_description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec", "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec", "description_2": "Description #2", "customer_product_code": "", "alias_product_code": "", "country_of_origin": "", "quantity_ordered": 12, "quantity_allocated": 2, "price": 0, "promo_code": "", "product_group": "", "custom_dimension_1": "", "custom_dimension_2": "", "custom_dimension_3": "", "line_reference_1": "", "line_reference_2": "", "numeric_reference_1": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "list_price": 0, "suggested_list_price": 0, "length": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "details": [] } ], "notes": "Special Instruction Notes...", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "packaged_on": "", "packages": [] }
Order deallocation is the process of releasing on hand inventory that was previously reserved to an order.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/orderalloc/{order_id} [DELETE]
Order/Shipment post is the process of shipping an order.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/ordership/{order_id} [POST]
{ "status": "Partial", "order_id": 1029, "backorder_id": 0, "shipment_id": 100003, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "order_reference_1": "REF1-1", "order_reference_2": "REF1-2", "order_reference_3": "REF1-3", "shipment_date": "20170602", "order_date": "20170531", "request_date": "", "created_on": 20170531102224, "updated_by": "api1-automation", "packaged_on": null, "posted_on": 20170602165516, "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "notes": "Special Instruction Notes...", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "CUSTOMER 800", "name": "Customer 800", "street_1": "800 Customer Street", "street_2": "Suite ABC", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "City Town", "state_or_province": "CA", "postal_code": "91311", "country": "US", "customer_phone": "555-555-5555", "customer_email": "customer800@citytown.org" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "FEDEX", "service": "", "service_code": "FEDEX_GROUND", "payment_type": "PP", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "package_code": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP Street 1", "third_party_street_2": "TP Street 2", "third_party_street_3": "TP Street 3", "third_party_street_4": "TP Street 4", "third_party_city": "TP City", "third_party_state_or_province": "CA", "third_party_postal_code": "55555", "third_party_country": "US", "third_party_contact_name": "TP Contact", "third_party_contact_phone": "555-555-5555", "third_party_contact_email": "TPContact@thirdparty.com" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 63, "product_code": "C800-PROD1", "description": "C800 Product #1", "description_2": "Description #2", "quantity_ordered": 10, "quantity_shipped": 0, "price": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "cost": null }, { "line": 2, "product_id": 19, "product_code": "WIDGET-L-N-DR", "description": "Widget-Lot-NoST-DateRec", "quantity_ordered": 12, "quantity_shipped": 12, "price": 0, "line_notes": "Here are notes related to this line...", "cost": null } ], "packages": [] }
Packages is a staging area to assign packages to shipments. Once a set of packages is inserted into the system, use the packageship call to finalize the data.
List All Packages:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/packages [GET]
List first 100 Packages
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/packages?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 packages at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/packages?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/packages/{uid_no} [GET]
List Response:
[ { "reference_no": 1001, "tracking_no": "794627137473", "tracking_url": "https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=794627137473&language=en&cntry_code=us", "svc_lvl_web_lk": "", "servicedescr": "FedEx Express Saver", "shippingcharge": 22.55, "postb_date": "2016", "postb_time": 144630, "login_id": "", "pkg_length": 0, "pkg_width": 0, "pkg_height": 0, "pkg_weight": 5, "declared_val": 0, "total_weight": 0, "total_cost": 22.55, "account_no": "510087445", "track_file_id": "", "total_cartons": 0, "custom_str_h1": "101101", "custom_str_h2": "TEST PO1", "custom_str_h3": "", "srvc_chrg_link": "", "bol_pro_no": "794627137473", "ship_date": "", "cshipjob_uid": 73, "client_code": "100", "insert_count": 1, "uid_no": 21 }, ... ]
Individual Response
{ "reference_no": 1001, "tracking_no": "794627137473", "tracking_url": "https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?tracknumbers=794627137473&language=en&cntry_code=us", "svc_lvl_web_lk": "", "servicedescr": "FedEx Express Saver", "shippingcharge": 22.55, "postb_date": "2016", "postb_time": 144630, "login_id": "", "pkg_length": 0, "pkg_width": 0, "pkg_height": 0, "pkg_weight": 5, "declared_val": 0, "total_weight": 0, "total_cost": 22.55, "account_no": "510087445", "track_file_id": "", "total_cartons": 0, "custom_str_h1": "101101", "custom_str_h2": "TEST PO1", "custom_str_h3": "", "srvc_chrg_link": "", "bol_pro_no": "794627137473", "ship_date": "", "cshipjob_uid": 73, "client_code": "100", "insert_count": 1, "uid_no": 21 }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/package [POST]
Post Values:
reference_no (Integer - Order Number) tracking_no (String - Carrier tracking number) tracking_url (String - URL to online carrier tracking system) svc_lvl_web_lk (String - Leave Empty) servicedescr (String - Carrier service level) shippingcharge (String - Package Shipping Co) postb_date (String - Label creation date [YYMMDD]) postb_time (String - Label creation time [HHMMSS]) login_id (String - Leave Blank) pkg_length (Float - Package Length) pkg_width (Float - Package Width) pkg_height (Float - Package Height) pkg_weight (Float - Package Weight) declared_val (Float - Package Value) total_weight (Float - Total Shipment weight) total_cost (Float - Total Shipment cost) account_no (String - Leave Blank) track_file_id (String - Leave Blank) total_cartons (Integer - Number of packages in a shipment) custom_str_h1 (String - Leave Blank) custom_str_h2 (String - Leave Blank) custom_str_h3 (String - Leave Blank) bol_pro_no (String - Master tracking number, usually the first tracking number in a set of packages, the same as the tracking number if only one) ship_date (String - Full Date [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]) client_code (String - Client Code) insert_count (Integer - Packages in a set)
Response: (includes new uid_no)
{ "reference_no": "1610", "tracking_no": "9205590164917306465777", "tracking_url": "https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9205590164917306465777", "svc_lvl_web_lk": "", "servicedescr": "GROUND", "shippingcharge": "6.78", "postb_date": "2016", "postb_time": "121246", "login_id": "", "pkg_length": "3.5", "pkg_width": "4.5", "pkg_height": "5.5", "pkg_weight": "4.5", "declared_val": "10.99", "total_weight": "4.6", "total_cost": "6.78", "account_no": "", "track_file_id": "", "total_cartons": "0", "custom_str_h1": "", "custom_str_h2": "", "custom_str_h3": "", "srvc_chrg_link": "", "bol_pro_no": "9205590164917306465152", "ship_date": "12/05/2016 12:12:46 PM", "cshipjob_uid": 2, "client_code": "SPAHUSGRW", "insert_count": "1", "uid_no": "3" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/package/{uid_no} [POST]
Post Values:
reference_no (Integer - Order Number) tracking_no (String - Carrier tracking number) tracking_url (String - URL to online carrier tracking system) svc_lvl_web_lk (String - Leave Empty) servicedescr (String - Carrier service level) shippingcharge (String - Package Shipping Co) postb_date (String - Label creation date [YYMMDD]) postb_time (String - Label creation time [HHMMSS]) login_id (String - Leave Blank) pkg_length (Float - Package Length) pkg_width (Float - Package Width) pkg_height (Float - Package Height) pkg_weight (Float - Package Weight) declared_val (Float - Package Value) total_weight (Float - Total Shipment weight) total_cost (Float - Total Shipment cost) account_no (String - Leave Blank) track_file_id (String - Leave Blank) total_cartons (Integer - Number of packages in a shipment) custom_str_h1 (String - Leave Blank) custom_str_h2 (String - Leave Blank) custom_str_h3 (String - Leave Blank) bol_pro_no (String - Master tracking number, usually the first tracking number in a set of packages, the same as the tracking number if only one) ship_date (String - Full Date [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]) client_code (String - Client Code) insert_count (Integer - Packages in a set)
{ "reference_no": "1610", "tracking_no": "9205590164917306465777", "tracking_url": "https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9205590164917306465777", "svc_lvl_web_lk": "", "servicedescr": "GROUND", "shippingcharge": "6.78", "postb_date": "2016", "postb_time": "121246", "login_id": "", "pkg_length": "3.5", "pkg_width": "4.5", "pkg_height": "5.5", "pkg_weight": "4.5", "declared_val": "10.99", "total_weight": "4.6", "total_cost": "6.78", "account_no": "", "track_file_id": "", "total_cartons": "0", "custom_str_h1": "", "custom_str_h2": "", "custom_str_h3": "", "srvc_chrg_link": "", "bol_pro_no": "9205590164917306465152", "ship_date": "12/05/2016 12:12:46 PM", "cshipjob_uid": 2, "client_code": "SPAHUSGRW", "insert_count": "1", "uid_no": "3" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/package/{uid_no} [DELETE]
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/packageship/{order_id} [GET]
This call will update the pending order based on the package records which should have been previously created. This step will update the pending order with the master tracking#, total shipment cost, and total shipment weight.
{ "order_id": 2176, "backorder_id": 0, "client_code": "100", "location_id": 100, "status": "Complete", "status_code": 1, "source_id": 0, "order_reference_1": "", "order_reference_2": "", "order_reference_3": "", "order_reference_4": "", "order_reference_5": "", "order_reference_6": "", "created_on": "", "updated_by": "nathan", "packaged_on": "", "order_date": "20170926", "request_date": "20170926", "total_amount": 0, "total_discount": 0, "total_tax": 0, "total_shipping": 0, "notes": "", "shipping_notes": "Here are notes related to shipping...", "picking_notes": "Here are notes related to picking...", "ship_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "ship_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "contact_name": "Bob Smith", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "", "customer_phone": "", "customer_email": "" }, "bill_to": { "id": "7", "code": "PROJECT1-A", "name": "Nathan", "street_1": "", "street_2": "", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "", "state_or_province": "", "postal_code": "", "country": "" }, "shipping": { "carrier_code": "", "carrier_description": "", "service_code": "", "payment_type": "", "incoterms": "", "incoterm_city": "", "pickup_date": "", "pickup_time": "", "pickup_party": "", "delivery_date": "", "cost": 0, "tracking_number": "", "total_package_weight": 0, "total_package_count": 0, "is_saturday_delivery": 0, "is_insured": 0, "is_machinable": 0, "is_inside_delivery": 0, "is_liftgate_required": 0, "has_alcohol": 0, "hold_until": "", "warehouse_id": "", "store_id": "", "insurance_provider": "", "confirmation_type": "", "signature_type": 0, "package_code": "", "third_party_code": "TPCODE", "third_party_account_number": "TP-ACCT123", "third_party_name": "TP Name", "third_party_street_1": "TP 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Available Filters [GET]
NOTE - Dates can be provided in any ISO datetime format and have some understanding of time based language
Get all purchase orders for the month of November 2015
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorders/?from_purchaseorder_date=2015-11-01&to_purchaseorder_date=2015-11-31 [GET]
Get all purchase orders from yesterday
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorders/?purchaseorder_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all purchase orders for client 100 for yesterday
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorders/?client_code=100&purchaseorder_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all purchase orders for client 100 at inventory account 777
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorders/?client_code=100&location_id=777 [GET]
[ { "purchaseorder_id": 301, "client_code": "CISCO", "location_id": 100, "purchaseorder_reference_1": "POTEST-1", "purchaseorder_reference_2": "", "purchaseorder_date": "20180102", "created_on": 20180102132730, "updated_by": "api1-automation", "ship_from": { "code": "CISCO", "name": "Cisco Systems", "street_1": "PO Box 91232", "street_2": "", "city": "Chicago", "state_or_province": "IL", "postal_code": "60693", "country": "USA", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "408-526-4000" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 10, "product_id": 2, "product_code": "1112G21012113000", "product_description": "\"Amplifier, Gainmaker, 1GHz, GaAsFET, Un", "original_quantity_ordered": 100, "current_quantity_ordered": 100, "quantity_in_transit": 0, "quantity_received": 0, "quantity_remaining": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "cost": 0 } ], "notes": "Testing PO API" }, { "purchaseorder_id": 302, "client_code": "CISCO", "location_id": 100, "purchaseorder_reference_1": "POTEST-1", "purchaseorder_reference_2": "", "purchaseorder_date": "20180102", "created_on": 20180102132753, "updated_by": "api1-automation", "ship_from": { "code": "CISCO", "name": "Cisco Systems", "street_1": "PO Box 91232", "street_2": "", "city": "Chicago", "state_or_province": "IL", "postal_code": "60693", "country": "USA", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "408-526-4000" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 10, "product_id": 2, "product_code": "1112G21012113000", "product_description": "\"Amplifier, Gainmaker, 1GHz, GaAsFET, Un", "original_quantity_ordered": 100, "current_quantity_ordered": 100, "quantity_in_transit": 0, "quantity_received": 0, "quantity_remaining": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "cost": 0 } ], "notes": "Testing PO API" }, { "purchaseorder_id": 303, "client_code": "CISCO", "location_id": 100, "purchaseorder_reference_1": "POTEST-1", "purchaseorder_reference_2": "", "purchaseorder_date": "20180102", "created_on": 20180102132816, "updated_by": "api1-automation", "ship_from": { "code": "CISCO", "name": "Cisco Systems", "street_1": "PO Box 91232", "street_2": "", "city": "Chicago", "state_or_province": "IL", "postal_code": "60693", "country": "USA", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "408-526-4000" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 10, "product_id": 2, "product_code": "1112G21012113000", "product_description": "\"Amplifier, Gainmaker, 1GHz, GaAsFET, Un", "original_quantity_ordered": 100, "current_quantity_ordered": 100, "quantity_in_transit": 0, "quantity_received": 0, "quantity_remaining": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "cost": 0 } ], "notes": "Testing PO API" } ]
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorder/{purchaseorder_id} [GET]
{ "purchaseorder_id": 303, "client_code": "CISCO", "location_id": 100, "purchaseorder_reference_1": "POTEST-1", "purchaseorder_reference_2": "", "purchaseorder_date": "20180102", "created_on": "20180102132816", "updated_by": "api1-automation", "ship_from": { "code": "CISCO", "name": "Cisco Systems", "street_1": "PO Box 91232", "street_2": "", "city": "Chicago", "state_or_province": "IL", "postal_code": "60693", "country": "USA", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "408-526-4000" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 10, "product_id": 2, "product_code": "1112G21012113000", "product_description": "\"Amplifier, Gainmaker, 1GHz, GaAsFET, Un", "original_quantity_ordered": 100, "current_quantity_ordered": 100, "quantity_in_transit": 0, "quantity_received": 0, "quantity_remaining": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "cost": 0 } ], "notes": "Testing PO API" }
Purchase order creation varies a little from the other apis. It uses a multidimensional post that some programming languages do not support out of the box. If you find yourself doing this manually, use the raw post methodology with the following keys. Suppliers and products not already in the system are automatically created.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorder [POST]
Post Fields:
client_code (STR 10) location_id (INT 3) purchaseorder_reference_1 (STR 30) purchaseorder_reference_2 (STR 30) purchaseorder_date (INT 8) created_on (INT 8) notes (STR 50) ship_from[code] (STR 15) ship_from[name] (STR 50) ship_from[street_1] (STR 50) ship_from[street_2] (STR 50) ship_from[city] (STR 35) ship_from[state_or_province] (STR 35) ship_from[postal_code] (STR 15) ship_from[country] (STR 3) ship_from[contact_name] (STR 30) ship_from[phone_number] (STR 22) items[{iteration}][line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][supplier_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][inv_acct_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][product_description] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][original_quantity_ordered] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][current_quantity_ordered] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][quantity_in_transit] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][quantity_received] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][quantity_remaining] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][purch_qty_uom] (STR 4) items[{iteration}][cost] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][promo_code] (STR 5)
Response (includes new purchaseorder_id)
{ "purchaseorder_id": 303, "client_code": "CISCO", "location_id": 100, "purchaseorder_reference_1": "POTEST-1", "purchaseorder_reference_2": "", "purchaseorder_date": "20180102", "created_on": "20180102132816", "updated_by": "api1-automation", "ship_from": { "code": "CISCO", "name": "Cisco Systems", "street_1": "PO Box 91232", "street_2": "", "city": "Chicago", "state_or_province": "IL", "postal_code": "60693", "country": "USA", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "408-526-4000" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 10, "product_id": 2, "product_code": "1112G21012113000", "product_description": "\"Amplifier, Gainmaker, 1GHz, GaAsFET, Un", "original_quantity_ordered": 100, "current_quantity_ordered": 100, "quantity_in_transit": 0, "quantity_received": 0, "quantity_remaining": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "cost": 0 } ], "notes": "Testing PO API" }
Purchase order edit varies a little from the other apis. It uses a multidimensional post that some programming languages do not support out of the box. If you find yourself doing this manually, use the raw post methodology with the following keys. Suppliers and products not already in the system are automatically created.
A purchase order edit performs an update and NOT a replace of data. If a post field is not provided then the purchase order field will retain it's current value.
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorder/{purchaseorder_id} [POST]
Post Fields:
client_code (STR 10) location_id (INT 3) purchaseorder_reference_1 (STR 30) purchaseorder_reference_2 (STR 30) purchaseorder_date (INT 8) created_on (INT 8) notes (STR 50) ship_from[code] (STR 15) ship_from[name] (STR 50) ship_from[street_1] (STR 50) ship_from[street_2] (STR 50) ship_from[city] (STR 35) ship_from[state_or_province] (STR 35) ship_from[postal_code] (STR 15) ship_from[country] (STR 3) ship_from[contact_name] (STR 30) ship_from[phone_number] (STR 22) items[{iteration}][line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][supplier_line] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][inv_acct_id] (INT 3) items[{iteration}][product_id] (INT 8) items[{iteration}][product_code] (STR 30) items[{iteration}][product_description] (STR 60) items[{iteration}][original_quantity_ordered] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][current_quantity_ordered] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][quantity_in_transit] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][quantity_received] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][quantity_remaining] (INT 10) items[{iteration}][purch_qty_uom] (STR 4) items[{iteration}][cost] (FLOAT 10,2) items[{iteration}][promo_code] (STR 5)
{ "purchaseorder_id": 303, "client_code": "CISCO", "location_id": 100, "purchaseorder_reference_1": "POTEST-1", "purchaseorder_reference_2": "", "purchaseorder_date": "20180102", "created_on": "20180102132816", "updated_by": "api1-automation", "ship_from": { "code": "CISCO", "name": "Cisco Systems", "street_1": "PO Box 91232", "street_2": "", "city": "Chicago", "state_or_province": "IL", "postal_code": "60693", "country": "USA", "contact_name": "", "phone_number": "408-526-4000" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "supplier_line": 10, "product_id": 2, "product_code": "1112G21012113000", "product_description": "\"Amplifier, Gainmaker, 1GHz, GaAsFET, Un", "original_quantity_ordered": 100, "current_quantity_ordered": 100, "quantity_in_transit": 0, "quantity_received": 0, "quantity_remaining": 0, "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "cost": 0 } ], "notes": "Testing PO API" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/purchaseorder/{purchaseorder_id} [DELETE]
Products are seperated at the client level and associated to inventory
Available Filters [GET]
List all products:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/products [GET]
List all products by for a specific client:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/products?client_code={client_code} [GET]
List first 100 products
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/products?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 products at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/products?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
List products with a product code containg 123 (wildcard search):
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/products?product_code=*123* [GET]
List products with a product code ending in 123 (wildcard search):
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/products?product_code=*123 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{uid_no} [GET]
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{client_code}/{product_code} [GET]
List Response:
[ { "uid_no": 46175, "product_code": "TEST123", "upc_code": "", "client_code": "100", "short_descr": "Test Item 123", "description_1": "Test Item 123", "description_2": "DO NOT SHIP", "qty_on_hand": 0, "cust_ord_qty_1": 0, "supp_ord_qty_1": 0, "costs_1": 0, "prices_1": 0, "dates_1": "", "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_15": 1, "purch_pack_qty": 1, "purch_cost_uom": "EA", "stock_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_16": 1, "stock_cost_uom": "EA", "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_17": 1, "sell_pack_qty": 1, "sell_price_uom": "EA", "non_stocked": 0, "bom_kit_flag": 0, "fifo_lifo_flag": 2, "serial_no_flag": 1, "lot_no_flag": 0, "bin_loc_flag": 1, "yes_no_fields_1": 0, "yes_no_fields_4": 0, "yes_no_fields_5": 0, "yes_no_fields_6": 0, "yes_no_fields_7": 0, "yes_no_fields_8": 0, "yes_no_fields_9": 0, "clntserv_code1": "", "clntserv_code2": "", "clntserv_code3": "", "clntserv_code4": "", "clntserv_code5": "", "clntserv_code6": "", "clntserv_code7": "", "clntserv_code8": "", "clntserv_code9": "", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "product_line": "", "our_list_price": 0, "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0, "order_qtys_13": 0, "order_qtys_14": 0, "measures_1": 0, "measures_2": 0, "measures_3": 0, "measures_4": 0, "measures_5": 0 }, { "uid_no": 46176, "product_code": "TEST321", "upc_code": "", "client_code": "100", "short_descr": "Test Item 321", "description_1": "Test Item 321", "description_2": "DO NOT SHIP", "qty_on_hand": 0, "cust_ord_qty_1": 0, "supp_ord_qty_1": 0, "costs_1": 0, "prices_1": 0, "dates_1": "", "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_15": 1, "purch_pack_qty": 1, "purch_cost_uom": "EA", "stock_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_16": 1, "stock_cost_uom": "EA", "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_17": 1, "sell_pack_qty": 1, "sell_price_uom": "EA", "non_stocked": 0, "bom_kit_flag": 0, "fifo_lifo_flag": 2, "serial_no_flag": 1, "lot_no_flag": 0, "bin_loc_flag": 1, "yes_no_fields_1": 0, "yes_no_fields_4": 0, "yes_no_fields_5": 0, "yes_no_fields_6": 0, "yes_no_fields_7": 0, "yes_no_fields_8": 0, "yes_no_fields_9": 0, "clntserv_code1": "", "clntserv_code2": "", "clntserv_code3": "", "clntserv_code4": "", "clntserv_code5": "", "clntserv_code6": "", "clntserv_code7": "", "clntserv_code8": "", "clntserv_code9": "", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "product_line": "", "our_list_price": 0, "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0, "order_qtys_13": 0, "order_qtys_14": 0, "measures_1": 0, "measures_2": 0, "measures_3": 0, "measures_4": 0, "measures_5": 0 } ]
Individual Response
{ "uid_no": 46175, "product_code": "TEST123", "upc_code": "", "client_code": "100", "short_descr": "Test Item 123", "description_1": "Test Item 123", "description_2": "DO NOT SHIP", "qty_on_hand": 0, "cust_ord_qty_1": 0, "supp_ord_qty_1": 0, "costs_1": 0, "prices_1": 0, "dates_1": "", "purch_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_15": 1, "purch_pack_qty": 1, "purch_cost_uom": "EA", "stock_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_16": 1, "stock_cost_uom": "EA", "sell_qty_uom": "EA", "order_qtys_17": 1, "sell_pack_qty": 1, "sell_price_uom": "EA", "non_stocked": 0, "bom_kit_flag": 0, "fifo_lifo_flag": 2, "serial_no_flag": 1, "lot_no_flag": 0, "bin_loc_flag": 1, "yes_no_fields_1": 0, "yes_no_fields_4": 0, "yes_no_fields_5": 0, "yes_no_fields_6": 0, "yes_no_fields_7": 0, "yes_no_fields_8": 0, "yes_no_fields_9": 0, "clntserv_code1": "", "clntserv_code2": "", "clntserv_code3": "", "clntserv_code4": "", "clntserv_code5": "", "clntserv_code6": "", "clntserv_code7": "", "clntserv_code8": "", "clntserv_code9": "", "hts_number": "", "commodity_code": "", "product_line": "", "our_list_price": 0, "mfg_sugg_l_prc": 0, "order_qtys_13": 0, "order_qtys_14": 0, "measures_1": 0, "measures_2": 0, "measures_3": 0, "measures_4": 0, "measures_5": 0 }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product [POST]
Post Values:
product_code (required) (STR 30) client_code (required) (STR 10) upc_code (STR 12) short_descr (STR 15) description_1 (STR 40) description_2 (STR 40) costs_1 (FLOAT 10,2) prices_1 (FLOAT 10,2) dates_1 (INT 8) purch_qty_uom (STR 4) <-- Receiving UOM order_qtys_15 (FLOAT 5,2) <-- Receiving UOM Conversion Factor purch_pack_qty (INT 5) <-- Receiving Std Pack Qty purch_cost_uom (STR 4) stock_qty_uom (STR 4) <-- Inventory UOM order_qtys_16 (FLOAT 5,2) <-- Inventory UOM Conversion Factor stock_cost_uom (STR 4) sell_qty_uom (STR 4) <-- Shipping UOM order_qtys_17 (FLOAT 5,2) <-- Shipping UOM Conversion Factor sell_pack_qty (INT 5) <-- Shipping Std Pack Qty sell_price_uom (STR 4) non_stocked (INT 1) <-- BOM non-stock flag (0=BOM Assembly is stocked, 1=BOM Assembly is not stocked) bom_kit_flag (INT 1) <-- BOM flag (1=Assembly/Kit Master, 2=Component) fifo_lifo_flag (INT 1) <-- FIFO flag (1=Not used, 2=Date received, 3=Scan date, 4=Manual date) serial_no_flag (INT 1) <-- Serial/Tag flag (1=Not used, 2=Serialized, 3=Tagged, 4=Bulk-in-serial-out) lot_no_flag (INT 1) <-- Lot flag (0=Not used, 1=Is used) bin_loc_flag (INT 1) <-- Bin location flag (1=Is used) yes_no_fields_1 (INT 1) <-- Inactive Flag (0=Active, 1=Inactive) yes_no_fields_4 (INT 1) <-- Scan Product (0=No product scan required in scanners, 1=Product scan is required in scanners) yes_no_fields_5 (INT 1) yes_no_fields_6 (INT 1) yes_no_fields_7 (INT 1) yes_no_fields_8 (INT 1) yes_no_fields_9 (INT 1) clntserv_code1 (STR 15) <-- Current use is to identify ownership_type clntserv_code2 (STR 15) clntserv_code3 (STR 15) clntserv_code4 (STR 15) clntserv_code5 (STR 15) clntserv_code6 (STR 15) clntserv_code7 (STR 15) <-- Manufacturer clntserv_code8 (STR 15) <-- Freight Class clntserv_code9 (STR 15) <-- Country of Origin hts_number (STR 12) commodity_code (STR 5) product_line (STR 5) our_list_price (FLOAT 10,2) mfg_sugg_l_prc (FLOAT 10,2) order_qtys_13 (INT 10) <-- Minimum order qty order_qtys_14 (INT 10) <-- Maximum order qty measures_1 (FLOAT 10,2) <-- Unit Weight measures_2 (FLOAT 10,2) <-- Unit Cube measures_3 (FLOAT 10,2) <-- Length measures_4 (FLOAT 10,2) <-- Width measures_5 (FLOAT 10,2) <-- Height
Response: (includes new uid_no)
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https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{uid_no} [POST]
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{client_code}/{product_code} [POST]
Post Values:
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https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{uid_no} [DELETE]
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/product/{client_code}/{product_code} [DELETE]
Receipts are fulfillment information for ARNs
Available Filters [GET]
NOTE - Dates can be provided in any ISO datetime format and have some understanding of time based language
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Get all receipts for client 100 for yesterday
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Get all receipts for client 100 at inventory account 777
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/receipts/?client_code=100&location_id=777 [GET]
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https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/receipt/{receipt_id} [GET]
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Shipments are fulfillment information for Orders
Available Filters [GET]
Available Parameters [GET]
NOTE - Dates can be provided in any ISO datetime format and have some understanding of time based language
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https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/shipments/?shipment_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all shipments for client 100 shipped yesterday
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/shipments/?client_code=100&shipment_date=yesterday [GET]
Get all shipments for client 100 at inventory account 777
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/shipments/?client_code=100&location_id=777 [GET]
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Suppliers are use for incoming ARNs and associated to inventory
List All Suppliers:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/suppliers [GET]
List first 100 Suppliers
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/suppliers?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 suppliers at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/suppliers?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{supplier_code} [GET]
List Response:
[ { "client_code": "100", "supplier_code": "1", "bill_to_supp": "1", "client_bt_supp": "SUPPLIER1", "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER1", "name": "SUPPLIER1", "address_1": "100 First St", "address_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Los Angeles", "state_province": "CA", "zip_code": "10100", "country": "US", "contact_name": "SphereWMS Support", "telephone_1": "101-010-1010", "ext_cust_ref": "" }, ... ]
Individual Response
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https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier [POST]
Post Values:
client_code (required) (STR 10) client_bt_supp (required) (STR 15) client_st_supp (should be the same as client_bt_supp) (STR 15) name (STR 50) address_1 (STR 50) address_2 (STR 50) city (STR 35) state_province (STR 35) zip_code (STR 15) country (STR 3) contact_name (STR 30) telephone_1 (STR 22) ext_cust_ref (STR 50)
Response: (includes new supplier_code)
{ "client_code": "100", "supplier_code": "1", "bill_to_supp": "1", "client_bt_supp": "SUPPLIER1", "client_st_supp": "SUPPLIER1", "name": "SUPPLIER1", "address_1": "100 First St", "address_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Los Angeles", "state_province": "CA", "zip_code": "10100", "country": "US", "contact_name": "SphereWMS Support", "telephone_1": "101-010-1010", "ext_cust_ref": "" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{supplier_code} [POST]
Post Values:
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https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/supplier/{supplier_code} [DELETE]
Inventory transfers that are either pending or confirmed and posted.
Available Filters [GET]
Pending transfers request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transfers/?{filters...} [GET]
[ { "transfer_id": 503, "client_code": "100", "transfer_reference_1": "", "transfer_reference_2": "", "created_on": "20170605152014", "updated_by": "ben-uni17", "transfer_date": "20170605", "transfer_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "transfer_to": { "id": 102, "name": "QC Hold 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": 1 } ], "notes": "" }, { "transfer_id": 505, "client_code": "100", "transfer_reference_1": "CF1", "transfer_reference_2": "CF2", "created_on": "20170605152548", "updated_by": "ben-uni17", "transfer_date": "20170605", "transfer_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "transfer_to": { "id": 102, "name": "QC Hold 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": 2 } ], "notes": "" } ]
Confirmed and posted transfers request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transferhistorys/?{filters...} [GET]
[ { "transfer_id": 502, "client_code": "100", "transfer_reference_1": "CF1", "transfer_reference_2": "CF2", "created_on": "20170605121245", "posted_on": "20170605151244", "updated_by": "Ben Humphries -", "transfer_date": "20170605", "transfer_from": { "id": 100, "name": "Finished Goods 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "transfer_to": { "id": 102, "name": "QC Hold 100", "street_1": "100 Main St", "street_2": "Suite 100", "street_3": "", "street_4": "", "city": "Dallas", "state_or_province": "TX", "postal_code": "10100", "country": "US" }, "items": [ { "line": 1, "product_id": 65, "product_code": "WIDGET-BISO", "product_description": "Widget-BISO", "quantity": 1 } ], "notes": "COMMENTS" } ]
Pending transfer request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transfer/{transfer_id} [GET]
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Confirmed and posted transfer request:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/transferhistory/{transfer_id} [GET]
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Wavepicks that are currently in the system (if module is installed in the environment)
List All wavepicks:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/wavepicks [GET]
List first 100 wavepicks
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/wavepicks?limit=100 [GET]
List third page of 10 wavepicks at a time
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/wavepicks?limit=10&page=2 [GET]
Individual Record:
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/wavepicks/{uid_no} [GET]
List Response:
[ { "uid": 16, "client_code": "100", "description": "", "no_linked_ord": 2, "operator": "ben-aspgs", "date": "20170504", "time": "12:55:35" }, ... ]
Individual Response
{ "uid": 16, "client_code": "100", "description": "", "no_linked_ord": 2, "operator": "ben-aspgs", "date": "20170504", "time": "12:55:35" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/wavepick [POST]
Post Values:
client_code (String - Client Code) description (String - Wave Description) no_linked_ord (Integer - Number of orders in the wave) operator (String - Webuser Id) date (String - Created date [YYYYMMDD]) time (String - Created time [HH:MM:SS])
Response: (includes new uid_no)
{ "uid": 16, "client_code": "100", "description": "", "no_linked_ord": 2, "operator": "ben-aspgs", "date": "20170504", "time": "12:55:35" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/wavepick/{uid} [POST]
Post Values:
client_code (String - Client Code) description (String - Wave Description) no_linked_ord (Integer - Number of orders in the wave) operator (String - Webuser Id) date (String - Created date [YYYYMMDD]) time (String - Created time [HH:MM:SS])
{ "uid": 16, "client_code": "100", "description": "", "no_linked_ord": 2, "operator": "ben-aspgs", "date": "20170504", "time": "12:55:35" }
https://api.spherewms.com/v2/wms/faes-api/wavepick/{uid} [DELETE]